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Everything posted by JKstar

  1. Wow~Waiting for J-8 and J-10! 期待中!
  2. My wingmans just shout at me "He is firing a missile!" or "Missile launch!" when a bandit fired a missile. So, in every air combat, I wasted a lot of chaff, flares, what's worse, even the best chance to shoot down the bandit on my nose because I couldn't tell apart which missile is fired at me.
  3. I add HellFire 4-Pack (Late) into my WEAPONDATA.dat,but none of my helicopters can equip it, I have checked DiameterLimit,LengthLimit,LoadLimit,AttachmentType, But,no use... What should I do? Thanks!
  4. I know how to use the Weapons Editor and I have already equiped some new weapons I made...but I just can't load the "weapons rack"
  5. I've downloaded some warship plugins and tried to use them in WoE. However after I installed the plugins accroding to the instructions in the readme file,I failed to see any of them in an anti-ship mission. The readme file in the plugins said it was designed for SF. I wonder whether these plugins are suitable for WoE. If it is possible, how can I get the plugins work?
  6. Thanks very much! I usually set the flight option to hard, in order to get as close as to the real world, I'll try normal mode next time :yes:
  7. Thanks a lot! But there is another problem in anti-ship mission:if there are hostile interceptors,I collide with one of the hostile interceptors and crash as soon as I get in the mission after loading ...I don't know why. Thanks!
  8. I would like to make a new plane(chinese J-10) of Wings Over Euro. but I don't know what's the first step. Where can I find the instruction of the data of a plane? Thanks!
  9. How I can make a new plane?

    Thanks very much! I'm sorry, I made a mistake just now. It's F23, not F22. I'm really sorry.
  10. How I can make a new plane?

    Basically, I just want to make some modifications on some existing aircrafts. I find that the function/property of an aircraft (not the 3-D model) is controlled by some ini file. But I can't find the meaning of every argument in the data file. I would like to know if there are any documents which describes the meaning of those arguments in the data file. For example, everyone knows that F-22 has an engine with thrust vector control. However, the model I downloaded does not provide this feature. I wonder if there is a possibility that I can add this feature for aircrafts like F-22.

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