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Posts posted by SchwarzerPrinz

  1. Hello fellow simmers!


    In the name of my team i'd like to introduce to you the new website of our project: The FW190 - Cockpit!



    Our project's goal is the construction of the perfect simulator for single-engine fighters. We that is Roger "JG333_Bazi" Finest, Stefan "Prediger" Henkenjohann and Frédéric "JG333_SchwarzerPrinz" Zamit.

    The design is based on a Focke-Wulf 190 D9 (also known as "Long nose"). Most of the dimensions and equipment are historically correct, though we add our own little improvements here and there.


    Right now we're about to finish the first phase: The interior is almost finished, switches and levers deliver full control and soon the gauges will display the correct values, provided by the simulation.

    The next phases will add a panorama-view of the environment and we consequently walk the walk to close the gap between reality and simulation.


    I wish you a good time visiting our site! We're looking forward to your comments, questions and critics. And if you liked our website, tell your friends about it.


    Best regards,






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