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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Yep, I mostly agree with you, I shouldn't have used word "realistic" (again its very subjective), wrong choice of a word. I use "hard" setting for a "better" challenge. I think we can both agree that even flying Falcon 4.0: Allied Force or FreeFalcon or any of the DCS sims won't give you even half of the real thing - exactly for the reasons you mentioned, LCD, cozy chair etc. If I wanted the "realism" I would either play aforementioned sims or, even bettered joined (or at least tried to) the airforce. Guess what? My F4:AF and Lock On are collecting dust! besides, since I'm using TrackIR, using HARD HUD at least forces me to use it to look around, lol. It costed me some so I better get my money worth back, right? So to sum it up, we shouldn't use word 'realism" in conjunction with computer games, but we all can enjoy our own "difficulty" settings . Nope, I can do it on hard, at least once I take off.
  2. Awww, c'mon now, don't you think that viewing primary target (at mission's start) with F8 can be considered some rec photo? How is that different than what "real" pilots use? :D As for autopilot I can't coment on that since I have no idea how "capable" (or how dumb) were the autopilots back in the '60s and '70s. But you can always use radio-compass plus wing-leveler ! Edit: HUD on "Hard" can "give" you increased difficulty/realism. Of course it subjective so if your jedi powers tell you it's blatantly unrealistic then there's that. BTW I only started using hard hud a week ago, before it was normal with some tweaks. To id targets in air & ground I also use Next/previous target commands, plus padlock view, plus zooming in with TrackIR. Seems to work just as well!
  3. Nice! What sound mod are you using? It sounds much better than stock Texan voices! Also How did you get the pilot to voice it commands like cover me and fox one and stuff? It's really immersive!
  4. Right mate, here's how I do it: 1. Once the mission starts and I'm in the air I select A-G weapons, then "next enemy ground target" - it should select the primary strike target by default (unless there are some enemy tanks or aaa nearby - that's why it's best to do it as soon as you take off); 2. Next I will use F8 to get the view of a target and then CTRL+F12 to get a good view around it - an equivalent of a good satellite or reconnaissance photo ;) 3. Then I let the autopilot do the trick, and on the approach waypoint (usually waypoint 4 or 5?) it should point you in the right direction. 4. Once getting near the target I use zoom view from the cockpit to try and recognize it ( shouldn't be too difficult if I had a good look of it with F8 before). 5. Bombs away!
  5. Roger that, and I hope you won't burn out . I suspected that it wouldn't be long before someone put ME into a very creative use! And it coming from you guys means it's gonna be awesome and it's not just my wishful thinking - these screenshots speak for themselves! P.S. Sorry for the unnecessary YAP reference, I didn't think it through before posting, obviously .
  6. Awesome! Once it's released (together with single missions) it's gonna be hard to justify spending money on YAP, don't you think?
  7. You'll have to unpack this file from flightdata.cat (using catextractor available here at CA), found in your strike fighters installation directory, modify the file as mentioned above (increase the "detailmeshsize" values to 6 or 8 - this will lower your framerate though), and place it in your mod directory Flight folder. Mod directory is usually C:\Users\User Name\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\.
  8. Will do! UPDATE: Unfortunately, no matter what I try, the weather remains static :(. I tried deleting campaign in progress and starting a new one with single mission's set to random. I even tried launching game from other, unmodded exes (My SF2:Europe install is heavily modded, other - Vietnam, Israel and SF2 are at stock level ATM) - no joy, every campaign is the same - all have static weather....
  9. Updated Stock Campaigns for Updated SF2 Desert Terrain by Piecemeal.
  10. Thanks a lot Eric!. I'll make sure to set weather to random for single missions before starting new campaign. Can I assume TK has been informed about it?
  11. I'm like 8th day into a campaign (Germany '79) and the weather is the same since day 1 (scatterred). Shouldn't it have changed by now? Anyone else experiencing something similar?
  12. OMG! I love these pics! I go when I look at them. This is going to be a mod of the century, I tell ya!
  13. Sitting in F-15, cockpit view, looking straight forward - 51 FPS (Win 7 32bit DX10 mode). Same as above only with forced DX9 mode (should yield same performance as WinXP) - 23 FPS. C2Q 9650 @ 4.4 Ghz, Geforce GTX 460 SLI, 4 gigs of RAM.
  14. F-14 A/B B-1B Deserve the praise!
  15. Hmm, I think my modding skills suck a big time! Modded 197.41 almost HALVED my fps, same as modded 265.90 quaddro and 263.09 (as compared to official 258.96 or 260.99). Either that or I'm missing something....
  16. Swambast, I have seroius doubts about using 182.08! These drivers don't contain any Fermi code, I think.The earliest drivers to support any fermi at all (GTX 480) are the 197.41 ones from april 2010! Modding them for GTX 460 makes sense since they do support fermi architecture, can't say the same about 182.08.
  17. Agreed, I remember reading such info on nvidia forums, and 2xx series forceware is considered porked when it comesto fermi cards. Tonight I'll try to mod older 197 drivers to support my GTX 460 - maybe these will yeld even better framerates?
  18. Dave, could you then create a separate topic/ list for bugs that aren't only mod related? Maybe this would help TK (if we'd "pressured" him ) get rid off them too?
  19. Nope it doesn't :(. But is the problem with the game or is it perhaps a graphic card's driver issue?
  20. Yep, me have z-figting on city buldings shadows when they're set to Unlimited and viewed from a distance and altitude. That,s why I keep'em at High instead.
  21. If the flight consists of 3 planes, you can only give orders to your wingman. If it's 5 planes then you can order your wingie and flight one, but not the plane No 5, etc. BTW, great idea Dave!
  22. I can only comment that you can download some VERY NICE Vietnam and Germany tiles from Combat ACE for FREE !
  23. True, SF series is full of those! :drinks:Had a similar situation earlier today, when after chasing MiG-23 on full burner (bagged him) I landed at friendly airbase with like 250 pound left. Hairy! Still, your was even hairier, lol.

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