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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Just a question: wasn't the first cat extractor back from the SFP1 days a reverse engineered tool?
  2. Use your MOD folder, not the GAME INSTALLATION folder bro! It should be in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents \ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Terrains\
  3. I think TK relaxed the restrictions on environmentsystem.ini (though didn't unlock it completely). yesterday I managed to get a "broken" cloud cover with cloud base as low as circa 7000 ft! Before SF2:NA the lowest I observed was like 12000-13000 feet. Stary, has your SARCASM 1.2 mod had anything to do with it?
  4. I'd wait for the April 2012 patch, but I'm not being completely objective here .
  5. Su-34 Fullback skin pack and bits for SF2

    It's stealware bro...Nice skins btw!
  6. Still single missions only...
  7. Unless patch fixes wrong entries in aircraft.ini files. Restoring whole folder back (indiscriminately) is not always a good idea, imo!
  8. Now F-14 displays rwr rings when radar is off!
  9. Just wanted to report a severe FPS loss over Iceland (like cut in half). I guess the new lod terrain is a heavy drain on resources, plus having everything on unlimited/high doesn't help either. The 'cat looks great though!
  10. Yes, there's one good solution, it's costly though - get a SSD drive!
  11. So, I've been tinkering lately with the idea of actually learning the basics of 3d modeling stuff. I've installed the latest Blender 2.62, which I must say "looks" quite accessible. Sooo here's the question: if I export an object to *.3ds file, will it carry over any animations created in Blender or will they have to be recreated from a scratch in 3Ds MAX proper?
  12. It's hyping the hype bro and, apparently, it works!
  13. Well, as soon as I'll model ANTYHING, I'll try it, lol. BTW, from what I've read, starting with 2.5 Blender received a redesigned UI. Have you considered updating?
  14. Thanks Monty, but I don't see any VRLM option in File->Export in Blender? Could elaborate on it matey? THX!
  15. Holy s&^%$ Veltro! Iskra is much much much appreciated! Are you planning to do Iryda in the future as well?
  16. Off Subject

    But it was turbo-burbo man! Lol, there's always an exception. Currently I drive '02 Mazda 323 1.6, it averages 24-25 MPG :( . But it's strictly city traffic. Not the most efficient "jeuropean" car, I know...
  17. Happy birthday to...

    Happy Birthday!
  18. Off Subject

    Circa $6.95 a gallon in Białystok, Poland. Also most of European cars have 1.0-2.0 liter engines, so the fuel consumption is lower than American V6 and V8, right?
  19. Monty, sorry for butting in, but wouldn't using normal FM for player level the ground?
  20. Nice! But you'll have to admit that the target "audience" for the necomimi is, erm, quite specific? EDIT: Stary, you forgot to mention that FSX has a porked coding, that's why the're running it on OC'ed quad/hex cores .
  21. Might be sooner than that! EPOC neuroheadset: http://www.emotiv.com/apps/epoc/299/ Not quite there yet, but quite promising. I wonder what they'll come up with in 10 or 20 years.
  22. Non-US Movies About War

    Talvisota (The Winter War) - Finland Cross of Iron - UK/West Germany Kanal (Kanał) - Poland Idi i smotri (Come and See) - USSR Not strictly war movies, but movies set during the war, telling important story: Katyń (Katyn) - Poland Europa Europa - Germany/France/Poland Popiół i Diament (Ashes and Diamonds) - Poland Pokolenie (A Generation) - Poland The Pianist - France/Poland/Germany/UK
  23. Gents, you won't have time to play with t**ts once SF2:NA is out! EDIT: so true, eraser_tr! Even Alan Wake finally made it to the PC, and the devs are quite happy with how well it's selling. Being priced at 20 euros definately helps it, though. EDIT2: PC will never die as a gaming platform, imo, it will evolve. In this decade digital distribution will likely supersede boxed retail. So we'll end up with steam, origin etc. being the new gamestores. I'll miss the boxes, but man, how much shelf space will it save?

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