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Posts posted by HiggyGT

  1. 1-Hey I was just wondering if there are any full game mod downloads that are a complete self installing package for WOE including planes, terain ect.? Kinda new here so bare with me.


    2- Also wondering if the aircraft in the downloads section are simple drop ins that can be used with stock campains or single missions?


    Thanks in advance.

  2. Not to sure yet, I think I need to look around a bit and see what is available and then go from there. I know for sure I'm going to stay away from the WW2 stuff as those are the only sims I have played for the past 4-5 yrs. All the ad-ons I have seen for this game the past few days are truly amazing. I think I read a post here about some desert storm stuff coming very soon. I would not mind tryig that out when it becomes available. Until them maybe some of the 60's irseali / arab stuff, Mirages, kafirs and migs might be cool to try out or even the vietnam stuff, I would like to try out the A-4 or the A-6.


    Any suggestions?


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