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Everything posted by mikeymead

  1. Hi, Does any one know if there is a fix for the prop problem on the F4U-4 in the other wise very good Korean Air War Mod. Apparently the F4U-4 model was a beta. I have tried substituting the original file for an other F4U which works ok, but I then tried adding the original skins to the substituted F4U they won't show but they are listed on the loadout screen. Now, I don't know squat about skinning for SFP1 as I have only ever skinned for LFS and Rfactor but the one thing I found strange is that the original F4U-4 had 5 bitmaps per skin whereas the substituted F4U only had 1. Now to be honest I don't really mind which way I fix this so if any one has ideas on how to fix either of these problems it would be very much appreciated. Cheers.
  2. Blimey, that was quick! The problem with the stock F4U-4 that came with the mod is that the prop does not show up once rotating. I have screen shots but being thick I can't figure out how to add them to the post. The other F4U I tried was Wrench's VFM-58 F4U Corsair pak. this worked fine but as I said I couldn't add the skins from the stock F4U-4. I take it that if I use a different Corsair it will screw up the campaigns. Many Thanks.
  3. Hi, Some how the fuel tanks are no longer showing up on the stock Hunter after I have installed the 03/06 weapons pack. They appear on the load out screen and you can select them but they don't show up in game. I also have a second installation of WOE which is dedicated to NATO fighters and the tanks show up in that one fine. I have compared the files from both installations and In the NATO fighters mod I can't find any hunter tank skins. I have also noticed that in the weapons folder of my main installation there are only skins for the 100 gal tanks and not the 230 gal ones but then neither show up anyway. Could someone maybe point me in the right direction as how I might remedy this problem as I have exhausted my limited knowledge base. Many thanks.
  4. Thanks guys very much for quick reply. Got it sorted in the jiffey with your help and tanks are looking good. Cheers! Mikeymead.
  5. Quick Question. Does the Sea Harrier FRS2 addon have a HUD, mine only has a red gun sight. Is that correct? Many Thanks.
  6. Hi, I've bought the game recently and I have managed to add a few planes already but the Lightning Fmk6 seems a bit trickier. I've followed the read me up to the point of adding the afterburner tga and the particlesystem ini. The readme states that I should put thr tga into the objects folder but all the other tga files in the game are in the effects folder. Also the readme states that I need to copy and paste the contents of enclosed particlesystem ini. into my exsisting particlesystem ini. but if it's there I cant find it? So it would be nice if I could have a few pointers from someone out there who's a bit brighter than me as it would be great to fly this bird against them pesky Mig 21's! Many Thanks.
  7. Thanks very much for speedy reply, 8 minutes is pretty dam quick! Downloaded utility and now every thing is hunky dory! Cheers.

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