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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. As long as TK is actively supporting his products, we'll have to live with what he throws in, right? Any "third party" code changes would be overwritten in the next patch anyway...
  2. And, along the way, some unknown guy will "free" the code, thus becoming a legend...Probably won't happen, but still it's nice to wish for it...
  3. Agreed. I'd like this one (as in: yeah more warpac stuff would be great, but I wish for this one to appear some day too):
  4. Is Stary Getting old?

    Wszystkiego najlepszego Przemku!
  5. EURO 2012

    What a bummer! :(
  6. EURO 2012

  7. Prometheus

    You lucky bstards! Poles will have to wait till July 20th :( This kind of b-s**t makes people torrent movies....
  8. A Crossroads in History

    No freedom to Polish & other Central European nations...
  9. 1. Mercenary campaign, where you BUY planes and weapons for your squadron. 2. I think TK mentioned long time ago that the EXP3 with Mirage F.1 would be for the original SF2. I could be wrong about this one tho...
  10. Well, just brilliant, another locked object. Lods, .lst, .fx and now .wav files. "Cause we don't really need them to mod the game"....
  11. I extracted the content of flightdata.cat using TWextractor, but no WAVs there...
  12. Back up

    Perhaps Eric will be able to shed some light when he's back. Fortunately for us, all bad things come to an end !
  13. Back up

    But of course. We'll even give whole honey-sweetened 30 days off!
  14. Back up

    It's so effin good to be home! Edit: congrats Przemek! Though being slefish I hope that wedding planning won't interfere too much with mod making!
  15. I thought that Exp3 is for SF2/Desert map and not the GermanyCE one? But yeah, locking out shader .fx files & .lst files seems uncalled for... Anyway we need to plan a contingency (i.e breaking in to TW oficces in Austin, TX, to steal the source code) in case TK gives up on SF series in the future.
  16. Here's my take on the subject: By Christmas we'll get EXP3 (must buy for me, unless it's totally f&$d up), and the tablet/mobile game next spring. I'm not gonna buy the latter, but still I hope TK will make a nice profit off it. So that he can continue to improve SF series gameplay wise.
  17. Could you post or upload those edited ini files, please?
  18. Just a guess, but try changing Format=JPG to Format=BMP in Options.ini file in your MOD directory.
  19. hmm, aren't there recon crusaders in SF2:V Air & Ground expansion?
  20. zmiana urzywania znaków Sił Zbrojnych RP

    Lepiej by było jak by użyli wersji "lo-viz".
  21. Good catch! Did you report it to TK over @ TW forums?
  22. M&B Warband Napoleonic DLC

    Sharp's Rifles! hums: ....King George commands and we obey... ....Flanders, Portugal & Spain....

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