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Everything posted by TSgtT

  1. I wanted to post a quick note to let everyone know how much I really enjoy this site and all the info and discussions that are available. Thank you for all of the hard work that go into the downloads. T.
  2. Old Dudes That Only Lurk

    I enjoy visiting the site and checking out the latest screenshots, videos, mods and downloads. Unfortunately I just don't have the time right now to enjoy my hobby. I appreciate all of the hard work that goes into this site. A big Thank you! T.
  3. Good Morning, I'm finally taking the plunge and looking at purchasing one of the Strike Fighters 2 series games. Since I'm not that familiar with the 2nd series what are the recommendations from the group on which one I should purchase that will allow be the best flexiblity of adding mods and such. Thanks, T.
  4. Thank you all for your suggestions. I appreciate everyones help with deciding on which one to try out. T.
  5. Good Afternoon, I was wondering if OFF Phase 2 was still available. I have been away from CFS3 for awhile and have the original OFF and wanted to try phase 2. I would appreciate if someone could let me know what I need to do to get a copy. I'm located in IL near St. Louis. Thanks, T.
  6. Good Morning, I downloaded the Korean War Campaign Mod and wanted to know if it could be installed in WOE or WOV instead of SF1. The instruction say SF1 but I was curious if anyone else had it installed in WOE/WOV and if there were any prolems with the alternate install. Thanks, T.
  7. I've looked through the forum but couldn't find anything on how to turn off the exhaust/smoke trail. Could somebody point me in the right direction to turn it off in the sim. Seeing the exhaust trail reminds of flying jets. Thanks, T.
  8. Hi, need a little help with FE1. Installed it the other day and can't get it to go 60% when trying to fly a single mission. The sim gets stuck and doesn't go past 60%. Would appreciate any advice on how to procede. Thanks, T.
  9. FE1 stuck at 60%

    Thanks guys that did the trick. T.
  10. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I have installed WOR and really like it (Thank you for all of the hard work) but have a question concerning the speech pack. When I play the game I still here the default WOE ground/radar control speech. Did I mess something up on the install. I know in WOA it changed to reflect that time period. Thanks, T.
  11. Hi, I installed Wings over Africa per the instructions and ran into a problem that I need help with. It seems everything works fine except for some reason my keys are not recongized by the program. The F keys work just fine but my other keys are not recognized. For example I am unable to release the brake even though I have the B key selected for the brakes. The keyboard works fine when I start WOE and other sims, but not in WOA. Any help would be appreciated, and also thank you in advance for such a wonderful mod. T.
  12. Thanks for all of the replies. I ended up reinstalling then applying the 08 patch and then WOA. Everything works fine now. I didn't think I had to add the patch the first time since I purchased the download version of the game from Third Wire. Oh well everything works now. Looking forward to some other WWII installs. Thanks, T.
  13. I currently have all of the first series of the games and I'm getting ready to purchase one of the second version of the games and wanted the opinion of the community which would be a good choice to buy that would allow me to get the most bang for my buck. In other words which game I could add aircraft, terrain etc. Also will the second series games run on Win XP? Thanks, T.
  14. I would like to purchase one of the SF2 series but I'm having a difficult time deciding which one to buy as my initial purchase. I'm looking for which version will give me the best capability of terain and mod expansion. I have all of the 1st series but don't quite know which one to get from the second series. I apologize in advance if this has been asked before, I've read through the forums but still don't have a clue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I plan on buying them all at some point in time but need a little help on getting started. Thanks, T
  15. I've been away from flight sims for a while now. I wanted to get back into playing SFP/WoE again. I am particularly interested in WWI/WWII installs. Over the years I had downloaded many of the great mods/aircraft that were available. I had a HD crash where I basically lost everything. I very much want to try the multiple install and do the tweaks that would allow me to fly WWI/WWII aircraft. I've searched through forums, but I'm pretty lost. Is there a post that someone can refer me to that could help get me started? Basically what all do I need to mod in order to set up an install to fly WWI/WWII planes. What .ini edits would I need to do in order to get rid of the radar on the upper right and the labels that are displayed in the game. I apologize if this has been asked before, but would really appreciate any help.
  16. I know this may be a dumb question, but can I do a modified install of First Eagles to add my WWII aircraft and objects? Would that be easier or is there something that would prevent me from doing that? Thanks, T.
  17. Thanks everyone, I look forward to playing some WWII scenarios. I got First Eagles and I like that a lot. Appreciate all of the help!! T.
  18. It's been awhile since I've been able to play the sim again. I can tell you all after not playing for a long time, I really missed it. My question has to do with flying the Lightning in WoE. When I'm taking off the canopy is shut, but when I accelerate the canopy opens. Is there a setting that I need to edit in order to change it from opening and staying open when I'm taking off and flying? Thanks, T.
  19. Thank you all, I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things. I'll make sure I do my homework first and check out the forums. I'm looking forward to getting back in the game and checking out all of the mods. Thanks again to everyone for helping me out. T.
  20. Would somebody have a joystick profile for MS Sidewinder Pro?

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