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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Monty CZ, IIRC, int the late '30s, apart from the territorial claims, nazi Germany were pressuring Poland to join the Anti-Comintern Pact as well. Anyway, however you'll setup your campaign, I'm sure it's gonna be fun to play G'luck!
  2. Yup, slightly fascist (military junta in power), antisemitic (considering Poland had the biggest Jewish minority in Europe - circa 3.5 mln, about 10% of population - it's still no excuse. However, she wasn't an exception, unfortunately, antisemitism was strong in other European countries (UK included, sic!) as well, in the '30s:( ). Had Poland bend over to nazi Germany and entered the Axis alliance, would that altered the outcome of ww2 considerably?
  3. Falcon BMS 4.0 is up!

    Damn, how did I miss that!? Roger that FC There you go: http://www.veterans-...ad.php?view.134 I doesn't look like BMS are hosting their own product (woot?).
  4. Falcon BMS 4.0 is up!

    Yeah, I'm so glad I've kept my copy I bought back in 1999 ^_^
  5. Nope, it's the other way around mate! ;) ObjestsFade=True DetaiMeshSize=(Doesn't matter, hardcoded)
  6. Falcon BMS 4.0 is up!

    I wonder if just renaming any file to f4.exe would do the trick? ;)
  7. Falcon BMS 4.0 is up!

    However some posts at other forums suggest that it only checks for the original falcon4.exe. Stary, PM me & maybe will be able to sort it out.
  8. Falcon BMS 4.0 is up!

    I'm pretty sure it won't work with FF, OF, or F4:AF You NEED the original 1998 Falcon 4.0 CD-ROM (Microprose), it's required during installation. Luckily for me, I've got one, it's been gathering dust for years now! Got the original Korea map, and 500+ pages thick manual as well. Only the original box is gone... My only fear is that I won't have time to relearn all the switchology...Nothing beats SF2 in its accessibility!
  9. 72 years ago...

    A salute to all the victims and fallen in combat, may they rest in peace! Lets not forget so it will never happen again...
  10. XP and DirectX 10

    So have you successfully run any DX10 games with it?
  11. Gepard, I mostly agree with on what you've written. Your're absolutely right, after Poland reemerged as an independent state, it tried to regain the territory it had before the mid 18th century's partitions. However, back then, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth consisted of many ethnicities - Poles, Lithuanians, Belorussians, Ukrainians. Polish leaders, however, didn't take into account, that after 1918 those people would rather form their own states rather than be part of reborn Commonwealth. It's a common problem of a country having it's territory defined by historical "rights" & claims, or by where it's ethnic population lives. This issue was common in a post WWI Europe (Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania - especially after the collapse of Austro-Hungarian Empire or Serbia today). It's a miracle that Poland managed to exist for the whole 2 decades in the interbellum. It a testimony to it's citizens! As for the Polish corridor, I could argue that it was historically more Polish that German, but damn those treacherous Teutonic knights - they've made our common history quite complicated (and exciting to study!) ;) and as for as larger German vs Polish population in these lands - you're right, but didn't Bismarck's ruthless "Kulturkampf" have something to do with it? City of Gdańsk (Danzing) - again you're right, but you'll agree that it shares a common Polish-German history, and it was passed on form one side to another more than once? ;) As for you grandfather - hats off, may he rest in peace! Everyone who fought in defence of Poland is a hero in my book. He chose to be loyal to country he lived in rather than his ethnicity - that required some great deal of integrity and a courage! Respect to them all! My grandfather on my mother's side was in a labor camp in East Prussia (working some bauer's field I think), but he managed to escape and spend rest fo the war in hiding, until soviets came and "liberated" us. Now the issue where I strongly disagree with you is the "infamous" cavalry charges vs tanks. As far as I and everyone (hope so ;)) in Poland knows- it was a product of Nazi propaganda. Here's, for the ease of argument, from wikipedia's (not again ;P): "Apart from countless battles and skirmishes in which the Polish cavalry units fought dismounted, there were 16 confirmed[4] cavalry charges during the 1939 war. Contrary to common belief, most of them were successful. The first and perhaps best known happened on September 1, 1939, during the Battle of Krojanty. During this action, elements of the Polish 18th Uhlan Regiment met a large group of German infantry resting in the woods near the village of Krojanty. Colonel Mastalerz decided to take the enemy by surprise and immediately ordered a cavalry charge, a tactic the Polish cavalry rarely used as their main weapon. The charge was successful and the German infantry unit was dispersed. The same day, German war correspondents were brought to the battlefield together with two journalists from Italy. They were shown the battlefield, the corpses of Polish cavalrymen and their horses, alongside German tanks that had arrived at the field of battle only after the engagement. One of the Italian correspondents sent home an article,[5] in which he described the bravery and heroism of Polish soldiers, who charged German tanks with their sabres and lances. Other possible source of the myth is a quote from Heinz Guderian's memoirs, in which he asserted that the Pomeranian Brigade had charged on German tanks with swords and lances.[6] Although such a charge did not happen and there were no tanks used during the combat, the myth was disseminated by German propaganda during the war with a staged Polish cavalry charge shown in their 1941 reel called "Geschwader Lützow".[1] In that movie Luftwaffe Avia 534B trainer planes of Czech origin acted as Polish PZL-11 fighters. After the end of World War II the same fraud was again being disseminated by Soviet propaganda as an example of the stupidity of Polish commanders and authorities, who allegedly did not prepare their country for war and instead wasted the blood of their soldiers." http://en.wikipedia...._and_propaganda Can't say why your grand grand uncle (?) , may he rest in peace, wrote such letter - perhaps Soviets forced him to write such letter or perhaps it was the truth - this particular commander of his unit may have issued such a disastrous order under stress...who knows...Katyn was another tragic part of our history. Gepard, I'm very pleased that I could have this gentleman-like conversation with you. For a moment I was worried that it would take a wrong turn, since I'm oversensitive regarding my country. And I admit, my opinions are biased. Respect to you, neighbor .You're not only a great modder, but also a very level-headed person! Perhaps we should continue this conversation in priv or in a separate topic? Monty CZ - my apologies for hijacking your thread, buddy!
  12. Soryy, Gepard, but I don't recall Poland being an ally of Nazi Germany at any point in history. I urge you not to repeat such false statements, please. We had a trade agreement & a non-aggression pact. Quoting wikipedia here (of course, you can contest it's reliability): "The German–Polish Non-Aggression Pact (German: Deutsch-polnischer Nichtangriffspakt; Polish: Polsko-niemiecki pakt o nieagresji ) was an international treaty between Nazi Germany and the Second Polish Republic signed on January 26, 1934. In it, both countries pledged to resolve their problems through bilateral negotiations and to forgo armed conflict for a period of ten years. It effectively normalized relations between Poland and Germany, which were previously strained by border disputes arising from the territorial settlement in the Treaty of Versailles. As a consequence of the treaty, Germany effectively recognized Poland's borders and moved to end an economically damaging customs war which existed between the two countries during the previous decade." "The 1934 Polish-German non-aggression pact, soon followed by a trade agreement with Germany, is said to have granted Germany a settled eastern border and allowed Hitler time for rearmament; five years later, he went on to successfully invade Poland.[7][8] Piłsudski, while distrusting German intentions on the whole, perceived Hitler's origins as an Austrian rather than a Prussian as a mitigating factor, and stated that he would like to see him in power as long as possible. [9] The pact has been seen as an instance of political weakness brought on by Piłsudski's illness, and likened to the interwar lack of leadership displayed by Neville Chamberlain and Paul von Hindenburg." "German policy changed drastically in late 1938, after the annexation of Sudetenland sealed the fate of Czechoslovakia and Poland became Hitler's next target. In October 1938 the Nazi foreign minister Joachim Ribbentrop presented Poland with the proposition of renewing the nonaggression treaty in exchange for allowing the Free City of Danzig (Gdańsk) to be annexed by Germany and for permitting the building of an extraterritorial motorway and railway between East Prussia and Germany proper through the Polish Corridor. Poland refused to accept these demands. As a consequence, the non-aggression pact was unilaterally abrogated by Adolf Hitler on April 28, 1939,[11] during an address before the Reichstag, as Germany renewed its territorial claims in Poland. After another few months of rising tension, Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, initiating World War II." Link to the whole article: http://en.wikipedia....Aggression_Pact
  13. My thoughts exactly. One of the biggest mistakes of our government back then, was not standing up for Czechoslovakia. Hitler wasn't that strong in 1938, I doubt he would risk taking Poland & Czechoslovakia on in 1938....Instead, shamefully Poland ended up occupying small part of it's neighbor's territory as well
  14. Hi, browsing through Google 3d Warehouse, I've found this Sketchup model: Judging by the looks it's Mk 11 or later. Any good soul willing to port it? SF2 & SF2:E surely could use some Chieftains
  15. Oh, well, I guess our modders have their hands full with their current projects & RL...Anyways, looks like this model isn't going anywhere, so perhaps someone will have a crack at it in the future P..S. Likewise, Mikeymead, likewise :(
  16. What i would want in a space sim.

    How about OOlite?
  17. Dave, you're so cruel! Brok Samson could learn from you!
  18. Sweet! Thank you! Guys, could you consider adding some sabres (F-86D and -F?) to '56 campaign in your next update? I think there were at least some USAFE & NATO squadrons still operating late sabres in 1956. It would be so cool to pit sabres against mig-15 and -17 over Europe! Pwetty please!
  19. I meant for this scenario to take place in 2007-2008, as an alternate history line. No more evil twins! Another one! During the collapse of USRR the people of Kaliningrad Oblast decide to breakway from mother Russia (for some economic reasons, perhaps they've struck black gold, and don't want to give it away...), following examples set by Baltic States. Russia, unwilling to let go of it's "foothold" in Europe responds quickly! Poland and Baltic States join the conflict on Kalingrad's side...
  20. Another one (for Scandinavia)! During the collapse of USSR , Finnish minority of Russian Karelia stages an uprising to breakaway & join Finland. Russia drowns the uprising in blood, Finland responds with 2nd Winter War! Norway joins the conflict on Finnish side (somewhat later in the campaign, after soviet fighters violate it's airspace more than once and shoot down Norwegian airliner), Sweden remains neutral, but supplies Finland with equipment & "volunteers".
  21. Hmm would a limited Poland-Belarus air war (no ground offensive, this way conflict "could" stay confined only to these nations) be feasible? Like Nato/U.S. and Russian check each other no the enter the conflict, so the belligerents can bash it out between themselves. Scenarios: For example, Lukashenko goes mad, and starts placing Polish minority in concentrations camps (he sees them as a 5th column, traitors, enemies of the state etc.). Poland reacts with an air offensive... OR imperialist rotten Poland has long lusted to anect western parts of Belarus. Madman president Kaczynski finally makes his intentions clear and launches unprovoked air strikes against Belorussian air defenses, as a preparation for a ground invasion soon to follow. Brave Belorussians scramble to fight for their motherland. These scenarios could take place in mid/late 90's (Poland still uses MiG-23MF and some -21s coupled with -29s) or 2000s (F-16 ^_^).
  22. Netherlands with F-104G & Belgium with Mirage 5F/BA in '79 Europe campaign
  23. As above. FXAA has been created by Nvidia engineers, but hasn't been implemented in the forceware drivers (yet). In a way it's similar to ATI's MLAA you can force in the Catalyst Control Center. It didn't prevent some_dude from www.3dcenter.org from creating injectable dll libraries to enable this form of AA in a number of DX9/10/OpenGL games. Much like the ENB series of .dlls. Original forum thread: http://www.forum-3dc...ad.php?t=510658 Where to get the latest revision (Rev 26): http://www.assembla....ject/documents# Why should I even bother to try it? Well, FXAA solution is supposed to give users the benefit of a good quality AA at a fraction of the performance cost of the MSAA. So if you haven't been able to enjoy AA in SF2 (or any other game) because it slowed your desktop/laptop down to a crawl - give it a try! How to use it with SF2 games: 1. Download the latest revision and unpack it in a safe location. 2. Make sure that AA is turned off BOTH in Nvidia control panel and in Options.ini (AntiAliasing=1) 3. Copy ALL the files AND folders from the either DirectX9 OR DirectX10 folders (depends on whether you run SF2 in DX9 or DX10 mode) to BOTH locations: - where SF2 executable files are (usually c:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\) - FLIGHT folder in your MOD folder (usually c:\Users\User_Name\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight\) 4. Keyboard "Pause" (NOT ALT+P) toggles effect on/off All kudos goes to original creator. I only wrote this wall of text. Works only with NVIDIA GPUs (probably, maybe?). Read the original readme provided with the files! By default sepia and tonemap filter are applied (among others). These can be edited/commented out in the injFX_Settings.h file. I was too lazy to take and post screenshots so do it for me ;P Did I mention these files can be used with other games too? Enjoy!
  24. I don't think you'll notice much of a performance boost, with GTX 460 being already quite a powerful card as it is. You can try it though, running Fraps in the background to get some comparison. Heck, I might even do it and post the results later! Edit: Ok, tested with FRAPS, I'm getting more or less the same FPS whether it's on/off, AA or FXAA doesn't matter. I guess GTX 460 is too powerful to be dragged down by AA in SF2 or I'm still CPU botlenecked. So like I assumed in the first post, these files might be useful for owners of weaker/older/low end graphic cards who still want to enjoy some form of AA. Owners of a mid- or highend GPUs can safely stay with default AA, unless they want to fiddle with other features these .dll provides (sharpening, sepia, tonemap filters). Edit2: Another theory is that since FXAA requires less computational power than regular AA, GPU won't heat up as much. Might be useful for laptop owners (even if it doesn't provide more FPS)! To be tested...

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