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Everything posted by colmack

  1. thanks Wrench I was hoping someone would do a guppy!
  2. will do bud. hey u know can get the Meko at caps site if u have access? They where done by WBS
  3. Sometimes the Navy lets us, use the target range as long as we clean it up when we are done.... I'll clean it today!
  4. when you add a mesh using the fake pilot method can that mesh have working animation?
  5. well i was going to try to upgrade the Yap HH-53 to PAVELOW and I thought that the PaveLow had an extendable fuel probe to clear the rotors that would be needed to use animation but i will just stick with the fuel probe that comes with it... I was going "hide mesh" the one that comes with it...if i was not able to use an extendable.
  6. extending a refuel probe that the user can control
  7. long rifle "two turning, two burning, two joking, and two smoking, with two engines not accounted for."
  8. flight opps in the Med on USS AMERICA!
  9. I hate Real Life always gets in the way................and way to many Rules and Regulations, Be gawd damn in they haven't figured out a a way to make it more multires and no so much multitask......
  10. Marine Expeditionary Unit........... Deployment
  11. @ the Quick Stop: Yeah I'll take a six pack of PBR and one of them there frozen burrito's Oh! toss in some beef jerky for my buddy over there if you please..
  12. USS Forestal playing in Northern watch Games sending one out to take a peek..

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