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Everything posted by colmack

  1. fined 50 dollars for not riding in a bike lane

    NYC should have this guy working for bike rights
  2. Cuba V2.0

    Hi all, been doing some sea battles with the Cuba2 I really like it btw I was just wondering how do you change the explosion effects on the water to be water spray blasts not land dust ups I'm assuming i can be changed in the terrain folder because i have installed it in my ODS and that has water spray effects also the Libya terrain does too
  3. MSFoxhound: Guy I want it as much as the next guy, but this stuff is not like folding a piece of paper and making a paper plane. it takes time and patients the artist like to do the there work at there own pace I think that sometimes when folks get on here and poke and prod for a faster release it causes the project to be delayed....at least 2 two weeks more
  4. WBS Nice! this is one i didn't even know about, I'm glad your doing it! I will be looking forward to the gestation of this project.
  5. WBS I can report very good results with the new set of numbers for the SM-2MR it didn't even fiddle with me gave me the ole banana in the Intake fear the reaper, hell fear the TICO/Bunker "Kill"
  6. can someone makes the fantail flightdeck operational please that would be The Cat's Meow
  7. Epic Trolling!

    Live to Ride, Ride to Live, just kids havin some good old fashion fun.
  8. WBS, Hi well the ship visuals are good but the missiles aren't working on the 52's and the 53's launch something but it fizzles not to high after launch and i don't see the tomahawk model during said launch just the smoke and fire during boost phase I installed the SM-2MR on the 47's to see if its the missile model but they work fine from that platform i have tried numerous rewrites of the 52's .data to see if i could get some action but still no joy all the other defensive systems work as advertised just can't get the birds to fly I know that VLS works in gen1 cuz the UDALOY Class ships work just fine I'm sure it's just something in the .data file that I'm missing that stuff is like the black arts to me LOL BTW I even tried it in Sf2v and I didn't get any action there either But I didn't used your missile models so I can't say that it "didnt work" there. thanks The Ticonator: Listen, and understand. Them Tico's are out there. they can't be bargained with. they can't be reasoned with. they don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
  9. Thanks, WBS I don't know why but when you start the mission I like to go around with F7 to see what they are doing when I get to the CG-52 cg-53s they are not there in game the red dialog box that says the ships name and speed like it is there but no ship, I have run it in WOV2 and it shows fine i was just figuring you compiled it in some other gen 2 way witch is ok with me i need to move on up to WOE2 anyway was kinda waiting for ODS2 kinda thing n stuff I think there on the way anyways the CG-47 CG-48 are in game fine save the harpoon, but i can live that also.
  10. WBS really love the ship(s)! one question tho the first release working fine in first gen after INI fixes but second release is a nogo I was just wanting to use um with ODS maybe shoot some TommI-hawks at the Rep Guard HQ -n- stuff but the VLS jobs won't show up on the gunline any ideas? Thanks.
  11. Wow she is one hard girl to get close to, tonite she engaged me at 38 miles when i was messing with with an older sister of her's nice job guys!!
  12. set adrift by the outhouse

    Hoss well I'm sorry that my post miss lead you, but this fellow doesn't have a "Regular ISP email ADDY" been calling the outhouse a home for at least 10 years using that very same gmail account for at least 6 of the said years I don't hold um any bad will, I was just sayin...........I truthfully "left my heart in the outhouse"
  13. I'm getting the same problem I just reinstalled after a HDD crash used to work... now not so much
  14. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Billy Jack might force Chuck Norris to drive his car into the lake..
  15. Just to say i'm not having the CTD on my side I have it installed to my ODS install, The one question i have is there anyway to set it up to just use ODS Tile sets?
  16. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    The state bird of Oklahoma is Chuck Norris’ middle finger.
  17. FW: Urgent Message (UNCLASSIFIED)

    Subject: FW: Urgent Message (UNCLASSIFIED) Date: Monday, December 20, 2010, 10:59 AM Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Urgent message We are asking everyone to say a prayer for "Darkhorse" 3rd Battalion 5th Marines And their families. They are fighting it out in Afghanistan & they have lost 9 marines in 4 days. IT WOULD BE NICE TO SEE the message spread if more could pass it on. Semper Fi, God Bless America and God Bless the United States Marine Corps... Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever. Lindsay Lohan, 24, gets her name and face all over the news because she went to jail. Now she's getting it all over again for failing her drug test. But: Nothing in the media about these guys because no one seems to care: Justin Allen, 23, Brett Linley, 29, Matthew Weikert, 29, Justus Bartett, 27, Dave Santos, 21, Chase Stanley, 21, Jesse Reed, 26, Matthew Johnson, 21, Zachary Fisher, 24, Brandon King, 23, Christopher Goeke, 23, Sheldon Tate, 27, All are Marines that gave their lives for YOU this week. Honor THEM by forwarding this. I just did.
  18. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    My daughter asked me when will there be another total eclipse... I told her when Chuck Norris wants to see one!
  19. Kicked in the nadds......

    ( a backup story) Have you ever been, u no kicked so hard u can taste it? a couple of weeks ago after gaining a "new" 500 Gb USB drive I diced that I no longer needed a smaller partition I had on my normal HDD and was going to give all remaining space back to the HDD C: partition. my first mistake: I already had a 340gb USB drive that contained my backups that was running out so I swapped everything to the "new" 500gb drive I then put all my zips on the 340 from the other partition on the HDD these are not in any type of organization just dropped in there. my Second Mistake I then started to remove the H: partition from the HDD to make the free space available to C: every thing was going great I thought durring the process I guess my HDD crashed cuz it said there was a error during the process and i needed to reboot when I rebooted the machine wouldn't go past D: drive in the boot process wouldnt let me in safe mode ecept the bios yeah it would but wasnt much I could do there I searched for a program that would boot the system from the D: and let me see the C: drive well there wasn't much to see on the c: drive so I figured go ahead and reformat. Well the new 500GB with my backups had a copy of my XP disk on it so I decided to use that as my install smart thinkin huh? NO! third mistake but i will get back to that The windows install didn't take. I tried with my regular windows disk it never took so, I have ordered and received my new HDD installed and now its going again plug in the "new" 500gb with my backups and yes u guessed it everything is gone gone gone well except for the "failed" windows install...... the ones that hurt the worst are my dev files and of course I told the wifie that all of her piccys from the diggy camera would be fine on my backup--------- Wrong I still have the zips N stuff "downloaded stuff" on the 340 drive so all is not lost, but 10-15 years of stuff I had done is on the "ethernet" I'm trying to recover some of the stuff with a recovery software but i don't have much hope.... Well now that I have bored you with my sob story time to start over..........................
  20. whats your favorite Star Trek ship?

    I like Captain Rachel Garrett's Enterprise the best
  21. i have tryed like crazy to get the FORD to work in OTC for carrier OPP's, but its been a NoGo because of this problem.
  22. looks like a spring in central Califonia

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