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Everything posted by wilco

  1. Happy Birthday to

    Happy Birthday!
  2. Just another Viper coming to a CA near you.
  3. Women Football World Championship

    Agreed. And it looks like neither side expected that result.
  4. F-16A Netz of No. 144 Squadron sporting the short-lived second tail art.
  5. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported

    You said in post #4: "I just love how he gets stamped as an "Islamic" troublemaker", whereas neither Ha'aretz nor anyone in this thread put Muslims under general suspicion. Yes, what you describe is most certainly a problem (you see, I'm really not trying to argue here, it's more that I'm unsatisfied with the assumptions and implications that surface alongside the discussion), but in this case everyone stuck to the facts, namely that this guy is a demagogue labeling himself, his ideology and his movement "Islamic". End of story. As for the Nazi comparison: Alienating a group of people is one thing, but putting them up for extermination and casually using the process of extermination as the fuel for economy is something else, something that is entirely different. Nazism cannot be defined by such basic categories like "us vs. them", because the entire system itself was a mess and a constant struggle for power that furthered the antagonism that caused it. Jews were not killed because of their religion, but because of their identification with the sphere of circulation, which as well was eliminated in the process. German war economy had no market, because the "personification of the market" was enslaved and worked to death, or - if not suitable for the latter - killed instantly. Nazism used these techniques of domination you describe, but these techniquies are by no means adequate characteristics of National Socialism. (Just in case anyone is interested: Go read Franz Neumann's Behemoth. The guy worked for OSS during WW2.) BTW, I don't thinks it's the differences between humans (no matter if individuals or groups) that cause problems, it is "bad" egalitarianism and/or difference without reconciliation.
  6. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported

    Oh c'mon... This guy is the head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, a movement that promotes Islam as a means of opposition to the State of Israel. In this case "Islamic" is a selfimposed description, not a shady description by "The Zionist Lobby, Inc.", Ha'aretz or anyone else. If anything, Ha'aretz refers to said political group, not to Islam in general (except for one of the tags below the headline). Well, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Treblinka, Chelmno, Sobibor, slave labour for the monopolized war economy, and so on. So yeah, how's that any different? See, that's why Nazi comparisons don't necessarily further one's point.
  7. Two seaters as well? Nice! Count me in!
  8. If you need skins for a Barak, I'll be glad to help.
  9. Happy Birthday Stick!

    Happy Birthday my friend!
  10. and Spillone104 too!

    Happy Birthday!
  11. Happy Birthday Stary & squid!

    Happy Birthday!
  12. Rabbinical Court to execute Dog

    Serves him right. I'm sure he insulted the judges by talking about a piece of halibut that was good enough for Jehovah or something like that...
  13. Oh, the outrage... Despite the tree issue (which seems to be more of a non-issue after TK's announcement) I like the patch very much. As for the WEP: Isn't the "WEPTimeLimit=300.0" (that would be the 5min of available WEP you can read about in most sources) supposed to limit the time/amount of available water/methanol/air/whatever? I'm not sure how that translates into engine failure, although you could argue that the engine is likely to be wrecked after using up all of the available WEP.
  14. The StartDefaultDate has been there for a while now, but the randomizer is new. Adds a bit to the immersion, if you ask me. Makes me wonder if I should update all of my skins, though.
  15. Nazi brought to Justice

    He won't even go to jail, as he's to old and his defense is going to appeal the conviction... :[ Also, I find it very disturbing that the defense claims that Demjanjuk himself is a victim of the Nazis since he was recruited from a POW camp, placing him on the same level as the Jewish Sonderkommandos, despite the fact that the Trawniki guards were armed and trained in executions.
  16. Happy birthday Silverbolt!

    Happy Birthday!
  17. Happy Birthday ekek

    Happy Birthday my friend!
  18. Guess who's birthday it is?

    Happy Birthday!
  19. F-16A of No. 144 Guardians of the Arava (a.k.a. Pheonix) Squadron with the tail art used from 2002 until 2005.
  20. img00058

    From the album wilco's stuff

    F-16A Netz 726 of No. 144 Guardians of the Arava (Phoenix) Squadron
  21. wilco's stuff


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