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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. Just a few observations: I can now switch off Antialiasing in options.ini! Antialiasing=1 results in good 'ol jaggies :D SF2:Israel EXP1 now crashes immediately after start (can't reach menu), all other exes work fine(SF2, SF2:Europe, SF2:Israel, SF2:Vietnam, merged install)....
  2. F-100A ! 1956 campaign ! The price ! "Bonus" goodies ! Downloading now!!!
  3. Taming a sniper with a trumpet

    The power of music...wow!
  4. Yeah, I've been considering it a lot lately, don't wanna disappoint my parents though
  5. I've got both: SF Gold collects dust, SF2 doesn't
  6. Welcome to our humble anonymous SF addicts group . I hope you'll spread the word around as well!
  7. LMFAO!

    Yup, during my stay in UK I could never understand why, for the love of God, TV stations would subtitle foreigners speaking completely comprehensible English? Unless they'd assumed their viewers are retards...
  8. Yup, GTX 460 or 470 will have more Video RAM than 8800 which can be handy, when using all these hires terrain repaints and skins
  9. Nah, you'll be fine. Most modern games are still GPU limited rather than CPU. Unless you want to go SLI. Or unless you ment SF2, SF2 is ALWAYS CPU bottlenecked :D. My Q9650 at stock 3.0 GHz is more or less similar to your Q6600 @ 3.2 GHz performance wise, and I only overclock it to 4.4 GHz when benchmarking OR playing SF2 series. I think that says something ;)
  10. First - my specs are C2Q 9650 @ 4.4 GHz, SB XFI Titanium, Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit. While playing SF2E (modded with NF4+ and Stary's terrain repaint) I noticed (by alt-tabbing to the task manager during gameplay) that SF2E.exe is using 25% of my cpu ( which is exactly an equivalent of 1 out of 4 Cores of my quad) while the audiodg.exe process was consuming about 11% of the CPU cycles. Now that makes sense since TK mentioned before that currently SF2 series is already somewhat multithreaded and that audio is running in a separate thread. Now straight to the point - I enabled SF2 in Creative ALchemy and voila! Now, during the gameplay, the audiodg.exe uses no more than 2% of CPu cycles! 2% sounds much better that 11%, won't you agree? ;) To be sure I enabled and disabled ALchemy 5 times over and I was able to repeat the results EVERY time! Funny thing is that it had ZERO effect on my performance - I guess it's because of me running this on quad core CPU. However I think this might benefit those who are still running single core or slow/non-overclocked dual core CPUs. How to enable SF2 series in ALchemy: 1. Install and run Creative ALchemy ( u must have SB Audigy/XFi soundcard AND Windows Vista or 7!!!!); 2. Click the "Add" button on the ALchemy interface; 3. Type whatever name u want in the "Game Title" field," Strike Fighters 2" or "SF2" makes sense; 4. Select "Use Game Path" and then type the patch to the folder where you've installed your SF2 game (C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 in my case), then click "OK" button; 5. Now your SF2 game should've appeared in "Installed Games" section. Select it and click the ">>" button to enable ALchemy! 6. Done! Your SF2 game should now appear in the "Alchemy-enabled Games" section. Why does ALchemy decreases CPu usage? Well SF2 series uses DirectSound for audio and in Vista/7 DirectSound is NOT hardware accelerated - it's done entirely in "software" on the CPU. ALchemy translates the DirectSound calls so that they can be processed by the Audigy/XFi souncard in hardware - hence lower CPU usage. But i'm not sure I got it right ;). Anyways , please let me know if this tweak made any difference to your performance! Good luck!
  11. No stupid questions, only stupid answers ;) ALchemy for X-Fi Supported Sound Blaster X-Fi audio deviceSound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum Fatal1ty Champion Series Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer Fatal1ty Pro Series Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio Notebook ALchemy for Audigy Supported Sound Blaster Audigy audio device Sound Blaster Audigy 4 Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Notebook Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Video Editor Sound Blaster Audigy 2 SE Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Platinum EX Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Platinum Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Sound Blaster Audigy 2 NX Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Value Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum EX Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum Sound Blaster Audigy Sound Blaster Audigy LS However this list is lil' outdated since I have X-fi Titanium (not on the list) and it supports Alchemy very well. P.S. The thing is, that this whole "discovery" of mine might be only an anomaly related to my PC. That's why I'm curious if anybody else played with this and have noticed any differences in CPU usage?
  12. Yup, nothing beats Geforce 6800 Ultra! . On a serious note Skatezilla's right. Up to recently, Nvidia geforce 460GTX was probably best bang for the buck. Now it seems that ATi 6850/6870 seem to be at least as good deal. Then again, Nvidia will respond with GF110, it's a neverending circle. There's always some better hardware on the horizon . Performance (and price) wise GTX 460 1GB is comparable do ATI 6850 which in turn places iself (performance wise only) between older Ati 5830 and 5850. Ati 6850 offers lower power consumption, but GTX 460 1Gb overclocks better and seems to run cooler. Difficult choice indeed! EDIT: Oops I've noticed that these two are probably beyond your price range...
  13. I admit, i'm little undereducated in gaming audio department, that was EAX Doppler, right?
  14. I'm not sure if ALchemy can enable EAX for games that never supported it in the first place (like SF series), however I'm pretty convinced that a side effect of enabling ALchemy with SF2 is hardware sound through OpenAL rather than software via DirectSound. I'm curious how does it work for others though. Meself, I'm too busy dodging SAMs to notice whether EAX is being deployed
  15. OK, let me post some screenshots to better illustrate what I'm on about. First one is with ALchemy disabled, notice the CPU usage by the audio processs: Second one is with ALchemy enabled. Lower CPU usage might help ppl with single core or slow dual core processors:
  16. If your going ATI/AMD I'd wait a little bit for the new series of 67XX/68XX graphic cards :). Even if you won't buy them, then at least prices prices of 57XX will drop then :)
  17. In SF2, using ATI card (Radeon 4890) I suffered noticable drops in FPS when using EO guided weapons and/or turning radar on (but the latter only in avionics60.dll aircrafts like F-4). Also I couldn't switch the Vsync off, no matter what I tried in options.ini or in catalyst control panel, my FPS were limited to 60. I have none of the aformentioned issues with my new Nvidia GTX 460 SLI :)
  18. Dave, turn your cockpit lighting on, dammit!
  19. I recall that in SF1 series fiddling with Skycolor and/or Ambientcolor, Horizoncolor, Fogcolor values in environmentsystem.ini would usally do the trick. [Night] SunHeight=-0.170 SunBrightness=0.00 SunLightLevel=0.00 SunRadiance=0.0 TwilightLensFlare=0.0 //SunColor=0.0000,0.000,0.000 //AmbientColor=0.100,0.080,0.120 //SkyColor=0.062,0.080,0.164 //HorizonColor=0.120,0.140,0.238 //FogColor=0.024,0.016,0.062 //SunSpecularColor=0.0000,0.000,0.000 SunColor=1.0,1.0,1.0 AmbientColor=0.167,0.171,0.240 <----- Try adjusting these values SkyColor=0.051,0.058,0.102 <----- HorizonColor=0.106,0.122,0.155 <----- FogColor=0.106,0.122,0.155 <----- SunSpecularColor=0.000,0.000,0.000 HDRSunColor=0.0000,0.000,0.000 LightSrcModifier=4.0
  20. What he said. :) Recently I upgraded my oveclocked ATi Radeon HD 4890 1GB to a pair of Nvidia GTX 460 SLI. The SF2 runs about the same on GTX 460 as on 4890 (Radeon 4890 was apparently powerful enough to deal with DX10 shaders, effects & textures) with one noticable difference! While I had the ATi card, I was plagued with the noticable FPS drop (like 20-30% drop - measured with FRAPS, very noticable :D) when using TV/EO guided weapons and turning the radar on in planes using avionics60.dll. It's a known issue, I think, and it's been mentioned here at CA and over at TW forums. The great thing is that with my new cards the fps dips no more than 2-3 FPS when using EO and I can't notice any FPS drop at all when turning on radar in phantom F-4! I'm friggin' happy now! Addendum - if you're going to upgrade PSU as well, I'd advise you to stick to branded ones. Antec, Seasonic, Corsair (esp. HX and AX series), PC Power & Cooling make first grade PSUs. I've swapped my old 600W PSU for a Corsair HX750W just to power them 2 GTX 460 SLI - all voltages are rock stable under load This guide should be helpful: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=108088
  21. Thanks for the info! I sure could use the picture for future reference :). About them H50 or H70, after reading online test I don't think these would be a significant improvement over my TRUE 120. I think that IF I ever go water, it will be a full blown setup ;)
  22. Hehe, I remember my first computer (well, actually it was my older brother's ;) ), commodorre 64 - I was like 7-8 yo back then and boy I sure had a lots of fun with it. Loading games from tapes took minutes, lol. And we've got one more thing in common Boostjunky - Antec 902 case! I just like the way it looks, how many fans it has etc. Now as far as watercooling goes, I've always been lil' afraid of it since I'm "plumbing inept" ;) and preferred to stick to high-end air cooling as a cheaper, simpler if less efficient cooling solution. Recently I've been thinking of upgrading my TRUE 120 to Noctua DH-14, however I've been also considering going water. Noctua costs circa 110 $ in Poland. What would be the cost if I went watercooling? What was the cost of your WC setup? Oh, and AFAIK SF2 series doesn't support SLI, so you wouldn't notice any FPS difference, but in other games I've noticed 50-90% FPS boost :D.

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