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Posts posted by Stalin_joe

  1. Just out of interest, and please don't take this the wrong way, but what if someone was to release a modified RAZBAM product for free?


    Are you covered by copyright protection, intellectual property, etc? Seeing as you're using a game's engine, then surely it becomes the property of Third Wire, who created the engine in the first place. Modding and editing their game is just a little extra that they decided to give the community, however, whatever is modded still remains their property. Have I got it right?


    I ask because I've witnessed quite a few arguments and conflicts erupt due to people modding someone else's addons then re releasing them, with or without their permission (bearing in mind that it is a question of morals and decency here, not the law) for other sims...


    Have you any idea what your going on about here?

    Razbam produce a complete model from scratch its not just some simple cut and past from bits of thirdwires intelectual property. Hours of work involving many people go into each release. So moraly yes they do own the work they have done.

    As too your game engine point , if i follow your logic into a real world situation, that means if i invest money into building an aerolplane, should i have to give you a free lift in it whenever you want because i fly it in the air?

  2. Sorry to anounce that Razbam's Shop has been damaged in a hacking attempt and is temporarily closed for repairs. The shop will re open as soon as possable and secure again. We are working on this at the mo but it could take a couple of days to rebuild the E commerce side. Razbam wishes to apologise too its customers who have been experiencing delays in obtaining any products over the past couple of days but circumstances beyond our control (EG two hacking attempts ) have severely disrupted the smooth running of the shop.

    We have dispatched all orders taken prior to closure, if anyone has any reason to need support or enquiries in the meantime please email Razbam's support on the following email address. razbamsupportuk@hotmail.co.uk and we will endevour to answer you as soon as poss.

    The Banshee release has been one of Razbams most popular releases so far and will be back available to anyone who wants it as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience on this.

    we will update you on the situation as soon as we have sorted it.


    As for the hackers we have traced them, they didnt even hide there tracks very well.

    A big thank you to www.ketla.com for helping us sort this out.


    Steve aka stalin

  3. Hi Guys, sorry if you consider this post too be a bit political. But as an ex serviceman myself I am furious about this incident.




    A GURKHA who won the VC fighting for Britain has been banned from coming to live here - because he has "failed to demonstrate strong ties with the UK".


    Tul Bahadur Pun, 84, who won our highest bravery medal in the Second World War, wants to spend his last days among old comrades and having treatment for several health problems.


    At his ramshackle home in Nepal, he said last night: "I feel bitterly disappointed at the way successive British governments have treated me.


    "I have served the UK with the utmost loyalty and to be treated this way is appalling." Tul was handed his VC by Lord Mountbatten in 1944 for single-handedly charging a Japanese position in Burma under heavy fire.



    In an "exemplary" 18 year Army career he won 10 more medals, risking his life in Malaysia, India and Hong Kong, and served several tours of duty in Britain.


    Now living in a hut with no proper roof, running water or sanitation in a village 16,000ft up in the Himalayas, Tul has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems and asthma. His eyesight is poor and he has hearing trouble.


    He said: "I take a substantial amount of medication daily, without which I would die. There is not always a constant supply. When it runs out I feel vulnerable. There are no doctors or nurses, no medical outposts. I wish to settle in the UK to have better access to medication, care and support from doctors and nurses.


    "I have to pay for these out of my pension from the British Army of £132 per month.


    "I am very weak and... have to travel to the Gurkha camp in Pokhara every month to collect my pension. If I do not go in person I will not receive it.


    "It takes three hours to drive, then a one-day walk. As I am unable to walk unaided I have to be carried by two or three men.


    "The medication can be very expensive and I sometimes cannot afford it and rely on my family to pay for it. If they are unable to, which is often, I have to borrow money. This is very degrading."


    Tul applied for indefinite leave to enter Britain. The law allows for deserving cases to be let in but British officials in Nepal said they were "not satisfied... your application meets the requirements".


    They added: "This is because you have failed to demonstrate that you have strong ties with the UK." Astonishingly, among the reasons were: "You have not produced satisfactory evidence that you have a chronic or long term medical condition where treatment here would significantly improve your quality of life."


    Tul said he will appeal. His lawyer Martin Howe, of Ealing, West London, said: "These heroes should be welcomed yet they are treated like beggars and pariahs.


    "What stronger tie is there than being prepared to lay down your life in defence of Britain?"


    The Foreign Office said last night: "He can apply again, addressing the concerns of the entry clearance officer."








    If your in the UK please sign the petition on the following link, Thank you.




    Steve aka stalin


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