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Everything posted by mikeymead

  1. I think it's very nice but do agree with triplethr3at in that I think it cruises a bit fast, mind you I'm comparing it to the Typhoon which to me seems to cruise a bit slow! Also on my install I needed to adjust the light positions as most of them were not attached to the aircraft. Otherwise its a great plane to fly and it sure does pack a punch.
  2. Any pointers as to what ini should be changed and how, I've noticed that all aircraft that I have with a similar pit have the same problem so I can't compare them to see how to fix the problem. Apart from that it's great to have this bird
  3. Thank you both for the help
  4. I'm sorry to seem thick, but where do you place the ufo file and the destroyed files?
  5. f-22 lightning 2

    Deselect the music option on the installation, that should work. The music files are not compatible with XP. It worked for my nephew who has the game
  6. I've pretty much given up as well, I get the problem in both WOE and WOI whether they are stock or modded installations, in all terrains and how ever the data inis are edited. I've tried different card settings etc. all to no avail. I've not tried WOV or FE yet, will have a look when I get round to patching them but I'll bet I'll get the same again!
  7. Sorry Brain32, I still get the problem, thanks for trying. I'm obviously a lost cause!
  8. Hi Brain32 Here is my GermanCE data ini Thanks for looking at it.
  9. Tried it, didn't work for me with an ATI card unfortunately, never mind.
  10. Hi, I to have this problem in both WOI and WOE, I also have an ATI card and as far as I can gather it only effects PCs with these cards. The only way I can get over this is by setting the water level detail to low. Regards Mikeymead.
  11. File Name: QTO for post sept 08 patch WOE File Submitter: mikeymead File Submitted: 20 Oct 2008 File Updated: 21 Oct 2008 File Category: Ini Edits QTO for WOE post Sept 08 patch Once installed this mod should reduce the take off times for whole flights by approx 50%. It is set up to replace the stock airbases for both the German and Soviet bases and has no light modifications as I don't yet know how to change these. Both German and Soviet airbase 3 are set up for bombers so the spacing is bigger. This mod should not upset the randomly parked aircraft. Installation:- Back up or rename the 8 German and Soviet airbases.(just in case!) Then copy and past the files in this mod to the GermanyCE terrain folder and thats it! CREDITS: baffmeister and csb for their eariler similar mods as it was only by lookin at these that I could figure this out. WAIVERS: I don't mind if anyone wants to use these files for freeware projects. I would prefer this file not be uploaded to any other sites as it may be subject to updates. This is the the first file I've uploaded so be gentle with me! Click here to download this file
  12. That's good to know. I'd be interested to know which lights mod did you use and in which order did you install them. Also do the parked aircraft still show up. Many thanks.
  13. More than likely, this is something that I might look into adding when I have worked out how to do it.
  14. QTO for post sept 08 patch WOE



    QTO for WOE post Sept 08 patch Once installed this mod should reduce the take off times for whole flights by approx 50%. It is set up to replace the stock airbases for both the German and Soviet bases and has no light modifications as I don't yet know how to change these. Both German and Soviet airbase 3 are set up for bombers so the spacing is bigger. This mod should not upset the randomly parked aircraft. Installation:- Back up or rename the 8 German and Soviet airbases.(just in case!) Then copy and past the files in this mod to the GermanyCE terrain folder and thats it! CREDITS: baffmeister and csb for their eariler similar mods as it was only by lookin at these that I could figure this out. WAIVERS: I don't mind if anyone wants to use these files for freeware projects. I would prefer this file not be uploaded to any other sites as it may be subject to updates. This is the the first file I've uploaded so be gentle with me!
  15. Well I was actually referring to the Meteor F8 and the Vampire but your tip helped with those
  16. I've noticed this as well, what value direction do you change the DampeningFactor, up or down? As for the SpringFactor, which direction did you change the F15C to sink the nose wheel, it would be good to know as I am finding that some aircraft are sitting nose high, some the front wheel isn't even touching the ground! Many thanks.
  17. Nice skin. Interested in how the targeting pod pylon was added to the model as shown in the screen shot?
  18. Hi all, Adding aircraft, weapons etc. I have very little problem with but when it comes to ground objects, well I just don't know if I'm quite getting it! Some things I've added seem to show up fine, Chaparrals for example, but other objects hardly ever show. Marder Roland, well its in my ground objects folder but I've never seen one, as for the Roland Shelter, I've seen it twice, once on the Red range, the other on the Range and both times it shot at me! When I add an object to the Groundobject folder do I need to add it to the Groundobjectdata.ini and do I need to add it to the terrain_types.ini for a terrain that I may want it to show up in. The thing is that there seems no rhyme or reason to it, I look at the various files for each object and compare them but I can see no obvious difference to explain why some objects show up very regularly and others never at all in single missions. I've got all four versions of the game and seem to have the same problem in all of them, I never got carriers to show up in the Korean air mod for SFG so I reckon it must be me! I've had a search in the forums but I've not found a definitive tutorial on this. Sorry for being a bit thick.
  19. Thanks Wrench, Got them working now and it's a bit clearer to me now how it works. Now if only I could get my head around carriers! Mikeymead
  20. Thanks for reply, I thought I'd just check before I messed it up.
  21. Hi Wrench, Nice terrain. I've got both GermanyCE and Desert Terrains in my WOI terrain folder as instructed but they are both pre Sept08 patch versions. Is that why I don't appear to have any randomly parked aircraft showing or are they not meant too. mikeymead.
  22. I think that I have only ever once seen Hawk Sams in either WOE or WOI! (And yes I have installed them and checked all the files)
  23. I'm pretty sure "GM" is used in WOI as well as WOV and WOE.
  24. I've noticed that many of the third party add on aircraft no longer seem to sit on the runways correctly. They seem to sit higher and seem very light on their feet, also rudder inputs give a lot of roll movement which makes taxing, take-offs and landings a bit tricky! The stock aircraft seem to be OK and some third party aircraft are affected more than others. Anyone else suffered from this?

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