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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. If you'd find some time to do Chieftain tank...I can provide high quality orthogonal pictures!
  2. Correct. Here's an entry from F-4E's data.ini file: [DetectSystem] RadarType=AIR_INTERCEPT RadarFamilyName=F-4 RangeUnit=NM RadarAzimuthLimit=60 RadarElevationLimit=60 RadarSearchTime=1.0 RadarSearchRange=100 RadarSearchStrength=100 RadarTrackTime=5.0 RadarTrackRange=80 RadarTrackStrength=80 RadarSearchFreq=9.8 RadarTrackFreq=9.8 RadarMissileGuidanceFreq=6.0 RadarSearchCW=FALSE RadarTrackCW=FALSE RadarMissileGuidanceCW=TRUE VisualBlindArc=5,6,7 VisualRestrictedArc=4L,8L MaxVisibleDistance=10000.0 HasRWR=TRUE RWRMinFreq=2.0 RWRMaxFreq=18.0 RWRCanDetectCW=TRUE And here's one from F-15's: [DetectSystem] RadarType=AIR_INTERCEPT RadarFamilyName=F-15 RangeUnit=NM RadarAzimuthLimit=60 RadarElevationLimit=60 RadarSearchTime=1.0 RadarSearchRange=160 RadarSearchStrength=100 RadarTrackTime=2.0 RadarTrackRange=80 RadarTrackStrength=120 DopplerLookdown=TRUE <- -----------------------------------this entry is what makes the difference! RadarSearchFreq=9.8 RadarTrackFreq=9.8 RadarMissileGuidanceFreq=6.0 RadarSearchCW=FALSE RadarTrackCW=FALSE RadarMissileGuidanceCW=TRUE VisualBlindArc=5,6,7 VisualRestrictedArc=4L,8L MaxVisibleDistance=11000.0 HasRWR=TRUE RWRMinFreq=1.0 RWRMaxFreq=20.0 RWRCanDetectCW=TRUE
  3. And don't forget to set ObejctsFade=FALSE in options.ini, otherwise changing detailmeshsize won't have any affect!
  4. TW F-14 has a MaxG set at 6.5 in data.ini , but wasn't this limit imposed by the Navy in the late 80's/90's? Wasn't F-14 initially a 7-8g aircraft? 6.5g seem slightly low for the few years old F-14A airframes we get to play in 1979 SF2:NA....
  5. Thanks for the thorough and informative answer Caesar! Just what I was looking for! Now gotta change that nasty MaxG to 7 (7.2 )
  6. 10 Years with Combat Ace

    And may it last many many more!
  7. Gerwin, your settings do have one disadvantage though: they disable cockpit night lighting, at least that is the case with my computer .
  8. Which means that with the new terrain, the GPU has to render so f&king many polygons, that even 580GTX can't keep up. I think someone mentioned (Stary?) some time ago, that the LOD based terrain has circa 20x more polys, than the old ones. Basically TK overdid it this time...
  9. Just set the Terrain Detail to low in options, should give nice FPS bump while still looking decent.
  10. Yeah, I know, I'm using it too!
  11. What TK could do is provide lower detail LODs for the parts of the terrain being rendered in distance. Whatya think?
  12. Yes, set Terrain Detail to low if you haven't already. It looks only slightly worse than medium or high, while providing acceptable framerates. As an alternative you could use Gerwin's tile-based TFD/HFD replacement terrain: http://combatace.com/topic/71249-sf2na-iceland-classic-tfdhfd-terrain/
  13. Great job m8! Should do for now, until someone (cough, Centurion-1, cough ) will do a proper pit!
  14. http://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/content.php?176-welcome_1 Requires original Falcon 4.0 CD for installation.
  15. That was a good read, thanks Wrench! From the book (about A-7D, E and C (presumably, since it shared avionics with E)): "Other components of Navigation and Weapon Delivery System (NWDS) included a Doppler radar system, inertial measurement set, air data computer, tactical computer, projected moving map display, armament station control unit, and a forward-looking radar that provided air-to-ground ranging, terrain-following and terrain avoidance, as well as other data. What the NWDS did was give the A-7 a greatly improved weapon delivery accuracy." It looks like it was possible for said A-7 versions to attack targets at night using all this fancy radar & inertial computers & systems. It wasn't as accurate as day ops until they started to use FLIR pods in 1979, I guess. So, is it safe to assume A-7C, D & E can be set to DAY_AND_NIGHT in data.ini to better reflect their capabilities? Oh, and in game terms, we have CCIP HUD, ground mapping radar, bright nights and the magic "E" key to melp us deal with the midnight urges.
  16. Right, I've also found some references (google) to night sorties during the Vietnam War...but nothing specific as to employment of weapons...How did they bomb/attack/strike at night without FLIR equipment receceived a decade later? Did Vietnam era A-7s had some ballistic computers that enabled bomb release at a preprogrammed coordinates or smth?
  17. I think (according. to wikipedia ;P ) that A-7's received the night attack capability in late 70's/ early 80's.
  18. Nvidia 301.24 Beta Drivers Available Now

    Yup, gotta say that l FXAA works flawlessly with SF2:NA! Adaptive VSync is a nice feature too!
  19. Yup, though I just renamed it to waternormal.bmp & copied over.
  20. Thanks Gerwin! Your work, together with Skatezilla's AWACS filtered speech, is a must have for SF2:NA! EDIT: May I suggest including orignal waternormal from NA? It's much better than the old one!
  21. Disable the TGA compression (RLE) when saving the tga file in Paint.NET!
  22. Thanks for the clarification mate, but my question wasn't geared towards criticism. Just wanted to make a point that we don't have to rely on TK extractor IF someone would produce another "community" tool (not for the LODs of course ).

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