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Posts posted by JJ SHONSON

  1. After many failed bombing runs using many A/C, I found away to get the iron on target! Now I can already see the replies and I don't think for a minute I'm the first to think/come up with this strategy for bombing, but for me it works and I want to share with you!


    First things first my own little disclaimer using my method of bombing I have a 90% kill rate, it's not perfect and I don't pretend it to be anything more!


    Altitude anything above 5000ft sorry metric boys not sure what that is in meters.

    What I have found works for me is to approach the target at a low altitude to avoid some of the AAA, SAM's and thing of that nature, I first send in wingman or friendly flight to draw fire. At around 2 miles out I pull back on the stick to gain a little altitude (above 5000ft), once I have the desired Alt I roll my A/C on her back so now my canopy is facing the deck. I will hold this position all the way to target, using the cockpit view keys (on the Num-pad its 5 or the view to look straight up or in this case straight down on to the target) I will follow the target until it falls out of view over the rear of the canopy, at the very instant the target is out of view pull back hard on the stick, in some ways it's like pull a half scissor, line up you crosshairs release weapon and pull out get on the deck and kick the AB and get the hell out of town!


    It's really just dive-bombing, the rolling the A/C on her back and using the views to see the target is just away for me to when the target is directly below. Doing this has given me great success when performing strike mission.



    :clapping: A very daring maneuver... but a little bit risky one. I mean it must to be dangerous climbing to 5.000 feet (1.666,66 metres... for the metric boys) over ten thousand SAM's that will fire to you when you are over 2.000 feet. You'll need a plane with a real powerful engine... and pray for luck.

    And another detail... I never send my wingman to a certain death... his (or hers)


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