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About Hobbes57

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  1. Hi guys, I have a problem with the nato Fighters+ downloaded from here. I'm running SF2E with the latest (Feb?) patch in a stand-alone install, with no other mods installed. For some reason, the typical F-4 exhaust smoke trail does not show up, everything else seems to work just fine. This applies to all "smoking" US aircraft. Any idea what could be the cause of this? Thanks, Hobbes
  2. For some reason, I do not see the the typical F-4 smoke trail when using this in a Strike Fighters 2 Europe Feb 2010 stand-alone install. Does anybody know what may cause this?
  3. Hi guys, being somewhat new to Strike Fighters 2, I use the "HUD" setting on "normal". I already found out how to edit away to top-tight radar panels by changing the Huddata.ini. I would like to make the bottom left info panel a bit smaller as well, currently it is taking up too much screen estate. Where would I do this? I didn't find any info on that in the somewhat overwhleming knowledge base here. Thanks! - hobbes
  4. I checked their website and apart from 3 buttons that do nothing, it is void of life and action. After reading the good reviews. I'd like to get YAP for my WoV installation - is there another place to get it? -- Hobbes57

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