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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. AFAIK SF2 engine doesn't support volumetric clouds (yet).
  2. is it not possible to keep BOTH operating systems (on a separate partitions)? Using boot menu you'd be able to choose wich OS to boot.
  3. I see no reason for several campaigns not being included (early '70s, late 70's, early '80s). As with EVERY other standalone TW game.
  4. Patch 1.23 is ready!

    And has some VERY cool features! My link
  5. Really? Over Shoes?

    Why so many of those young people were Afroamericans? It seemed really strange to me...Are Jordan Air marketed specifically towards Afroamericans in the US? Is it something like a rap culture?
  6. Suspending Water

    Man, sometimes you just gotta love physics ^_^
  7. So....JonathanRL is having a birthday today!

    Happy Birthday Jonathan!
  8. If the installers are all at May 2011 patch level or later, then you can install them "orderless" :)
  9. Fighter Ops

    Fighter Ops is a Duke Nukem Forever of flight sims! Plus you actually have to PAY to gain access to current news and progress reports/screenshots and stuff, or so I heard........
  10. Errr, Dave, it's not MY tileset, it's Stary's! I just "resized" it to 512, I think. Which, in turn, is dead simple to do, as compared to creating new tiles form scratch. All kudos go to Stary!
  11. It's SidDogs birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  12. 7 Dec 1941

  13. It's SFP1Ace's Birthday

    Thanks guys! It's the last year when I'm gonna be still in my 20's I'll have to make the most of it before I turn into an old 30 y.o.
  14. [FormationType005] Name=SovietTank FormationType=GROUND BaseLevel=3 Level[01].Name=Battalion Level[01].Size=3 Level[01].HasCommandObject=TRUE Level[01].Formation[01]=SovietTankBnAttack Level[01].Formation[02]=SovietTankBnDefend Level[02].Name=Company Level[02].Size=3 Level[02].HasCommandObject=TRUE Level[02].Formation[01]=SovietTankCoAttack Level[02].Formation[02]=SovietTankCoDefend Level[03].Name=Platoon Level[03].Size=3 Level[03].Formation[01]=SovietTankPlAttack Level[03].Formation[02]=SovietTankPlDefend [FormationType006] Name=SovietAD FormationType=GROUND BaseLevel=3 Level[01].Name=Battalion Level[01].Size=2 Level[01].Formation[01]=SovietMobileADBn Level[02].Name=Company Level[02].Size=2 Level[02].Formation[01]=SovietMobileADCo Level[03].Name=Platoon Level[03].Size=2 Level[03].Formation[01]=SovietMobileADPl [FormationType007] Name=USTank FormationType=GROUND BaseLevel=2 Level[01].Name=Company Level[01].Size=3 Level[01].HasCommandObject=TRUE Level[01].Formation[01]=USTankCoAttack Level[01].Formation[02]=USTankCoDefend Level[02].Name=Platoon Level[02].Size=4 Level[02].Formation[01]=USTankPltAttack Level[02].Formation[02]=USTankPltDefend [FormationType008] Name=USAD FormationType=GROUND BaseLevel=2 Level[01].Name=Company Level[01].Size=2 Level[01].Formation[01]=USMobileADCo Level[02].Name=Platoon Level[02].Size=2 Level[02].Formation[01]=USMobileADPl Anyone successfully expanded USTank & USAD up to Battalion level & willing to share entries for offense/defence?
  15. So if I increased USTank formation, like this: [FormationType007] Name=USTank FormationType=GROUND BaseLevel=3 Level[01].Name=Battalion Level[01].Size=2 Level[01].HasCommandObject=TRUE Level[01].Formation[01]=USTankBnAttack Level[01].Formation[02]=USTankBnDefend Level[02].Name=Company Level[02].Size=3 Level[02].HasCommandObject=TRUE Level[02].Formation[01]=USTankCoAttack Level[02].Formation[02]=USTankCoDefend Level[03].Name=Platoon Level[03].Size=4 Level[03].Formation[01]=USTankPltAttack Level[03].Formation[02]=USTankPltDefend with appropriate USTankBnAttack and USTankBnDefend entries, it would crash the game during CAS missions?
  16. Jonathan, didn't cocas mean the TW/CA "Two weeks"? You know, the internal joke? As in "two weeks" = ready when it's ready?
  17. *Jingle from the WB Looney Tunes is playing now*
  18. Thanks for the info, Crusader! Boy, the things you learn thanks to the Internet!
  19. The best Rpg,s ever made?

    Planescape: Torment FTW!
  20. So... If I understand it correctly, no TWS mode for F-15C until (at least) 1981 - RAM can pass as a sort of TWS, yes? What about F-15A then, did it EVER received anything vaguely similar to TWS, or was it reserved only for the C (APG-63PSP and APG-70) versions?
  21. Oh, I know the answer - it would cost too much...
  22. Hmmm, the max horizon distance has already been cut down from 75 to 62 km... I guess now we'll see 50km.....

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