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Everything posted by Mees76

  1. Hello, I was about to order OFF when I noticed that there´s an expansion coming right around the corner... now my question is: are the developers planning to offer some kind of "package deal" (OFF + expansion + combined S&H)? Cheers, Mees76
  2. OFF + Hat in the ring

    Hello admin, May I ask you to close this thread? Thanks.
  3. OFF + Hat in the ring

    Just to make myself clear, I know that OFF is a bargain right now. And thanks to everyone that tried to help. As for the "penny wise, and pound foolish" question, I´ll refrain of getting into that discussion, for the sake of politeness.
  4. OFF + Hat in the ring

    Hello again, Thanks for your answers. The primary issue here are the the shipping costs... If I knew for sure that HITR will be offered as a download, I would order BH&H right now. I guess I´ll have to wait and see.

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