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About afik_t_king

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  1. Eagles Demonstration Team

    Also I forgot to mention that we are also beta testing Free Falcon 5, and maybe moving our team to fly in FF5.
  2. Eagles Demonstration Team

    Hello, My name is Afik, and I'm the leader of (I think is) the first aerobatic team for Falcon 4. We fly in Open Falcon 4.7, with the F-16C block 52. We've been 3 pilots, but now we have some difficulties to find more pilots because there aren't any pilots who want to fly aerobatics in Falcon. So now we are basically 2 pilots, and searching for more pilots who would like to fly with us. If you would like to join us, please contact me. My Icq & Msn are in my profile, but you can also contact me by PM. Afik Rahamim.
  3. The 104th virtual fighter wing is open for new pilots! The squadron fly in Lock on 1.1, and soon will move on the Flaming Cliffs. The squadron use the A-10 Thunderbolt, and her primary target is Air To Ground Attacks. The squadron also run a flight school, that in this flight school, new pilots can learn how to play in Lock On, how to fly and attack with the A-10, and alot more! My callsign is Bulldog, and I'm the squadron commander. The squadron is an international squadron, that accept pilots from all over the world. The squadron is based on the real 104th Fighter Wing. The squadron documents and presidures are based on the real 104th Fighter wing. For more information, and to join the squadron, visit our website- http://104vfw.coo.co.il

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