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Everything posted by X RAY

  1. answer to my other post (J-6) reply! Great add!!!!!do you plan to go on radar mig-19 PM's too??????
  2. Nice!Do you make radar equipped versions too??
  3. Glad u like it!Up the Skippy's work!
  4. Finally!A very nice beast!i think I'm busy with it in next times to come!irresistable!
  5. Hi, first this have nothing in common with new Blackbird's Farmer family,is just a rework on some parts to keep this as placeholder until Blackbird's works will done! Me and Kevin add some little mods and tweaks to the original Madcaddie/Wrench 17pfu-19pm nose Kevin delete the guns,I reshape the nose from intake to airbrake,to cut off previous "sawtooth" between fuselage and nose than moved pylons and Alkalis in proper positions as you can see on the pics following: Skins are kevin's Mig-19 Hi-rez-tweaked by me to remove: Guns blast deflectors on each side of the fuselage Guns gas stain and shells ejector holes Add drDoyo blue style PVO no's
  6. Anyway,this i repeat,won't be a definitive aircraft,just a good looking placeholder til yours be ready!!! :yes:
  7. I know,price to pay to balance radome and plane colours,same tweak used by wrench on mig-17PFU available here,but I don't see many bright 19 PM's cause many of them were painted over with protective semi-gloss or matt varnish! C models were more bright!
  8. "City of Pilsen" 5th FR Decide to make a package,with different nations and specific noses This is the Czech update,Blue radome,Kukulo 5fr badge and newest czech 19 Pm specific muesli's numbers Well this depicts a real plane as seen on the the wrench 4plus profiles!
  9. Kukulo perfect roundels and Muesli's no's but if you want to go on individual plane I can use yours!or you can make the right Czech PM no's!
  10. I know,give a try with your decals (I must learn well to do it),about PM I've download the Wrench 4plus walkarounds books and there's a bunch of interesting PM's
  11. Foreign PM's East germans Czechs Polish Specific numbers are needed, now they're only for layout using diifferent decals from various authors Ok!enough for today! need a cigarette!
  12. Ordways is the standard PM pit since it was released!
  13. Ok probe moved and top lip radome enlarged as seen on every photo problem is move the probe to the right wing!
  14. no it's the standard one,maybe works on the belly seems to gave it a more slender appearance!
  15. We were soldier

    Dark blue world,e' passato inosservatoma e' un film ben ricreato,ma veramente bene,sui piloti cecoslovacchi in servizio con la raf durante la 2 GM,parla di addestramento,combattimenti,amicizia e l'inutilita' di tante cose,il film e' un flashback che ha un pilota ceko in prigione dopo la guerra,in piena dittatura comunista,chiunque avesse combattuto per potenze occidentali era da ritenersi nemico del popolo!!!!!bella la scena in cui in prigione si trovano lui e un medico delle ss,tanto per dimostrare il paradosso,prima a combatterli e poi in cella assieme,prima un'invasione poi un'altra,e i totalitarismi che si fan il verso! Da guardare!
  16. F-1 this Week end

    Poor Felipe!!!I support him,ok Ferrari wins the constructor championship...but I really don't like Hamilton,Felipe is more "human" than the mediatic Lewis...like all the Brazilian drivers first of all the great Ayrton Senna
  17. A-109

    mi sa che me lo installo,non l'ho fatto perche' aspetto sempre jet thunder su quel conflitto,ma tra macchino e 109 mi sa che me lo scarico!
  18. A-109


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