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Everything posted by colmack

  1. Man i wished i could help sf2 na came out the day before i left for vacation i got to run a couple test runs then out the door i went! Have not even been able to look at the ini sets as im living on my iphone rite now
  2. are you able to sink carriers with just the March 2012 patch?
  3. Dropping in for a Invitation only BarbQ best Yak steak Ever!!
  4. I can't wait to see how the ship_data ini look
  5. In a merged install I was able to sink the Ulyanovsk!! in SF2E
  6. [on soap box] complaint time............... its not a big one........... not a show stopper, well it is for me But I knew it I KNEW it! did i say I KNEW IT..... SF2NA released RITE before i go on vacation at least I get one day to fiddle with it........... [/off soap box] all i can say is thank you TK! I LOVE IT.....get some sleep, if i was in Austin Id buy u a great big Tbone steak...
  7. just in case I already got it so if u were gunna send it my way.... go ahead and donate it to a good cause...
  8. I want to be the first kid on my block to get a HIT on the carrier Kiev! Seriously though, I can't disregard the Kiev picture because right now unless the ship gets a kill or the missile selfdestructs it wont fire another missile salvo..at least that what I understand..
  9. heck we might as well toss in a E-1B Tracer too :yes:
  10. I noticed that too, there is also that overhead shot of Kiev and she has launched two missiles one from the bow and one from the back of the island I'm so looking forward to multiple missile launchers on the ships I hope that the "older" ones get refits then again there are some other older ships that are going to go the Virtual breakers, can't make um all into floating Virtual museums...... AFAIK right now the ships can only fight with one missile launcher except in the case of VLS but that is just placing the launcher placements on different areas of the ship, still just one missile launcher
  11. I was wondering that too. it would be nice for the FAA being that in my SFNA world the ark never gets cut up
  12. Hi guys I have been using this as a stand in for the EKA-3, it uses the canoe model from one of the old ®A-5 viggies
  13. I'm wondering if the blast deflectors on the Nimitz come up, I haven't seen it in any screen shots so, this has me wondering if now are we going to be able to launch consecutive times in the same mission or, if they were just not animated?
  14. Emergency Action Message: This was only a drill: please stand down..............
  15. In my SF2NA world HMS Ark Royal 09 was never scrapped
  16. Yeah I think the RN and FNS are going to be a tad busy.... to bad they ripped all the Air defenses of the Ark Royal, I do see myself getting the FN crusader and the F4K Phantom II DLC now...
  17. Maybe he is going with the same naming convention as the planes like CGN-36_79 "pre Phalanx" then CGN-36_82 "has Phalanx" because i have noticed that too with the Spruance-class boats
  18. I Like CombatAce Because....

    It relieves my aggressive tendencies, I haven't shot a virtual missile in 3 minutes Gawd dammit Boogidy!!! Boogidy!!!!!! ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! Oh my joy stick! Fox One!!! as i was saying, i like Combatace,, EEEEkk! because it relieves my aggressive tendencies........AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
  19. Heck it may still be the beta? Doh!!!
  20. As USS Harry S. Truman passes the Strait of Hormuz the crew breaks out a little 1979 nostalgia
  21. It will be march 11 that's the day I will be heading out of town for a week and Know that SF2/NA is sitting my HDD 3000 miles away so i wont be able to enjoy my vacation,,, Thanks TK....
  22. Thanks the first "mod" for SF2/na!!
  23. What kind of airwing would be on her? I'm sure Helix but since its going to be an amphibious assault ship it might have Hinds? the reason I ask is that the Russian federation has purchased 2 Mistral class amphibious assault ships witch we have in our library now. (wiki) The first ship of the Mistral class will be built within 36 months after the first advance payment. A second ship will be built within 48 months. At the initial stage, the consortium provides for the joint construction of two ships of this type with the subsequent production of two more. Russia will fulfill 20% of the required work during construction of the first Mistral-class ship in the STX shipyards in Saint-Nazaire, France.[76] The third and fourth ships will be constructed in St. Petersburg. Russia plans to build new shipyards on Kotlin Island near St. Petersburg. These will be used to construct Mistral-class ships and other large civil and military vessels in the future. The first ship was laid down on 1 February 2012 and will have the name Vladivostok. The ship will join the Russian Navy within 36 months.

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