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Everything posted by colmack

  1. I second the Midway class! and the Albany class CG Coral Maru all the way!!, Love to see Filthy Dirty n Rusty and some Midway Magic! though the problem with midway class each ship was pretty much a class of there own after they diverged from the original axle deck design.
  2. She is having problems with the harpoons, her CIWS aren't handling them. then again most times them type weapons make it through on most ships
  3. yes! please do her up in ASM mission
  4. Yeah she almost makes you feel Un-Welcome.......
  5. I'm wondering if the Patriot unit can kill a incoming scud now? or does it have to be a naval unit?
  6. Was wondering if anyone know why my brand spanking New TW DLC Phantom's Nat insignia decals are all wonky??
  7. it looks fine now, i dropped the insignia006 from the cat into the decal folder to replace what was in there it was the blue-red circles I'm just afraid the in the future i run into the same problem but going in the other direction.
  8. I guess It could be, I'm fairly perplexed on this one...
  9. This for me is only happening with RN blue skin the RAF skin is just fine and It only is happening in SF2 E SF2/NA and SF2 V seem fine.
  10. she took 3 cruise missiles, still full steam ahead Tuff girl....
  11. Boy, It's sad having her in drydock I hope the refit is going smooth.... In other news the Admiralty has decided to Keep Hermes conventional giving to the tensions in the North Atlantic....
  12. This my sound silly but how bout an overhead keyboard mount that way you don't have to take your eyes from the screen of course it will have to fold able out of the way when not in use
  13. I don't know what it is about the Rafale But on the The Cool Wall Id give it 9½ I just think it's one sexy bird... on the bug side I noticed that the pivot point when you make a turn on the ground for the front gear turn makes the entire strut swing back and forth, not the wheels side to side.
  14. My Pound Puppy is gone

    Mr Max passed tonite I'll miss the little fellow all 100 or so pounds of him.....he did it his way.
  15. SZ are you going to release a version with out the CVW and the other seasparrow box working?
  16. File Name: Giuseppe Garibaldi FS2NA.rar File Submitter: colmack File Submitted: 15 April 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects A SF2/NA Up grade for BobRocks Giuseppe Garibaldi... Click here to download this file
  17. Giuseppe Garibaldi FS2NA.rar

    That should be SF2NA.RAR
  18. Version 2.0


    A SF2/NA Up grade for BobRocks Giuseppe Garibaldi...
  19. Yep set it to CarrierParkSpan=2.00 n made a dedicated AV-8 for the Italian navy so that issue is done I think. I don't know what to do about the deck dropping off though Id like to be able to park aircraft infront of the island too but they just fall into the water. better hit up MR BobRock n see if its okay to post her. plus i need to test her cruise_missile defense them guns are claimed to be pretty hard core on cruise missiles...
  20. Hows this? I figured out the airwing issue I think.... thanks to Mr Aggie and Mr Blue, just a few minor adjustments here and there and she will be ready to leave the med n head up to the fighting in the north or just stick around n keep NATO's southern flank guarded... Id be nice to do an repaint on florian's SH3 to give a rotorwing aircraft on deck to with them beautiful folded rotors.
  21. been working on the little Italian Job C551 Giuseppe Garibaldi got the missiles-n-guns working but cant figure out why it always loads A-4's or American AV-8A harriers and not the AV-8Bplus that I have set to load on carriers how can you set it to just a certain plane? and almost to the front of the island the deck drops off the RL deck is 175.5 so I bumped the numbers to 200.0 that didnt help
  22. MuzzlePosition= when looking at these numbers is that to the center of the main object or the center of system that the muzzle is on? the reason I ask is that there is a ship that has a working missile system with positions for each missile the builder has also set up a "fake" missile launcher that has animation but no missiles I figure it would maybe easy to use the numbers of the "good" unit for the fake one....to place the missiles...and bring the fake one to life.

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