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Everything posted by colmack

  1. an idea for the "skijump" is there a way to have Multiple "[flightdeck]" on a ship, in cfs2 you could add Multiple flightdeck's to give the effect of the skijump maybe I will try to explain this way ............... second and third and maybe forth [flightdeck] _ - main [flightdeck] in data.ini ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure in the strike fighters if you aircraft would "crash" or "bounce up" I.E. "jump up" into flight? like it happens in cfs2 I don't know how to work the numbers in the INI to try this but thought maybe one of you guys could?
  2. Julhelm call me silly but I don't find a Model in the download is there supposed to be one?
  3. Dave, Hey I use a little file made for cfs2 you remember the "99 plane" limit in the sim that if you have more then 99 objects you couldn't open the mission builder or start free flight with out an error well thes nice gentleman named Martin Write built us a file such as what you ask for, well seem it works in SF series 1 as long as the folder has a "aircraft" folder it should work. you just put it in your objects folder click it and it makes a hanger folder witch then you can swap in and out the birds you want to use. http://www.mnwright.btinternet.co.uk/ http://www.mnwright.btinternet.co.uk/download/acman.zip
  4. Good Riddens

    What about a Public stoning?
  5. never got a chance to tell him in person but thank you so much for what you done for us Olivier please rest in peace.
  6. New Summer Olympic sports added

    I bet it's cuz T.W. needs his gold.
  7. Disney buying Marvel?

    I hate it.
  8. The Hurt Locker

    OMG! what a special movie!! why is it in such a limited release? had to drive 80 miles to see it..
  9. does the Russain AF do somekind of "LAPES" mission I cant seem to find anything on the net.
  10. A little "OJC" action! do some ground support for the MANCHU "Keep up the Fire" and break the F-117's cherry! so it will be ready for ODS!!
  11. Tho I understand the reasons behind leaving the "legacy sim" in the dust. I just wish the modders would consider the concerns of the "legacy sim" crowd in there design of "new" objects. Reasons I say this is because I remember "back in the day" when all of the "modders" left CFS2 for shinny new pastures and fancy tubliner sims. "the Modders" where they had the ability to compile there whares for CFS2 but for the most part they wouldn't do it because it would take a few extra steps during the complication process, that being the decision so be it. I guess the SF1 folks will be considered "in the basement" also sort-ah speak like the CFS2 folks @ the outhouse. Please don't kill me I'm just expressing my ruminations pondering and thoughts..
  12. YAP has one also.......again payware.
  13. Came home for lunch today, and got served a B-ONE! sweet!!! thanks guys!!
  14. From my frame of reference "2 weeks" came from the 1986 movie "the Money Pit" with Tom Hanks & Shelly Long...
  15. AHH na ur ok at least ur still in ur bird....
  16. 100. Don't eat the fish if your on an airplane. 99. To woo a girl you should do a fancy dance to stayin alive by the begees. 98. Looks like it was the wrong week to stop smokin. 97. The white zone is for loading and unloading only. 96. I just wanted to tell you both, good luck were all counting on you..... 95. Municipal bond's AA rated probably the best investment in America
  17. Whoooaaaa!!??? heyy!!?? UMMM!? naaa..... Fighters pilots, make movies and......... Bomber pilots do what? /JK
  18. Bert says what should children do? Duck and Cover! That will save you from them nasty 50 mega ton bombs!!! OTH when i was growin up I had to worry bout the the Bomb and\or California slipping off into the ocean. luckily Duck and Cover covered both of these contingencies
  19. ED! thanks so much she is so sweet!!! I can't waite for the nice skin guys to start bangin out units.
  20. For me the carriers alone are worth the price of admission and all of the little goodies that the Yap crew has tossed in for good measure.
  21. "Covey leader to Raven... Covey leader calling Raven come on Raven. Covey leader to Raven, talk to me Raven.
  22. Starlifter just in from the world it is latter damaged in a mortar attack

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