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Everything posted by mindbender

  1. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Happy Birthday....and many more! Mindbender
  2. Very nice work indeed....do you have an aircraft model that you'd recommend for it...
  3. As someone who has been simming for almost 20 years I have to say that the spirit of community is alive and well when people put time energy and effort into any project and share it with the people who enjoy the same hobby....your gesture is commnedable and from a simmer who often enjoys the modding work of others and see it as a vital part of the hobby I tip my cap....well done! Mindbender
  4. See my post at Combatace.com Mindbender
  5. File Name: Hatikva National Anthem of Israel for WOI File Submitter: mindbender File Submitted: 20 Feb 2008 File Updated: 20 Feb 2008 File Category: Sound Mods File Version: No Information Website: No Information Hi I've attached Hatikva for WOI ...the national anthem to add a bit of immersion to the sim.... Note change the name of the file to MainScreen and place in you Menu folder within WOI....Back up your MainScreen original wav to something like MainScreenOriginal... in case you don't like the wav or it causes problems....I have been using it without difficulty. Mindbender Click here to download this file
  6. Version


    Hi I've attached Hatikva for WOI ...the national anthem to add a bit of immersion to the sim.... Note change the name of the file to MainScreen and place in you Menu folder within WOI....Back up your MainScreen original wav to something like MainScreenOriginal... in case you don't like the wav or it causes problems....I have been using it without difficulty. Mindbender
  7. Ok.....just flew another mission...first off my comment about israeli roster names...ignore it...they are there....why i saw american names first go round is a mystery maybe I'm delusional....maybe it was a glitch...gremlin or something else....whatever ......started the pre emtive strikes for six day war........absolutely great
  8. Just flew some missions....first of all thanks thanks thanks TK et al.....loving this sim...graphics much improved inside and outside the cockpit....ai seems better at first impression....my wing man and squad seem to follow my commands and were well positioned...despite getting 4 kills the migs make it much harder than in previous versions of the series....only a few things I'd like mostly to increase immersion...ground controllers with israeli accents.....i don't know how hard this is but if anyone has any hints...I'd work on it....and changing names in the roster to something a bit more likely to be found in the idf......minor notes however not to be seen as gripes because the things you don't see or hear make this sim much better (the flying)....anyway enough typing...back to flying... Thanks again TK MINDBENDER
  9. Looks like a good start....perhaps adding in a shadow effect would make them appear "grounded" a bit they seem to be floating without this....Keep at it and thank you
  10. Exhaust

    Purple smoke emmitter? Sounds like your Lava Lamp might be causing feed back with the eight trac......hope you can fix it before its time to walk the pet rock..... PS updated my ati drivers and my purple haze cleared
  11. Superbowl

    No worries pats will roll on elli....he will inevitably caugh up a furball...Nothing better then beating NY
  12. Bullet hit sounds & wounded sounds

    Didn;t flying corps from rowan do this pretty well
  13. TrackIR with Falcon

    Thanks for the info have falcon 4 with superpak and falcon 4 af haven gotten around to the other modded versions but the 6dof may motivate me some...thanks for the info
  14. TrackIR with Falcon

    I'd agree CoolHand 29....my question is what do you use for a 3d pit....I need something better than what I'm using now Mindbender
  15. File Name: Game Commander Two File for WOV File Submitter: mindbender File Submitted: 20 Jan 2008 File Category: Joystick Config Files I took some time to create a Game Commander two file for WOV. The script is only for comms b/w your plane and your...wingman, flight, squadron and Tactical air center. Use at your own risk.....and enjoy. Mindbender Click here to download this file
  16. Version


    I took some time to create a Game Commander two file for WOV. The script is only for comms b/w your plane and your...wingman, flight, squadron and Tactical air center. Use at your own risk.....and enjoy. Mindbender
  17. Gepard, Your work is amazing what else can you say about this current project. Thanks, MIndbender
  18. Gepard, Your work is amazing what else can you say about this current project. Thanks, MIndbender
  19. CH Products Multi Function Panel Review

    why'd you get rid of the cougar ....I love mine the ch products always had better support but tm for my money always felt better.....could you compare your reaction to the switch as I am a longtime tm guy who has only considered that ch will be a possiblitiy when the tm current owner finally walks away from flight sticks / hotas entirely. Mindbender
  20. TrackIR with Falcon

    I have its great need to do some smoothing of movement in 2d cockpit...3d pit is like glass but I have only the stock pit and its lousy....stopword 2d pit on f4 af is great....Anyway on all my falcon versions track ir works like a charm.... Mindbender
  21. Great traing mission set Thanks, Mindbender

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