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Everything posted by JKstar

  1. Invincible

  2. There are lots of flyable helicopters in the "Download" section, but I can't control any of these helicopters in the air, they are shaking all the time and then crashed, everytime...How can I fly helicopters? Thanks!
  3. set your flight mode to "Normal", just a suggestion
  4. Using a attack helicopter, flying a CAS mission, at about 1000ft with 80 kts, I suddenly see a green shot coming towards me, too late for any movement...Now I should be careful of the main gun of a tank! That's surprising...
  5. Thank you for explaining! :yes: I know little about ground unit... " [DetectSystem] TargetType=Air_AND_GROUND DataLink=TRUE OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=TRUE ... " Do the words in red determine whether the tank could hit me? and, what is the use of "DataLink","OpticalSight" and "NightSight" in the game? Thanks!
  6. I didn't modify anything in the M1A1_data.ini, because I don't know how... " [WeaponSystem] TargetType=GROUND ... " in the gundata file, I replaced the original "Muzzle Vel" number with 1180, because the gun shot couldn't hit any target(the too far or too near? I can't remember) without my modification. That's the only change in the gundata.ini... I use Tracer3.tga, I don't know what color it is, does it matter? I don't think so.
  7. I add a soviet carrier in my WOE, edit a mission to sink it using AGM-86. However, I can't sink it no matter how heavy the explosive mass is... and, the AGM seems to be detonated a certain distance away from the target...the attachment 1 is the screenshot the time AGM blasted, attachment 2 is the "ini" data file of the carrier "Orjol",which is unsinkable... Thank you for your help! Orjol_DATA.rar
  8. Thanks! I will try that... Invincible is the name of one class of the British carriers, but in fact, all of the carriers in WOE seem to be "Invincible"
  9. Oh, I see... Would it be possible to change a carrier into a "general" warship just like a destroyer or something can be sunk through "ini edit"? and, How?
  10. Thank you! But what should I do to change a carrier into a mere warship?
  11. I changed the weapon EjectVelocity from "0,0,0" to "0,0,-40", but I didn't see any change...the weapon wasn't given a downward velocity when fired...almost the free fall What seems to be the problem? Thanks!
  12. AIM-120C,it uses a rail, Thank you! problem settled!
  13. EjectVelocity=-2.0,0.0,-852.0,no difference,still
  14. when in F22A_B20, before release a missile form interior weaponbay, I should open the door manually ...while in talon, the door of weaponbay is opened automaticly ... In order to make F22's door automatic, I wirte "AutomaticDoors=True" in the *DATA.ini" file, guess what? the missiles are throwed into air without opening the door! As if there was not a door or the door was transparent! So, help... Thanks!
  15. Attachments below are the screenshots of F22 and Talon. Obviously, the cockpit of Talon is dark and gray compared with F22's, what seems to be the problem? And what should I do to clear the "gray smoke" in the talon's cockpit? Thanks a lot!
  16. Sorry to hear that...may be my solution only works for talon. Because talon is the first and the only plane with "Dark" cockpit, so I wonder if I seize the key factor of this problem...
  17. I don't think what I said is a complain ,I just want to see and discuss if there is a way of working this "door" out. in fact, I really enjoy the F22, and all other add-on planes, all of them are excellent work!
  18. I made it! copy and dorp the "CanopyGlass.tga"(in any "clean-cockpit-aircraft" skin foder) into "skin" foder, and add: " Instrument[]=Relection //-------------- [Relection] Type=REFLECTION NodeName=Canopy_glass " in your "*_cockpit.ini" file See if it can work too in your machine...

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