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Ilithi Dragon

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Everything posted by Ilithi Dragon

  1. TLG v2.3 Release Upcoming!

    Hey, all, we know we've been pretty quiet the past few months, partly because we've all been dealing with real-life stuff, but we're not dead, and we have been working. We actually have a new release coming up, TLG v2.3, and we're hoping to wrap things up and release it this week. We still have some last-minute checking to do, so we're not sure exactly when this week it will go up, but we definitely want to get it out before the weekend. TLG 2.3 is primarily a balancing and gameplay release, and we're not worrying too much about special features or fancy graphics this time around. The gameplay has been changed and rebalanced, and we've added several new models. Again, there aren't really any special features in this version that we haven't already released, it's just gameplay that we focused on, because we wanted to get TLG rebalanced properly again so that we have a solid gameplay foundation to build on, and so that we can get a properly balanced mod out to the community. Our next release (TLG v3.0) will be jam-packed with new features and goodies, but that's still a ways a way yet. So, keep an eye out for TLG 2.3 in the next few days. Hope you enjoy it, and Happy Holidays! -The TLG Mod Team
  2. TLG v2.3 Release Upcoming!

    Well, we've got the installer compiled, but it seems we're having an issue with the uploaded version. Right now it simply looks like a bad upload, but to upload it again, we have to wait until Accurus (who has the original, functional compiled installer) is back online and can re-upload it. Hopefully, we'll be able to get this sorted out and have it available for public download sometime tonight, though since it's a 679mb file, and I have no idea when Accurus will be back online and able to upload it again, it might not be up until tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
  3. TLG v2.3 Release Upcoming!

    We're in the process of compiling it into a .exe now, so with any luck, we may well have it up for download (at least on TLG's server) before morning. It should definitely be up for download tomorrow morning, however, and be submitted for approval everywhere else by then as well.
  4. TLG v2.3 Release Upcoming!

    Thanks, Dagger! We're expecting to have this up and ready for download sometime tomorrow (Friday). Keep your eyes open for it!
  5. TLG v2.3 Release Upcoming!

    Yeah, we're excited about it too. It's been too long since we put something out.
  6. System requirements and advice needed

    Sure, it's simple, just open up your main Legacy folder and find the file "Input.map" That has all the keyboard controls, and it's pretty much straight forward from there. The patched version doesn't have mouse controls listed in it, but if you've got a copy of the out-of-the-box version of the file, they're in there and you can just C&P as necessary.
  7. System requirements and advice needed

    Just send me a list of what commands you want assigned to what keys, and I'll get you a modified file.
  8. System requirements and advice needed

    Yup. And, at least as far as TLG is concerned, there's a LOT more to come.
  9. System requirements and advice needed

    First, your system. For Legacy, your processor and graphics cards are low, your processor is definitely below the minimum, and your graphics card would be around the minimum. You might still be able to run Legacy, but it will be slow and choppy, especially on the larger and more graphically-intense maps. I'd recommend upgrading your processor and your video card if you're going to get Legacy. As for controls, there is no in-game control configuration, so you can't customize the controls like you can with most games. The controls can still be customized, but you have to manually edit the control file (if you'd like, I can put together a modified control file for you, just let me know which keys you want where). There is a program out there that allows you to edit the controls outside of Legacy, without having to manually edit the file, but the last version I looked at still couldn't change the mouse controls (though that was a while ago, it might have changed by now). As for bugs... Legacy has its share of them, but most of the 'bugs' I've seen reported have to do with system incompatabilities, not actual errors in the game (a lot of people have tried playing the game on below-spec or unsupported hardware, and have cried bug when in fact it is their own system that's causing the problem). There are still bugs in the game, but most of them are not gameplay related (the starlines glitch on some maps, especially with smaller ships, so that you get trails of stars following you around, and other similar bugs). The biggest bug in the game is the nacelle bug, which is caused by the 1.1 and 1.2 patches. In the unpatched version of the game, your nacelles get blown off when you take enough damage to your engines, but in the 1.1 patch, the nacelles will get blown off, but they'll still be there (i.e., you see a duplicate nacelle/pair of nacelles fly off, without loosing the originals), though your warp drive still suffers from the loss. In the 1.2 patch, the problem supposedly got worse, in that the nacelles would blow off but you wouldn't loose warp (though I have yet to witness that myself). The patches are focused primarily on fixing mutli-player issues, and in that, they do a reasonably good job, but outside of multiplayer, there isn't much they change. Anyway, bugs (most of which are trivial) and hardware requirements aside, Legacy is a pretty decent game, it's not game of the year (at least, not out of the box), but it is a fun game, and the mods improve the game 100 fold or more, easily. Since you're getting it for PC, I strongly recommend downloading the mods, especially the big Total Conversion mods, like TLG, UUM and Trek Battles, they all drastically improve the game.
  10. TLG v2.2a Hotfix

    File Name: TLG v2.2a Hotfix File Submitter: Ilithi Dragon File Submitted: 27 Jun 2007 File Category: Add-Ons The v2.2a Hotfix, fixes the Borg navigation error, the Keldon model and texture errors, the Kimal texture error, and makes an adjustment to the Sovereign and Prometheus phasers to coincide with updated canon information. Click here to download this file
  11. TLG v2.2a Hotfix



    The v2.2a Hotfix, fixes the Borg navigation error, the Keldon model and texture errors, the Kimal texture error, and makes an adjustment to the Sovereign and Prometheus phasers to coincide with updated canon information.
  12. TLG 2.2 Released!

    Hmmm... We added new pulse phaser sprites to the Defiant, but that shouldn't have changed anything that would cause a crash... When does the game crash, while it's still loading, or after it's loaded and you've started to play?
  13. TLG 2.2 screenshots

    Great shots, Dagger, very nice!
  14. TLG 2.2 Released!

    TLG 2.2a Hotfix Released. Here's a quick hotfix for the 2.2 patch. We had a last-minute miscommunication when the patch was being compiled, and a couple things weren't quite finalized when it was all put together. This hotfix fixes: -Borg navigation bug (Class 2 Cube moved back to Borg race where it was supposed to be, which eliminates the navigation crash bug) -Keldon model and texture errors -Kimal texture errors -Adjusts the Keldon CP to better fit ship performance -Also includes an adjustment to the phaser outputs of the Sovereign and Prometheus, due to an updated emitter count You can currently download the hotfix from our server here: http://dl.tlg.reswebservices.com/downloads...h_Installer.exe Links for CombatAce.com and Legacy Files download locations will be posted when they become available.
  15. TLG 2.2 Info

    My guess is that when scripting that mission, they set the Coto's engines to disabled, and set a boundary at the edge of the Nebula for them to come back online. I hope they include scripting tools when the release the mod tools, it'd be really nice to be able to script missions like that.
  16. 3 confirmation questions

    I had the same problem, and it was also my joystick. I unplugged it, and no more problems. Also, to get the freecam to roam, you'll need a joystick plugged in. I haven't figured out which keys on the keyboard, if any, correspond to the forward/back camera controls yet (shows how much I've used the free cam), but the joystick moves it around just fine.
  17. 3 confirmation questions

    1. The free cam mod, which is included in TLG, and UUM I believe, allows you to detach the camera from the ship and move it independently, though I've only used it while the game was paused, and haven't tried running it with the game in action to see how things go. 2. As Dagger said, just copying the original install works. If you're going to be installing multiple mods, I'd suggest labeling one folder 'Clean Install' or something, and don't install any mods on it, so you have a clean install ready to go if needed. 3. Not that I know of. This might not even be possible for mod teams to do without an SDK, because there might not be any lines of code in the .exe file that would allow for that.
  18. Roll Call

    Your friendly, neighborhood dragon, on station.
  19. TLG Hiring for Developer Positions

    Ok, we're looking to add a few people to our team. We currently have openings for one or two model importers, several beta testers, and a PR manager. No previous experience is necessary for any position (though experience is a plus). Importers will be importing models to Legacy, HPing and adding damage meshes; Beta Testers will be testing internal releases, and providing feedback on bugs, general gameplay experience, and providing suggestions for improvement; the PR Manager will be handling all announcements, ad campaigns, organizing and participating in interviews (possibly alongside developers as decided per interview), and general Public Relations. Anyone interested in any of our available positions, please contact me via PM here or on our forums at http://www.tlg.reswebservices.com/forum, or via email at torturedwarrior (at) gmail (dot) com.
  20. The Legendary Generations mod is gearing up for our next release this weekend. For those of you not familiar with TLG, we're a merge of the Heroes and Legends (HaL) and Tactical Enhancement Mod (TEM). We've combined the canon stats and gameplay of HaL, and the enhancements of TEM. We've made a lot of improvements over the stock game, and we've got a lot more in the works. By the time we're done, TLG will have a combat style rather unique to Legacy (compared to the other mods currently available), and will be as true to canon as the Legacy system will allow. Our ships are balanced, and balanced now. We've still got some tweaking to do overall as we continue to add to the mod, but you don't have to wait for a full version for all the ships to be properly balanced with each other. We also feature unique play styles for the individual races, particularly in the TOS era. Remember those Romulan plasma torpedoes from "Balance of Terror"? We've got 'em. Powerful Klingon disruptors that made the Enterprise shudder with every hit? We've got 'em. We're adding some new sounds and music in this release as well, just a sample of what's to come, what we've yet to add. Maps will be a big focus in upcoming releases, as we get them made and get the stock ones changed. We've yet to fully incorporate TEM, since TEM 2.0 hasn't been released yet, but we will be including the best from TEM, enhanced by TLG-specific additions and the gracious generosity of other modders who have offered to share their work with us. Check us out at http://www.hal.reswebservices.com/, keep an eye on the announcements, and drop us a line on our forums. Also keep an eye out for screencaps, we'll be adding some to the site in the near future.
  21. File Name: The Legendary Generations Mod v0.1 File Submitter: Ilithi Dragon File Submitted: 4 May 2007 File Category: Add-Ons The Legendary Generations Mod, v0.1. This is the first public release version of TLG, released April 15, 2007. Click here to download this file
  22. TLG Mod gearing up for next release

    Ok, v0.1 is now up on combatace.com. It'll probably become outdated in the next couple days, when our next version is released (unless we get invaded by Tribbles or something), but it's there if anyone wants to try TLG without waiting for our next release. Thanks for the mirror, Dagger.
  23. The Legendary Generations Mod v0.1



    The Legendary Generations Mod, v0.1. This is the first public release version of TLG, released April 15, 2007.
  24. TLG Mod gearing up for next release

    We're planning on getting some vids up, just haven't gotten the chance to yet. It's a small team and we've all got stuff to do beyond TLG, so screencaps, vids and general publicity have taken a back seat to actual work on the mod, but we're trying to get a bigger public profile now, so keep your eyes on the site for any updates.
  25. TLG Mod gearing up for next release

    Glad to hear you're excited. We've put a lot of effort into our mod, and we really think we've made some huge improvements over the stock game.

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