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Everything posted by SFP1Ace

  1. As above, just few quick questions for you experts :yes: : 1. Armortypes:as I understand composite, ceramic, layered etc. armor types have not been implemented yet. So if I want to get T-80's or M1A1's armor values as realistic as possible should I use the type STEEL and then multiply values to adjust for lack of chobham etc.? What multiplier over real thickness values would be realistic, x1.5, x2? 2. Rangefinder and ballisticcomputer - what do these values correspond to? M1A1 from the US armor pack has them set to 6 and 4 accordingly, while T-80BV for SF2 has these values at 9 and 9? Surely something is strange there? EDIT: because of my english it may be confusing - I know what's a range finder and a ballistic computer, just wondering how should I interpret/assign their values :blush2: Thanks in advance, Michal
  2. Just a quick thought: should a Eurofighter's TEWS recognise F-22A radar signature and vice versa? Aren't they being kept secret? What about latest Sukhoi's incarnations? Do you think that NATO countries have their signatures already implemented in RWRs?
  3. Nevermind, I've just downloaded whole ODS package
  4. Wrench I would be grateful if you could post this. Then I could adjust the values for T-80 accordingly to keep things somewhat realistic.
  5. Cheers Fubar512! Youre right especially since the tank's top armor is the thinnest? No wonder that even A-10 30mm gatling can pierce it from above. And now that I know that the rangefinder and ballistic computer values are arbitrary I can make sure that the ground battles between Dhimar and Paran armoured divisions gonna be somewhat realistic, without T-80 outsniping M1A1 EDIT: And I should know that SF2 is about jets, not tanks, but still I wanna get the details right if its within my reach.
  6. Uszanowanie!

    Pozdrowienia dla rodaków symulatoro-maniaków i nie tylko ;) Troche mi glupio ze dopiero teraz tu wpadam, ale lepiej pozno niz wcale. Powiem tylko ze to forum i gry od TW odnowily moje zainteresowanie symulatorami i w ogole ciesze sie ze jest z kim dzielic sie swoja pasja, bo badz co badz jest to raczej gatunek niszowy. Dobrej weekend'owej zabawy wszystkim! Michal
  7. My vote goes for a space combat sim
  8. I haven't received my copy of OFF yet, but seeing all this incredible customer support makes me wanna start saving up money for Phase 4 already ;)
  9. Dzieki! Now i'll finally get the chance to fry some imperialist arsh, while flying in WOPK (Wojska Obrony Powietrznej Kraju) colors :)
  10. Since I lack any 3d modelling or skinning skills, the only modding in my reach is to edit ini files for sf series. So are there any useful books out there detailing radar/ecm sytems and guns/missiles parameters for air and ground units? My only source so far was wikipedia, but we all know it lacks in this area...any suggestions? It can be several titles, I don't mind purchasing several good books off ebay or amazon. Thanks Michal EDIT: I forgot to add that i'm only interested in 70's to modern stuff
  11. Wow, this guy sure has published lots of books! I'll definitely check this out, thanks!
  12. Thanks fellas, i'll look up this airtime publishing. What do you think about Jane's recognition series?
  13. Right, but i think actual flight manuals would be an overkill for my needs, I don't need THAT detailed info. I just wan't to change/correct some values for radar search/track ranges, ecm effective GHz ranges, gun/missile ranges and effectivnes ratios etc. I was thinking more along the lines of military equipment encyclopedia or smth, maybe some stuff from Jane's? The thing is I don't wan't to buy a cat in a sack, so if you guys own and use for your reference or know of any solid stuff that I won't regret buying, that would be a great help.
  14. So i've been playing around with this Typhoon (among few other 4.5-5th gen jets) and what a quality bird it is! Highest praises to it creator and contributors! MFDs are just mind blowing . But I've noticed that it was even more 'boring' to fly than F-15A since migs 21 and 23 don't pose even the slighest threat to this Eurokillah. Sooo...I've added latest foxbat in to the mix. Well I've been reading how dangerous (and annoying)the Su-27 Flankers are, I haven't tried them out yet but even ye olde Foxbat almost made me piss my pants, hehe . Here's what happened: Desert terrain, year 2003, me and my wingie in EF2000 on a CAP mission armed with amraams and asraams. We took out enemy flight consisting of mig 21's,easy, no problemo, then we turned around to homeplate. 2-3 minutes later RWR warning showing U radar on my six (forgot to create and add MiG 25 custom tga to TEWS, next thing on my to do list), somehow it got me puzzeled, so I started the immelman to find,lock and kill that b*!$*d but after few seconds RWR 'politely' informed about lockon, my wingie shouted SAM launch (?) and I got smoked by R-40R (probably). Only thing left 4 me to do was to watch my wingman dogfight the foxbat and eventualy score a hit with asraam. Check the picture below: Gotta add foxbats to SF:Europe '79 campaign to provide F15-A pilots with some challenge
  15. So I narrowed my choice down to OFF and RoF. I've also done some reading on the subject so please, correct me if I'm wrong: 1. RoF is more eye candy, better DM and higher system requirements 2. OFF has much better campaign and overall immersion 3. OFF offers more planes to fly (at the moment, might change in the future, right?) 4. OFF is cheaper investment (30 bucks plus MCFS3 5$ from ebay), and I would have to pay extra for any additional flyyables for RoF 5. If my internet connection (whether ISP's fault or my hardware) dies, I won't be able to start RoF? So coz eyecandy is important to me, but immersion even more so, I'm leaning towards OFF But if someone could also clarify these issues for me: 6. Is OFF's campaign dynamic, semi-dynamic, or static? 7. If I buy phase 3 now, will I have to pay again for phase 4? 8. Any issues running OFF under Windows 7? 9. Will I be able to get constant 30 or more FPS on max settings on my rig? (E8500 oc to 4.4GHz, 4GB RAM plus Radeon 4890) Thanks Michal
  16. OFF vs. RoF differences

    Cheers, Lou! I'll give the strutter a chance then!
  17. OFF vs. RoF differences

    Ok, so now the only thing left for me is to patiently wait for both CFS3 and OFF to arrive :D. By the way, any suggestion for a squadron, plane to start with? I'd prefer something easy to fly, to smoothen transition from jet flying ;)
  18. There's more to TW games than meets the eye
  19. OFF vs. RoF differences

    So many replies in such a short time, wow! Me thinks that 'support' and 'community' is something meaningful here. Anyways I've just bought this game, hoping it's gonna be the best 28£ spent in a while :) Now just get that licensing information and purchase CF3 ^_^ EDIT: OK, CFS3 is on the way as well, hee hee
  20. WOW! So you mean that TK sneaked that into the game already? Thats great! Cause since neither F-15 nor MiG-23 data.ini shows any rcs entry, I assumed it's equal for both planes in-game. But if what you say is true....
  21. OFF vs. RoF differences

    Thanks Hellshade. And some explanation: it wasn't my intent to start any flamewars, I swear! I just now realised what a dumb thing it was to name the topic in the X vs Y style, mea culpa! But that's just so me, I write first, think later, sorry guys (and gals)...
  22. OFF vs. RoF differences

    Thanks OvS, that's a very elaborate and helpful answer! If I needed a push to drop into OFF, you've just gave me one :D And I admit I was biased towards OFF from the beginning, just wanted to get some things clarified first :D. Thanks again! EDIT: That's just great WM! I'm running W7 RC at the moment, but I already preordered Home Premium ^-^
  23. OFF vs. RoF differences

    And that's completely reasonable, thank you for you input :yes:
  24. Yes, unfortunately it's not modelled in game at the moment ;(. I remember TK mentioned something about introducing hitbox based RCS sometime in the future ^_^

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