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Everything posted by flying.toaster

  1. x-29 - f-20 tigershark

    A little spanish : El modelo 3D del F-20 esta acabado y entre manos de BPAO (el jefe de la Mirage Factory). El problema siendo que tiene unos cuantos aviones por acabar, asi que tardara lo suyo... Now you US guys can see the difference between portuguese and spanish . If you still cannot read (reminds me a scene of "inglorious basterds"), it says something like the 3D model is done (as can be seen from the screen shot) and is now in the very capable hands of the Mirage Factory... Bearing in mind that they already have their hands full with other neat projects, I think I was a bit enthusiastic with an ETA of 2 more months. No offense intended ... No really, I cannot tell Chinese from Korean and I do understand that both would take offense from my confusion. I cannot help being amused though Cheers
  2. That is some nice aircraft and a gorgeous skin... Just miss the (very short) time when the super turkey wore those colours (er... lo viz) Yeah I know it is not a thirdwire sim but it happens to be the same model used by TMF after all
  3. The Cobra Maneuver

    You might consider it from a different perspective... It is not about the usefulness of the cobra but rather what it tells you of the aircraft. If you consider the F-16 for instance, agility has been traded off against controlability at high AOA (hence the limiters). The Su-27 and, more significantly the MiG-29 with its mechanical controls, are capable of going to insane AOA without departing from controlled flight, and even more impressively can spin AND recover. If you consider that for both the F-4 and F-104, the spin recovery technique was ejection ... What it tells you is that an average pilot can mistreat the flanker and still get away with it. If he is followed by an average pilot in a less forgiving aircraft he may even win the battle without firing a shot (spin) ! This may explain why an F-18 has scored a gun kill against the presumably superior F-22. If the two were average pilots in a dogfight (that is without any regards to energy management blah blah) and the F-18 proves to be more forgiving at slow speed then the raptor is an easy prey. Just my 2 cents Back to my video games
  4. Weird tactic going low and popping up. That is good if you are running across a bunch of sams on a ground attack mission.That is, provided you have brought with you Exxon or Lukoil with you because you'll most probably run out of fuel flying low level. But if you are up against a modern fighter with decent look-down/shoot-down radar you will not negate detection for that long. And then you are low on energy if you have to engage in a dogfight. Flying very high level will give you the same kind of edge. Sure enough you will be detected earlier and detect your target later. But then your opponent's missiles will have to spend a lot of energy trying to climb up to you, when yours will have extra range going downhill. If you have to merge you will have the benefit of a higher energy, and if you have to evade, you can make a split-S and gain a lot of energy while not going low level. The issue there is that Alt+N will leave you at roughly the same altitude as your target and you can hardly apply that kind of tactics
  5. Ben vi Un peu bouffé par le tomcat... plus trop le temps de faire du SF en ce moment... Pour le tigershark je vais peut-être lui faire une texture en SVG avec la livrée rouge et blanche d'un des protos ... J'ai po vendu la mèche rassure moi ? Je crois qu'on avait vu des posts sur tous ces avions dans le coin ...
  6. Well the thing is the 3D model has been done for quite a while and it is waiting for contributions to be finished... Don't rush to volunteer, it is already in very capable hands... The shot you see is a first import under flightgear, for which I have also done this : Well I am not so new, and almost retired. I am one of the proud fathers of the : MiG-21F13 F/A-18A F-15 A and upcoming MiG-29A A-7E F/A-18D Mirage-2000C All from the Mirage Factory (a small contribution of mine, 3D modeling is the easy part) Also helped with the mud hen and C eagle
  7. F-20 : You mean like this one ? ETA : 2 more months ;)

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