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Everything posted by X RAY

  1. Bombardamento "all antica" e consiglio letterario

    ho visto il film....comunque son disponibili sia le skin per l'a6 che per il pilota per l'a6 qui per il secondo su column 5
  2. TRY TO CHANGE THIS LINES: [MissionData] NationName=SOVIET ServiceStartYear=2003 ServiceEndYear=2040 AircraftRole=FIGHTER AircraftCapability=DAY_AND_NIGHT Availability=COMMON Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear= ExportEndYear= ExportAvailability=COMMON PrimaryRoles=SWEEP,CAP,INTERCEPT,ESCORT SecondaryRoles=STRIKE,SEAD,ARMED_RECON,ANTI_SHIP,RECON,CAS NormalMissionRadius=1370 MaxMissionRadius=4000 Ceiling=17700 MinBaseSize=SMALL FOR BOTH BM AND M VERSIONS NOW THEY'RE ABLE TO CARRY LATEST WEAPONS SUCH AS KBL 500 AND R 77 CHANGE FOR WING PYLONS (OUTER) AllowedWeaponClass=SAHM,AHM,IRM AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET CHANGE FOR WING PYLONS (INNER AND ENGINE AND FUSE ) AllowedWeaponClass=AHM,IRM,SAHM,BOMB,LGB,EOGB,EOGR,CGR,MER,TER,LGR,ASM,2IR,2BR,RP,GP,FT AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET FOR THE AVIONICS,LASER TAG ETC...YOU CAN REFER THE MIG 29 OVT Hope that can be useful!
  3. I'done the su 35 bm weeks ago... adding the fake retracted ifr probe
  4. WELL....this mod is the one I needed for a long time to do this... make a production su-27M/ su-35 model, the pit is a sovietized version of the f 23 pit. But I want ask Fastcargo :"can u make the squared top fins mod????
  5. altra botta di follia alcolica

    2 weeks! gia da 2 MESI!
  6. help needed

    confermo sul fatto che era su Major Lee aerodrome
  7. a great work Beppe!!!I've just posted the harriers!
  8. Version


    This is a "what if version" based on the sea harrier frs2 to match the AV-8B+ for the Bobrock's Garibaldi carrier until a new one will be done. read me file included: thanks to: Russouk2004,usafmtl,Sundowner for the original model Enjoy it!
  9. The notice of the Bobrock's Garibaldi Italian Navy carrier, gives me the idea to add a fighter on it's deck.Problem is that there're none av-8b+ at the moment to do it!Hope somebody is working at!!! I've tried to solve it doing a little work on the RussoUk2004/Sundowner Sea Harrier frs2 (that is the "almost" near similar plane) and give a more life at that project.The plane now is modified on the inside, it includes on data.ini's:-the whole f-18 pit (B.A. type to solve the Hud problem)-the APG-65 radar-the GAU-12A Equalizer cannon-the chaff/flare dispensers-the TV/Laser TAG's (to simulate the flir)-the capability to carry modern guide bombs and missiles,plus the Lightning pod (for that purpose is named USAF on nationality) etc...So here's the work:Italian Navy "Wolves" Sqn. plane 1-19 carrying the six bombing missions a view from the pit visions of the plane 1-07, note on the first pic. the "shadowplay" to simulate the flir probe. the normal Italian subload attachment The Lightning pod and Agm-65'sSo.. it's not ended here!For "fair play" I've added new loading screens if u want to rename the folder and replace the frs2'sAnd..2 other skins- For the U.S.M.C. bro's "Avengers" Sqn. ..yes..I know-av8 don't carry the Hellfires-But the Fastcargo's agm's are too nice and I've add 'emEnglish Harriers carrying the Brimstones and I give the Marine's license to "Hellfirezed their Harriers II"and last skin is for the Armada bro's "Cobra" Sqn. Now see 'em fighting!U.S.M.C. start the dance
  10. W.I.P. MB 326

    veramente bello!!!!!
  11. chi ci ha mai giocato?

    eurofighter 2000 e operation icebracker,li ho avuti da un amico,come sono?vale la pena li installi?
  12. Nave Garibaldi

    che dire.....penso che i complimenti non bastino!
  13. they seems turbine access doors, In some black and white photos the engine lower position was visible through elliptical vents near this area Here's what I've found hope it helps !!! Turbine detail exhaust position
  14. chi ci ha mai giocato?

    ma quella del Buff era solo una prova,almeno posso svolazzare con un f 16 c dei triple nickel (10 km da casa mia) anzi a quanto stan le cose tra non molto sopra la mia testa svolazzera' qualche raptor,intanto per ambientamento,poi non e' escluso che ci sia lo stanziamento,da fonti interne la base!
  15. chi ci ha mai giocato?

    mmmmm le 20 son furbe! lomac a livello garfico per me e' l'ideale,fsx e' superlativo,ma solo volo e niente armi!!! il su 25 t,che aereo del menga, con rispetto parlando, l'a10 e' a 10 a 0,la telecamerina,gli autopiloti,i vikhr,benedetta l'interfaccia computerizzata e non umanizzata,tante volte mi diverto a farmi colpire per vedere gli effetti della ca! il su33 e' gia' gran cosa!!!!!ed e' pure azzeccato nel layout generale! ma potevano,invece del su 25 t fare un su 37???????Spettacolo! altra cosa divertente,provare ad atterrare con i bombardieri!!! che bello il su 27 vestito da b 52 che sprofonda nella pista!!!!!e vien giu' come un chiodo! Spero continuino coi mod e riescan a far volare realmente tutto!
  16. I'm glad to introduce you the Admiral Gorshkov carrier. It's a "what if?"Vindictive class in soviet dresses! I choose it cause the shape is almost similar-almost-and the Gorshkov never reached the Soviet or Russian fleet. Thanks to Hinchinbrooke and Capun for the model,major works were on deck and sides. The ship no is 111 intended ,like the original,a revised "baku" cruiser. follow...
  17. yep,it was a form of torture....but not for the ears!
  18. Dialogo tra sordi

    TRANQUILLO!!!!beh son curioso della nuova campagna!
  19. Dialogo tra sordi

    guarda,succede,l'unica e' cogliere un po' qua un po' la' e provare,quello che ho fatto! Ahime' manuali non ce ne sono,gente valida si',ma ognuno con i propri impegni,e di quelle poche dritte ne ho fatto tesoro! Per il su 27 e la Gorshkov,beh io a parte il take off basico non ho aggiunto,quindi non so come si comporta nelle missioni,e il clone della Vindicavtive di Hinchinbrooke,nata per ospitare il what if dell'f 14 inglese (stessa stazza del sukhoi piu' o meno) (meno) quindi prova a sentire lui! Per noi per fortuna adesso c'e' la Garibaldi!
  20. Nave Garibaldi

  21. A-12 NAe São Paulo - O Retorno

    marcelo...I think perfect is a little word for that!
  22. thanks Dave!I've send 'em the permission req and they gave green light! This don't want to become a whole new aircraft,just an addon!

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