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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. I've got a hunch that it'll happen sometime this month. There's been an increase in screnshots lately, perhaps it means TW are wrapping things up. On the other hand, with EXP1 I think it was 12-14 days between the last screenshot update and a release date. So IF recent facebook screenshots were last then MAYBE the release date is mid-September. But that's a lot of assumptions there ;)
  2. Monica Belluci - I wouldn't mind being her pony
  3. Hats off, this is a truly amazing stuff you're preparing there! Too bad we'll have to wait two looong weeks
  4. Holy cow, I've just spilled a cup of mead on my t-shirt . In flight refueling's next
  5. You could always do it the hard way - install russian speech pack for Red campaigns and when you decide to switch back to the Blue - just delete it. It's far from perfect but I don't think there's any better solution ATM I'm afraid. EDIT: Oops, I haven't noticed what Baltika's written - yeah, separate installs for the Red side is much better
  6. Oops! ;) And all this confusion started with me not noticing it and posting in the first place - had too much wine and mead indeed (tasty japanese plum liquer wine and polish mead, yummy!)
  7. Not a chance, mate, here's lower resolution for a change: Besides I'm running quite powerfull rig: Q9650 OC'ed to 4.4 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 1 GB ATI Radeon 4890 that I can OC to 960/4400...And my FPS are CAPPED at 60 fps, obivously sometimes drop lower to 30-40 when a lot of action on the screen :). And Fubar, I tried different combinations of Vsync in Options.ini and Control Panel, doesn't make any difference. Since you're running Nvidia card I'll risk the following: In SF2 series ATI graphic cards users FPS are capped at their displays refresh rate, while Nvidia users are not. Maybe some ATI guys can confirm this? Ticket1, I'm affraid that SF2 series Options.ini looks slightly different ;)
  8. WOW, Fubar, how'd you do it? I, for the love of God ,cant get more than 60 FPS even when looking at a blank sky...Tried switching VSync off in Catalyst Control Panel, forcing VSync Off in Options.ini, no love . So I thought that this is normal? Perhaps it's only my system. I'm using ATI graphics card, is your GC NVIDIA or something? Just a picture to show that I'm not on drugs and really am capped at 60 FPS...F/A-18A, NF4+, High/Unlimited settings:
  9. Well, I recon you'd be in 40-50 range with SF2/FE2 series and DX10 ;)
  10. Well, it's just a guess...but I'd say that it makes a better use of your graphic cards Pixel/Vertex/Unified whatever Shaders to to take some load of the CPU. Original SF1 and FE series are mainly CPU limited when talking about the performance...SF2 series takes it even further thanks to use of AdvancedShaders DX10 function TK has implemented few patches earlier. I also recon that D3D9.dll is a standard library file of a DX9 package, and is present in every modern PC with MS Widows installed. On the other hand D3D9.dll from the ENB series is, I think, custom modified/compiled library, that when installed in game's folder makes it "bypass" default DX9 D3d9.dll library file. Does that makes any sense to you?
  11. It's all subjective mate ;) Good fer ya, but "I" wouldn't enjoy the game as much without mirriors or plane shadows etc. I recon that with you rig you could easily expect framerates in the range of 30-50 FPS with UNLIMITED settings. With the setting you're using now, you'd end up with constant 60 FPS , coz Series 2 has permament VSYNC, at least in DX10
  12. How did I missed THAT? LOL, too much wine & mead, I guess :D. Still the figures I presented show that it's worth to jump to Series 2 even for the performance improvement alone.... P.S. I'm glad you're happy with this improvement mate . So were we, but then Series 2 came along and blew it away (well not instantly, it took some time till TK implemented DX10 properly).
  13. Strange, with your system you should have better framerates with DX 10/ Adanced shaders than with enb series dll. I run system very similar to yours (ATi 4890, Q9650@3.0 Ghz, W7 32 bit) and I've done some tests (details set to Unlimited, custom single mission); DX9 pure (No ENB) - 12 FPS in cockpit; DX9 with ENB - 26 FPS in cockpit; DX10 with Advanced Shaders on - 40 FPS. So I don't even bother with ENB series nowadays. It's strange that you actually notice a performance boost rather than degradation...
  14. Which Processor ?

    This. Plus many benchmark show that 5830 is often even slower than previous generation ATI Radeon 4890....If you could squezee that 60 quid extra for 5850, it would be much better choice, IMHO. And apparently 5850 draws less power than 5830! :D
  15. File Name: AV-8A Harrier for SF2 File Submitter: SFP1Ace File Submitted: 23 August 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft This is a ThirdWire WoE AV-8A Harrier converted for SF2. This package includes 331Killerbee's Enhanced Pack. INSTALLATION: Unpack the archive and drop the AV-8A folder to your MOD /Objects/Aircraft directory. You'll also have to extract original lod files from WoE ObjectData.cat using the CAT extractor. Following lods: AV-8A.LOD, AV-8A_LOD2.LOD,AV-8A_LOD3.LOD,AV-8A_LOD4.LOD & AV-8A_LOD5.LOD once extracted should go to the AV-8A folder. The AV-8A_cockpit.LOD needs placing in AV-8A/Cockpit folder. This is my first conversion so if messed something up, you let me know ;). Enjoy! CREDITS: ThirdWire - original WoE AV-8A Harrier 331Killerbee - WoE Harrier Enhanced Pack MigBuster - SF2 Knowledgebase conversion guide :D Click here to download this file
  16. I've been comparing stock 1979 campaign data file with NF4+ and one thing caught my attention. Number of existing squadrons has been reduced for both sides, but esp. WP, and WP squadrons unit count has been reduced also in many cases from 24 or more to 16. Was it intentional, f.e. for game balancing purposes? Just being curious, thats all :). Thanks!
  17. Just install the latest weapon editor mate, it will list you everything quite nicely.
  18. Thinking about a new gaming laptop...

    Based on GT 320 specs, I believe it will perform poorly. It has only 24 unified shaders, 16 texture mapping units, and only 8 render output units. It's memory bus is only 128 bit wide with 25 GB/s bandwith (laughable)...In the end it all depends on what do you consider "good" performance? 10 FPS, 20 FPS, 30 FPS, more? The radeon 4890 I use has for comparison 160 (800) unified shaders, 40 texture mapping units and 16 render output units. Memory bus is 256 bit wide w GDDR5 memory with 125 GB/s bandwith. I play in 1920x1080 resolution and with High details I get 40-60 FPS in game (Win 7, DX10, large mods installed). I don't even wanna gues how low my FPS would be with GT 320...But I never used such a graphic card so I might be as well wrong, it's only an educated guess...Decision is yours mate.
  19. File Name: Enhanced Planning/Navigation Maps For NF4+ File Submitter: SFP1Ace File Submitted: 19 August 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains These are enhanced planning/navigation maps for NF4+. I corrected Husum airfield icon to better indicate its runway orientation, enhanced the in-flight navigation map for better immersion and stuff. Installation: 1.Unpack the archive and copy both *.BMP files to your Terrains/GermanyCE folder in MOD directorywhere you have NF4+ installed.Overwrite when asked. 2. Enjoy! Credits: NF4+ Team! Click here to download this file
  20. File Name: Enhanced Planning/Navigation Maps For Piecemeal's Desert3 Terrain File Submitter: SFP1Ace File Submitted: 19 August 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains These are enhanced planning/navigation maps for Piecemeal's Desert3 terrain. I've added missing airfields descriptions, missing airfield icons, made all airfield icons indicate N-S runway orientation, enhanced the look of the in-flight moving map for better immersion and stuff. Installation: 1.Unpack the archive and copy all 3 *.BMP files to your Terrains/DESERT3 folder in MOD directory and overwrite files if asked. 2. Enjoy! Credits: Piecemeal! Click here to download this file
  21. Version


    These are enhanced planning/navigation maps for NF4+. I corrected Husum airfield icon to better indicate its runway orientation, enhanced the in-flight navigation map for better immersion and stuff. Installation: 1.Unpack the archive and copy both *.BMP files to your Terrains/GermanyCE folder in MOD directorywhere you have NF4+ installed.Overwrite when asked. 2. Enjoy! Credits: NF4+ Team!
  22. Version


    These are enhanced planning/navigation maps for Piecemeal's Desert3 terrain. I've added missing airfields descriptions, missing airfield icons, made all airfield icons indicate N-S runway orientation, enhanced the look of the in-flight moving map for better immersion and stuff. Installation: 1.Unpack the archive and copy all 3 *.BMP files to your Terrains/DESERT3 folder in MOD directory and overwrite files if asked. 2. Enjoy! Credits: Piecemeal!
  23. Thanks FC! I've just tested open cockpit in inclement weather and true, when passing through a cloud layer it does get a little fogy inside, but IMHO it's a minor issue I can live with, and the eye candy is worth it :)

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