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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. S-47 berkut ? It's pure experimental plane - none chance to serial producting. T-50 (PAK-FA) is another story: first planes starting service in 2009-2010 (as modification I)...
  2. It is terrible to ask, that you think about the Iranian islam fundamentalists - socialists... The political system of Iran is islamic socialism: greater part of economy is controlled the state.
  3. Let a policy roll to the devil! A few words about 1.44 : most unsuccessful project MIG, money a great number was spent. Verdict of state comission: 1) an airplane does not fit for a mass production 2) an airplane can not be a prototype for the fighter of fifth generation 3) an airplane dissatisfies a requirement specification 4) planned price serially airplane too great: 70 millions $ in prices 2000 year. For it almost all MIG boss was discharged from an office, and criminal investigation is begun on the facts of stealing of state facilities and illegal export of repair parts for MIG-29.
  4. F...cking machine translator, it is needed to check up every phrase...
  5. UPDATE: Kh-55 (Non nuclear HE, warhead) purchased on Ukraine in 2000-2001, can used on F-14, Su-24, F-4... Yasser - laser guided missile, M117 warhead + Hawk body. Sattar-1,2,3 AIM-54 body + laser guidance system. Still WIP Sattar-4, Toophan-2 (iranian tow-2) http://rapidshare.com/files/149456721/iran_weapons.rar.html
  6. I gave birth in Soviet Union and lived the half of the life there. On an aggregate these were the luckiest days of my life, because years from 1992 to 1998 were a continuous nightmare for me. P.S. I try to remember even one good news, seen on a TV in 1992-1998 and does not can... P.P.S. I am always merry to read the reflections of life in Russia from people which never were there...
  7. http://www.turbosquid.com/Forum/Index.cfm/...tThreadID/17331
  8. [canopy] section in _data.ini of course...
  9. i observed this problem with F-1C canopy i changed Setting[1].Angle=0.0 from 45.0. CHANGING THIS OPTION: ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE to FALSE will delete canopy glass.
  10. Idea is simple: one plane or ground forces lock target and give light on target, attacking plane drop LGB on low altitude & high speed. Without retard effect (like on snakee) bomb can't lock the target on high speed and missed.
  11. UPDATE: Retard-2000, Retard-1000, Retard-750 laser guided bomb (Iran) note: correct laser designator needed (AVQ-9 (OLD) or TIS-33 (NEW) ) from http://skyfire.blogfa.com/8604.aspx http://rapidshare.com/files/148608002/iran_weapons.rar.html 2000: 750: 1000: 750 MER to target!
  12. all very simply: you take drafts, technical description and do... like this iranian Tow-2A in example...
  13. UPDATE: Kosar (1) missile - chinnese c-701 analog, kosar-3 model small changes (added missile rail), Nasr ASM - iranian copy of C-704 (China) http://rapidshare.com/files/148378238/iran_weapons.rar.html P.S. "THEY" just repared my internet (after 6 hours of waiting)...
  14. GOA airbase. We long time worked above the Indian projects, for me much acquainted, which were in India 3-6 months, and many pictures are eventual.
  15. UPDATE: NEW: AGM-379/20 Zoobin - EOGR based on M117 warhead 20 km range, use same seeker like GBU-67/9A, ASM Kosar 3 based on C-701, but with Active radar warhead, i maked new c-701 model with release animation and 5 nozzles, Kosar 1 (full C701, YJ-7 copy) i will add later; maybe i will make Nasr, Yasser, 750lb & 1000 lb retard bombs, some of Sattar 1-4 missiles & new Iranian laser designator. FIXED: GBU-67/9A wing span reducted, GBU-78A LOD minor changes, AIM-23 service years corrected. http://rapidshare.com/files/148055163/iran_weapons.rar.html F-4 & AGM-379/20 Kosar 3 F-4 & Kosar 3 ASM & Fattar IRM (PL-9C) & L203 Sorbtsia ECM pod (Chinese re-export from Russia) (use same pod like Gardenia, pod is universal ) & FT GBU-67/9A & IRM Fattar
  16. Not quite so... REAL way is: Tu-95 -> Tu-95RC- - -| \ V \->Tu-114 - -> Tu-142 Tu-142 created on basis Tu-114 to civil modification Tu-95. Tu-114 was hosen because has a greater free volume of fuselage. Necessary equipment, was so large, that not placed in Tu-95RC, which was the first prototype for That-142. which was the first prototype for Tu-142. Some private Tu-142 pictures (India)
  17. Hello! i created some new things: http://rapidshare.com/files/147475263/MP-1..._Darya.rar.html - 1-st: LOD for MP-1000 Martin Pescador Missile - 2nd: AS-25K family - deep MP-1000 modification: 4 missiles - (3 LOD's) AS-25K-RC - Semi Auto RC, AS-25K-TV, AS-25K-IR, AS-25K-LS - laser guided missile (used IR LOD) - 3rd: Fajr-e-Darya (Sea Dawn) iranian ASM-TV guided missile, based on chinese copy of Marte Mk 2 used on Iranian SH-3's. It was uneasily to find reliable information about it. I plan to do a few Iranian missiles and Giuded bombs: AIM-23 (AA Hawk), GBU-67/9A Qadr , AGM-379/20 Zoobin, GBU-78 Ghassed, maybe Sattar 1,2,3,4. Bonus: iran names | original names of weapons Kosar | C-701 Noor | C-801/802 Fattar | PL-9 Sayyad 1 | HQ-2B (SA-2) Ghareh | SA-5 Misaqh 1/2 | QW-1/2 Vanguard Fajr | RIM-66 RAAD | HY-2 (P-15) Styx Shahab Thaqeb | HQ-7 (FM-80)
  18. 3D Object Converter http://web.axelero.hu/karpo/
  19. I maked AS-15TT & Marte Mk.2 - small range Anti-ship missiles for helicopters. http://rapidshare.com/files/146641060/AS-1...te_Mk2.rar.html
  20. Will this knife really work with an AK47 ?

    Read this book (Russian/english) it will help you, knifes photo placed on pages 185-189. http://rapidshare.com/files/146854772/kala_a_W_T.rar.html
  21. R-500 is Iskander ? I have R-2 dravings is R-1 (V-2) variant... i can make this. R-3 NEVER FLY, project was canceled on paper stage.. R-11 is more smaller variant of R-17 i have no draft of r-11 but i can use R-17 model as reference A-35 is 2 stage missile http://www.wonderland.org.nz/a-35.htm i can make this, but as one stage missile.
  22. I have a good reference book on Russian missles, I can do some SS models and some ship armanent missiles. If missiles LOD's are needed for the armament of ships or gound objects write... i try help.
  23. One little problem: the drafts of weapon end for me, soon there is nothing it will be to do... I would like to create the followings weapons but not have drafts : - Star ARM Missile (Israel) - RBS15G Bomb (Sweden) - Barb ARM Bomb (S-Africa) - Mathogo AT missile (Argentina) Anyone can help my?

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