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Everything posted by X RAY

  1. Thanks all you guys! Appreciation is an always welcome B Day gift! And great to see Starfighter 2 back again! The skins are just the Insky (Jv 44t) Su-27M tweaked. just make some new nose panel lines (3d permitting). The upcoming splintered ones will be completely new subjects!
  2. Yes! And maybe for a Black jack game! The older ones!a bit revised
  3. Don't worry Ed I'm working on the skin that is in your folder,just cueing it up,the result is a good eye catching!
  4. Based on T-10M-9 is one of the 2 early production planes delvered to Russian Air Force,since 1996 testbed at Akhtubinsk from 2000 was displayed at several airshows. All plane has it's proper RWR suite,note the nose and tailcone dielectrics made by decal,cause the 3D model won't allow me to paint directly. Each set is in it's proper colour,The other RWR panels ,Wings,Right Fin,Lerx has their proper colour and shape too. Same for the stencils,Intakes and canopy warnings,the Red stars,etc.. they vary from plane to plane in postioning (based on proper photos and drawings) Bort numbers are offset for one side to the other. ETA in almost 1 month or more (I'm completely busy). Splintered and Su-37 skin are under development will included in the whole pack. Will also available for both WoX and SF-2 series same for the Airshow loads (previous Krizis and MF permission) So not available via PM's since the release date! Superflanker Duty: Il-76 and 78 skins are under development too Berkut skin is ready! Cheers! X
  5. Happy Birthday NGHENGO

    BC Mau!
  6. The Terminators WIP Estimated release time minimum 4 weeks Russian Air Force: Ex PVO Fighters: MOOOOORE TO COME!
  7. Six F-4E from the 3rd TFS/3rd TFW were deployed, but only four made it to Incirlik on 2/20/91. The unit's AVQ-26 Pave Tack pods were stuck in a transport at Hickam AFB, and did not arrive in time for combat use. The unit's first combat action occured on 2/22/91, when they flew AAA suppressions missions for F-16's against Al Mosul, Iraq, with similiar combat missions on 2/26 and 2/27. Ordnance configurations were the same for all combat missions, all aircraft: - a single CBU-87/D on each of the inboard pylons, suspended from 'special weapon' adapter - AIM-9 missle rails were in place, but no Sidewinder missiles were carried - AIM-7F's in the two rear Sparrow wells - deep ALQ-131(V)-14 in left front Sparrow well, right front well unused - two 370 gallon wing tanks, and F-15 style 600 gallon centerline tank A Pave Tack laser designation mission was set for 2/28/91, but was canceled due to the cease fire. The aircraft were loaded, but did not fly, with: - Paveway GBU-10's mounted directly to the each inboard pylon - AVQ-26 Pave Tack on centerline, replacing 600 gallon tank. All aircraft were ARN-101/TISEO equipped. All planes left Turkey 3/19/91, and went directly to AMARC 25/3/1991. SER. No's: 71-1086 72-1407 73-1198 73-1199 These are Mike's correct infos that he gaves me
  8. Suggestion,skin and decals are Rhino Master Mike D.,I think he'll do it,and maybe surrounded with other spicy stuff!
  9. Unfortunately are only YAP2 features,but the way to make 'em as a bomb can fill some gaps on most AC's. Fighters are the most luckiest,to use the chute on bombers (or with all plane that have an operating internal bomb bay) is different,you must make a copy of the bomber and replace the bomb bays with a single chute housing (changing the animation) in that way when you press O the chute appears and bombdoors remain closed. Buffs can bomb with the HSABS loads,but F-117 can only used for recon missions or screenshots sessions. But anyway is SOMETHING!
  10. In Operation Desert Storm the "E" Rhinos involved were the Arnies one,I've used the term "proper" cause the ODS F-4E's from the 3rd TFS were older versions not used in that war. Mike gives me correct infos about planes and their loadout (only 4 planes involved) and all with ARN-101 update
  11. And...more to come! Like the Heavy Weights! HDR by Falcon CAF DragChute from YAP2
  12. Incirlik 1991 Part Two: The A.M.I. StarGazers HDR by Falcon CAF DragChute from YAP2
  13. When ODS meets YAP2 Incirlik 1991 Part One: Introducing the new proper ARN-101 Rhinos from the 3rd TFS (Thanks MIKE!) HDR by Falcon CAF DragChute from YAP2
  14. Happy B-Day Fubar512 et al

    Happy birthday!
  15. Happy Birthday 331Killerbee

  16. [Nation059] Name=Russia DisplayName=Russian Air Force Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesUS.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 Got no problem adding modern VVS and shows in dropdown menu
  17. Hot nights on Nam skyline Rhino landing
  18. il 2 sturmovik : birds of Prey

    non e' che voglia offendere le consolles,sia chiaro!L'unica cosa che ancora mi trattiene dal non pigliarmi la 360 e' il fatto di non poter usare la tastiera come nel pc!altrimenti sarebbe gia' in saccoccia! Comunque ARMA2 e' veramente pesante,non tanto a livello di PC quanto a difficolta' di gioco,son fermo in una missione single player dove facendo la parte di un gruppo di ribelli devo vagare silenzioso per un bosco di montagna,stando attento a cinghiali etc... con un visore notturno che se si bagna...CIAO!!!!!su e giu' per terreni scoscesi,boschi fitti e eliminare i checkpoint russi,ok posso rubare o meno mezzi,dalle moto da cross a auto civili,beh non dopo aver acceso il motore e i fari,togliendo gli abbaglianti!
  19. il 2 sturmovik : birds of Prey

    Negative sir OFP2 e' Operation Flashpoint 2 Dragon Rising! ARMA2 e'diverso anche se e' nato (come il primo ARMA e espansione Queen's Gambit) da una costola del primo OFP. In teoria e' confermato (OFP2) come lo era ARMA2 ma a causa della complessita del gioco (puoi passare dalla prima alla terza persona allo strategico,e con i punti esperienza (cash) puoi costruire nuove installazioni (alla civilization)tanto per fare esempi) e ce ne sarebbe da dire,tipo mappa da 225 Km quadri di mappa,con variazioni di flora e fauna ecc... Ho cercato di nuovo recensioni per consolle ma viene ribadito che difficilmente verra' convertito per queste in quanto TROPPO complesso,e gia per PC lo e': Fai conto sei un ribelle e incontri dei russi,se ti sentono solo PARLARE nel tuo dialetto ti fan fuori,se interagisci nella loro lingua,tutto OK,addirittura puoi fomentare rivolte civili! L'IA e' talmente evoluta che se tu vieni ferito,il tuo caposquadra ti se sei nel suo raggio visivo,ti manda il medico in automatico e questo arriva non e' detto subito,se ingaggia nemici li fa fuori,richiede a sua volta copertura e poi viene a soccorrerti! Per quanto riguarda tastiera e mouse,mi ero informato anche per la 360,le consolle possono usarle per cio' che concerne la navigazione internet o chat,ma per giocare bisogna vedere se il gioco le supporta,normalmente no,solo controller. A meno che poi non ti facciano una tastiera dedicata come era successo per mechwarrior!
  20. il 2 sturmovik : birds of Prey

    Per PS3 non so nulla,so che ACE combat V era uscito per x-360 in bundle con sistema hotas. Ma ora finalmente si scoprono i limiti del joypad! Ad iniziare da ARMA2 che doveva uscire multipiattaforma,ma in realta' solo noi utenti PC ne possiam godere! Visto che per pc si utilizzano: Tutta la tastiera piu' tasti doppia funzione Tutto il mouse piu' doppie funzioni tutto il joystick Non credo che a parte un intervento di chirurgia per impiantarsi altre 2 coppie di braccia sia una cosa attuabile per gli utenti console!

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