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Everything posted by colmack

  1. take your time buddy the shipyard hasn't even laid down the keel of the CDG yet
  2. Do to a series of technical problems, massive cost overruns and pentagon red tape we are sad to announce the The M247 Sergeant York DIVAD (Division Air Defense) has been canceled..... damn thing can't even make it in into a sim.....
  3. Hi, guys A little project I'm working on I'm have problems with the animation in game for instance the gear doors the will not close all the way in the game, but when you run it in max everything is hunky "doory" getting the same kind of issue with folding wings everything looks great until you retract then they are a few degrees from the starting point.. I don't have the doors actually Tied to the gear just using the same animation slot
  4. I used both of your suggestions and IT WORKed like charm Thanks GUYS!! I'm not sure witch was the fixer but at this point....
  5. OK thanks! been poundin my head for week over that and few other issues
  6. HMS Queen Elizabeth

    Oh, i was meaning the Super Bug, wasn't carrier 2 the PoW originally going to be CATOBAR?
  7. HMS Queen Elizabeth

    No, I get it,..but the ship seems to be build around the F-35(B) A real pricey... so fare unproven piece of equipment why not go with say an F-18 a proven reliable platform they could probably get the squadron of F-18 add the cats and still have plunty of money left over for maintenance to get the airwings up and going...
  8. HMS Queen Elizabeth

    really i don't know why they couldn't just add an angle deck and put cats that could shoot off the side like the American 3 & 4 cat to make her more functional .... best of both worlds of course there is a reason my work is tossing cases of beer and not designing warships for nations
  9. they wont let me register the product I think I got a virus or something so every time i fired it up it registered the product and there is limit on how many times a product can be registered on a machine i guess, now Autodesk says my serial number is invalid..... I have had it running for over a year now this...... ARRRRRRRGGGGGAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
  10. Gettin my ass busted @ the HofbrauHaus Las Vegas
  11. went out for a little hop got Intercepted by some Migs they never fired on me just buzzed me all the way home I had my ECM going full blast and on the deck so maybe the radar missiles were being jacked up but i figured if the they wanted too they could of GUNNED me?
  12. take few days HOSS will hold the ranch down for ya..
  13. Cross-deck in the pattern heading for down-wind
  14. Banshee getting ready to setup on the cat
  15. when you need gas SacTown has all the comforts of home just a hose, rope or chopper away
  16. I use that canoe to make it look like i have a EA-3 for my carrier :-)
  17. I noticed that too I wished we could tell the engine what AI squadron was placed on the carrier too and what aircraft for instance i have seen A-4's on the ArkRoyal witch I would rather see RN Phantoms and banana birds not USN phantoms and A-4's or you know having Vf-1 player bird with VF-2 being the AI place keeper on Enterprise's deck stuff like that.. Oh well i can live with it ;-)

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