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Everything posted by lindr2

  1. I maked Kh-55 & kh-55SM Also (As-15) Just wait... P.S. Kh-20 drawings (rus/eng) http://www.airwar.ru/weapon/kr/x20.html
  2. Small weapons pack, includes soviet (Kh-15 familly, rat-52), japan (asm-1, 1C, 2) & taiwan missiles (Tc-2, HF-2) for testing (not finished yet).... http://rapidshare.com/files/138787599/New_Weapons.rar.html
  3. I found a few interesting facts. One of leading specialists of corporation ROSKOSMOS get to the followings conclusions: - the Iranian rocket is advanced modification of Dun-2 (2000-2100 KM radius, chinese version of R-12) - the Iranian rocket has 2nd the stage, absent in an original model - Soviet space rocket "Space" was created analogical appearance on a base R-12 rocket by adding 2nd the stage - the Iranian rocket, same like "Space" can be started from a rocket mine. - Soviet space rocket "Space" data : max orbit height - 220 KM, max sattelite mass 450-350 KG, depending the orbit angle.
  4. BBC: Iran has successfully launched its first domestically made communications satellite into space, according to reports. Iranian TV showed what it said was the launch of the satellite called Safir-e Omid (Hope Envoy) in darkness. VIDEO http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7566898.stm
  5. Link not work (Host not found). Please, re-upload on rapidshare...
  6. Georgia moves against separatists

    "Free" Press Foxnews http://ru.youtube.com/watch?v=H8XI2Chc6uQ
  7. Georgia moves against separatists

    No propaganda, just facts "...military issue in destroying potential threats to your operations" One of the Russian generals said : " Georgia attacked peacemakers. It is an aggressor, in accordance with the mandate of UN we conduct its disarmament, that it never was anymore able to begin new war. "
  8. Georgia moves against separatists

    No Spetznaz! One simple question was set: we must destroy objects, presenting a danger for us. Choose : engineers or air strike ?
  9. Georgia moves against separatists

    After negotiations and by administration of Poti, the group of the engineers arrived on trucks from Base next to Sinaki, blew up ships and other objects of coastguard and returned back, the Georgian police provided safety of civilians.
  10. Georgia moves against separatists

    Russian version (machine translation, may have errors) The Russian peacemakers again refuted reports about the capture of Poti The representative of staff of the Russian peacemakers in the area of conflict refuted reports that the Russian troops allegedly occupied the Georgian city Poti. Peacemakers assert that no cities and settlements they occupied. Russian soldiery specified, that near cities Gory, Senaki, and Poti, where large military storages are, peacemakers found plenty of military equipment, weapon and live ammunitions, abandoned by retreating Georgian soldiery. Russian soldiery take storages under control, "..For this weapon uncontrolledly did not come unravelled on Caucase". Before the Georgian side accused the Russian soldiery in captures Georgian cities of Poti, Gory row of other settlements. Afterwards this information was refuted both by Russian soldiery and Georgian MVD. In particular, MVD of Georgia explained that Russian armor in Gory helps in a transfer soldiery to S-Ossetia, a city is not occuped. Russian soldiery on August, 13 blew up three ships of service of coastguard of boundary department of Georgia in port of city Poti, reported on a site Korrespondent.net. On information of the Ukrainian internet publishing, it happened on eyes for local journalists straight at moorage.
  11. Georgia moves against separatists

    South Osetia TV capture http://dpmoney.ru/Default2.aspx?ArticleID=...c3&open=sec
  12. Georgia moves against separatists

    South Osetia TV capture http://dpmoney.ru/Default2.aspx?ArticleID=...c3&open=sec
  13. Georgia moves against separatists

    One simple question: 20 000 habitants of Tshinvaly is sleeping, MLRS & Artillery stike starrted waterline is off, fire started all hills surrounding site on enemy hands, it's shoting on every moving targets include firemens, then >50 georgian tanks and infantry entered on site and kill everybody who is met. How time needed is this cause to kill 7% site habitants (1500) ? P.S. in 08,09 Avg only russians channels gived direct TV translation from Tshinvali with heavy risk journalists life. Most on this video you never seen on CNN, why? Because Georgia is most important USA sattelite on caucasus. Position "If I did not see it on CNN it's not possible" is direct way to hell...
  14. Georgia moves against separatists

    1200 innocent peoples, killed on sleeping site on first 5 hours of war is NOT CENOCIDE? Georgian bandits who turn off waterline and attack peacefull site on MLRS & 152mm shell & bombs NOT war criminals? 1200-1400 killed civilians is ? REALLY DOUBLE STANDART!
  15. SOORy it's not for wide showing movie, because it's contents secret infomation of india AF systems. We (russian avioncs corporation) have some contracts for India AF, but on some moment they said, "radar which you work above, not enough good! you will look that was done by ELTA! ", and passed to us for the official viewing of video, taken off for the closed demonstration. We looked well..
  16. LOL? ordinary reclame. Sometimes ago i & my colleagues on work (we are russian radars designers ) looked presentation video of new israely air radar degigned for India with " real time ground target search & identification MFD screen capture" on frame to frame mode - Lot of video editing! Video showed - search & identification on "real time", but little clock digits showed on two successive frames go forvard on 3 minutes! Or one target showed, and boom! on next frame target have another very different from previous coordinates, but voice say: "ground target is autotracking!"
  17. Georgia moves against separatists

    Today in Russia day of mourning... Last knows casualtes list: RUSSIAN ARMY & PEACEMAKERS: 74 KIA, 19 MIA, up to 10-15 tanks & BMP, 1 Tu-22M3, 3 Su-25 up to 170 wounded. SO Republic ARMY & civillian: up to 1600 Abkhazian Republic Army: 5 wounded. In Georgia 3-day mourning... Official casualties: 172, more Russian journalist & military persones unnofficially said: "Georgia losе up to 4000, include civillians" One Russian military journalist said on russian news site "utro" some facts: "A column from 50 trucks with the mobilized reservists moved from Kutaisi for help besieged Gory. I saw as the Russian airplanes fully bombed out its with cluster bombs. Not many Surviving soldiers scattered..." "At East of Gory Russian forces destroyed fully Georgian infanry Brigade up to 1500 Georgian soldiers KIA & MIA. All Technics was captured by our army." 200 Georgian soldiers captured near & in Tshinvaly, investigation is now conducted, all not guilty in war crimes will be exchanged on russian POW. GOD BLESS RUSSIAN ARMY! & Deep condolence all, who lost the relatives in this terrible war...
  18. Georgia moves against separatists

    One additional reason: >75% Sudan oil field controlled chinnese companies. China will never allow anybody to attack sudan.
  19. Georgia moves against separatists

    Russian MoD Press-conference on Russian_TV: 1)Operation in S-O ended, mission Accomplish 2) All units have order stop end stay on reached positions 3) Operation of desarming georgian forces on west Georgia (in zone 12.5 km east from Abkhazian Republic border ) to be continued. 4) Kodory zone almost secured, only 2 high montains vilages still in unsecured. 5) Sinaki airfield stay on russian hands. 6) Some Georgian units still in S-Osethia, they must be withdraw. 7) Any Attempts to Attack on Russian or SO forces will be neitralized by any possible methods. GOD BLESS RUSSIAN ARMY !!! P.S. Russians always talked: Bad peace is better than good war.
  20. Georgia moves against separatists

    SORRy my english is bad, corrected version: Great Russian Commander Suvorov (XVIII Century) said: "...forest, not fully cut down quickly grows again" Well, the Russian troops will come home, after this US will give Georgia very much much money and they will recover force of the army, and will begin war new! That then to do Russia? Russia must obtain a situation, when Georgia will be unable to wage war. In addition the Georgian war criminals must appear feather INTERNATIONAL court. Those, who burned women and children alive, pressed escaping habitants tanks must be convict! GOD BLESS RUSSIAN ARMY!
  21. Georgia moves against separatists

    Great Russian Commander of XVIII Century Suvorov said: "...not end the cut down forest quickly grows again" well, the Russian troops will come home, US will give Georgia very much much money and they will recover force of the army, and will begin war new! That then to do Russia? Russia must a dobitsya situation, when Georgia will be unable to wage war. In addition the Georgian war criminals must appear feather INTERNATIONAL tribunal. Those, who burned women and children alive, pressed escaping habitants tanks must be convict! GOD BLESS RUSSIAN ARMY!
  22. Georgia moves against separatists

    At 22:00 on Moskow time Russian TV talk unconfirmed NEWS: Georgian Small missile ships try attack Russian fleet in neitral waters, at least one Georgian ships sinked... And 2 Two confirmed news: - on tshinvali found 4 death body balck mens in camouflage whitout markers, looks like is americans instructors or special forces. - 2 dead body of western journalist placed on tshinvali morgue, doctors said: they was wonded 8? 9? aug by georgian shells explosive, we cannot help him...
  23. Georgia moves against separatists

    one problem....Russian TV lol. Russian TV continues translation UN meeting, but CNN, BBC? NOT !!! Interesting Why? P.S. 20:40 on Moskow UK end speach, Italy, croatia talk YOU see IT?
  24. Georgia moves against separatists

    Sorry, i'm heard this phrase in rusians on direct TV translation on 13:30 Moskow time, Russia's Defence Ministry said " we confirmed , that in this night SOME Georgian forces withdraw Tskhinvali around" SOME BUT NOT ALL !!! Look like It's regroop for desorientated us... GOD BLESS RUSSIAN ARMY!
  25. Georgia moves against separatists

    Russian army contineues fight, because Georgian forces NOT cease fire and NOT withdraw from S-Osetia. Saakashvili is patalogy liar! When Russia offered Saakashvili sign pact of non-using power in conflict zone, He said "..I wil never start war against my people, this pact not needed" At ~ 22.00 07.aug.2008 He said : "... Georgia newer start war first" . And after 2 Hours ar 00:00 08.08.2008 The Georgian artillery began to convert SO cities to blazing ruins... Is it possible to trust this man on a word? GOD BLESS RUSSIAN ARMY!

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