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About C46thVA

  1. Hey Guys, I wanted to post some screenshots but the files are to large. What is the best way to post shots here. Sorry but Im not on these here computer machine things. C46th out
  2. Are any of the AAMRAM series of air to air missles fire and forget? in other words can I select another radar target after I launch one at the current target? C46th out
  3. Im addicted to strike missions in my beloved F-4S and the F-4G Wild Weasel V, next for me is the A-7 series. I really love a mission that calls for the destruction of a runway. In that case I load up on SnakeEyes and scream in low, frying chickens in the barnyard as they say. I like to unload my bombs down the centerline of the runway, cratering the hell out of it. Then its full AB, chaff,flares, and climb for the clouds. I tried to attach some screenshots to illustrate this, but the file was too large. As soon as my dumba** figures out how to make the file smaller I attach some screenies. C46th out
  4. Thanks Wrench, dodging SAMs all over the place now. C46th out
  5. Do I need the weapons editor to edit those files and/or add the newer SAMs etc that Wrench was talking about? Ive been dreading doing that as it sounds like a pain in the butt, but I suppose Ill do it if it has to be done. BTW, Wrench, can you send a link to your site? C46th out
  6. Sorry forgot to add that Im talking SFP1 here not WOE. Can the SAMs be upgraded with addition of add-ons?
  7. Ive noticed that Im not seeing any SAM batterys at all in Single Missions. Im running the latest version of the game SP4 Wpns Pack etc etc. Ive been flying in the late 90s with different add-on aircraft. Any ideas on what could be going on?? C46th out
  8. Thanks for the info guys, nice pic of the pit BTW,
  9. Does anybody know if enhanced pits are available for the F4s or F4g Wild Weasel V?? I looked around but didnt see any at the usual sites. C46th out
  10. Trust me, I have no illusions about my flying skills!!! Im a pi** poor jet jock for sure, but what do you expect from an old grunt! I have noticed that my sparrows NEVER get a kill but AAMRAMs work pretty good. C46th out
  11. Yeah, I figured it out pretty fast, my neighbor was a Navy Phantom driver, he squared me away with a quickness. I tried to get him to play SFP1 but he said if he started in with the game he would never stop and his wife would divorce him. He also said I couldnt fly my way out of a paper bag. C46th out
  12. Thanks guys, got it worked out now. lets see if I can put those new counter-measures to good use!! enough admin, time to fly C46th out
  13. Crusader I edited the ini files as per your instructions. The only problem is that the flares and chaff seem to come out of the rear section of the upper fuselage. Anyway to fix that?? C46th out
  14. Thanks for the intel dump. Ive never tweaked a game as much as I have for SFP1, just goes to show ya how addictive/fun this game is C46th out

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