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Everything posted by Fungoid

  1. Hi fly-peeps; I get a little problem in FE at the end of a campaign mission; when I hit 'esc', about one time in three the game just goes to a black screen, and is unreponsive to most inputs. ( Mouse - clicks no good, only response is to 'enter' - which gives crash-to-desktop). Tried re-install, just vanilla game with no addons, still occurs. XP, Nvidia 9800, Athlon FX60, 2gig ram, saitek FFevo. Anyone seen / know this? Tried looking for earlier posts, not found any ( maybe I need to search better %]. To say it's frustrating when you've just scraped back from an epic mission, downed several EA, got more holes in than windows95, then get dumped out and the game hasn't saved it....AAARGH!
  2. DX9 up -to date doh :(
  3. I think so, but I will check.
  4. Nope, still the same. I just don't get it; every other game I got is OK...?
  5. Thanks, I'll try that. I've also checked my DirectX 9c and components are up to date; the online updater did add something to my DirectX. Also, as I remember, the FE installer did also add a little to directX, even on the reinstall... a bit strange, as I thought directX install were one-way, no going back types?
  6. demo this year?

    That's proper hardcore. What would they do for, ahem, 'toilet facilities'? Leg bags & comodes / could be naasty.
  7. Tried graphic settings - still prob., even at lowest settings. Rollback to Nvidia 186.xxx - still same. Noticed ONLY happens if attempt campaign missions ( vanilla ones with the game release, not addons) but not ever with single-mission flights. 'Feels' to me like the game can't quit the 3D and load up the campaign result or something...?
  8. Damaged Fokker

    LOL looks like an 'on-the-wing' conversion D7 to D8-inline variant! Owwch! Eject! wadda ya mean you can't?
  9. Thanks chaps; going to try low settings- work up, first; then if still got freeze/crash thing then roll-back Nvidia to 180.xxx!
  10. Hi, thanks for reply..did originally put various mods on, got the freeze/crash, uninstalled everything, reinstalled just vanilla game + expansion pack + nov08 update...kaboom! Same problem. Doh! All Nvidia drivers, XP SP3, everything up to date etc. A real bummer as I love all things WW1 airborne, and this game most of all! ( Ahead of OFF, RoF, and others.) Going to try different graphical settings; at moment everything at max; I hate to compromise when my PC can handle it though :(
  11. demo this year?

    Mmmm. Nice. How about some Chinook action? Or that marathon Vulcan mission, that did practically nothing? Noob question: what engine this sim built on? 3wire, homemade, CFS? Look forward to it - first I've heard of this - note to self - look in forums more often ;)
  12. idk wat happened

    Seen this, done this myself - graphic card o'clocked a teeny teeny bit too far ( either GPU or GPU memory ). Need to back it down only 1 or 2 MHz.
  13. violent pitch

    Just to fill out the picture, I got the warp-wobblies last night ( Tripe 2 guns ) once out of the 5 times I used it in a mission. I don't use trim; I came out of warp going UPWARDS in excess of 400mph ( speedo was maxed out), altimeter going clockwise real fast, blue sky forwards; chopped throttle, max rudder side-to side, & then I was OK. Was about 3000 ft higher up than my patrol! Can live with it; kinda fun!
  14. Nieuport 28?

    Many thanks for the reply Mr P; I'll take a look at the link & see if I can do anything...or not :( Sorry if I always quote someone in my replies; I've not quite settled in to the new forum style yet...
  15. Nieuport 28?

    Why not train up some of us guys to be modellers? I'm sure some of us would love to, if we only knew how. Online tutorial: Remedial OFF Modelling for special-needs flyers?? Seriously tho', I'd have a pop if I knew how to do it. I wanna N28, DH5, SSWD4, JUnkers D1, Fokker d8 yay! Is 'converting' models from add-ons to RB3D a possibility??
  16. Nice new forum

    Yay! Loving the new forum. My thanks to CombatAce for taking OFF. Jeez, didn't Sim-outhouse get their pants in a pandemonium about ( what..exactly? ). Think their valium ran out. Anyhoo; ... I'm Fungoid; back in Sim-OH I went under the moniker of 'Bonestorm'. I've dropped that now, as my son has kinda hijacked that off me, for Team Fortress 2 etc. Doh! :yes:

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