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Everything posted by mikeymead

  1. BOB II Patches & Mods

    I don't know if you've tried this site? http://a2asimulations.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=10 I think you may have to register.
  2. F-15C

    No problem, It was nice to be able to offer help for once instead of asking for it.
  3. F-15C

    I get this problem with some aircraft, try making the dead zone on the control configiration slightly larger.
  4. Hi all, I have a couple of problems with SA-3 SAMs in both WOE and WOI, In both games the single launchers always show up as Quad launchers. also the missiles were not showing up on their launchers in WOI, I fixed this by coping the lod file and weapons data from WOE to WOI so the missiles now show but with no skins (which I can't find in WOE). I have paskos vehicles packs installed and I was wondering if this might have something to do with it. Many thanks.
  5. What Did You See Today?

    Saw a Hawker Hunter doing aerobatics over Bicester airfield on Saturday night, It's just around the corner from where I live. My house often gets buzzed by gliders and they had a Spit in there a month or so ago. My Brother says he saw a Vickers Vimy fly over at the weekend. I think he may have had too much sun, we're not use to it in the UK! Also had an RAF Hawk fly over my workshop today, quite high but it was moving pretty quick and considering how high it was it was surprisingly noisy. I see quite a lot of planes at work, Very near Kidlington airport, lots of Biz jets and Eurocopter have a base there. Quite often see a Hurricane there doing circuits. Before the RAF got their C17's I would sometimes see an An-124 on approach to Brize Norton, They must have used quite a long approach as we are 15 miles from there.
  6. Thank You MK2

    Thank you very much MK2 for providing us with this useful site, I find it essential browsing..
  7. Hi all, Somewhere along the line I think I may have cocked something up. I noticed recently that most of the target vehicle's skins no longer showing up on the Range terrain. I think it may have something to do with adding some extra vehicles and a desert skin pack. Do I need to add a "Texture set " line in the Range_types Config settings for each of the vehicles? Many Thanks.
  8. Bit of an update as I'm obviously Billy no mates! I have just reinstalled the range and it was all ok. I then added the later range updates and that's when it all goes wrong. If I can't get it sorted I'll revert back to the old range, it does for practice.
  9. I would love to help as I feel I should give something back to the community, Unfortunately though I have not had any experience of skinning for SF1 etc. I have done a few skins for cars in LFS for my own use but compared to the efforts of others they seem a bit amateurish. Therefore I feel I lack both the skill and talent to be able to do a worthy enough job. Sorry.
  10. Stupid question, Apart from doing seperate game installs is it possible to associate specific aircraft to specific maps/terrains. Many Thanks.
  11. Hi, I have a slight problem with the radar on the Mig-25PD, The display does not change when I select Boresight and I can't change the search range. The radar on the Mig-25P works fine. Where should I start looking, I have checked the avionics file but I'ts all a bit greek to me! Cheers. Mikeymead.
  12. Thanks again Gocad, Your explanation makes it quite clear, It seems strange to me that the improved Foxbat has only one search range and quite a short one at that, is that correct or does the Avionics ini need tweaking? If the ini needs tweaking I'll have a play with it. It will be a good learning experience. Mikeymead
  13. Thanks for help guys, both clocks are showing now. Cheers.
  14. Thanks for replies guys, I had a slight premature submit post problem (hit submit rather than preview post!) so I hadn't quite finished it and being thick I haven't quite worked out how to edit my posts yet. Any way, you confirmed what I was thinking. I take it that there is no way to copy files over from WOE? Cheers Mikeymead
  15. Hi Wilches, I had this problem, it turns out the the cockpit position is wrong, its still set fo an A4 which is too far forward, in fact it is in front of the prop! Change the cockpit position in the cockpit ini to:- Position=0.0,-0.837,1.258. Also in the Data ini in this section [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=_Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=FALSE>CHANGE TO "TRUE" HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE CLa=0.1014 CD0=0.0030 Cmq=-0.3723 Cmad=-0.4760 Cyb=-0.2014 etc..... This should work, You'll also notice that when you look to your sides you can now see the wings! Mikeymead
  16. EF-2000

    Ok, no problem, I'll wait for WOE Patch. Mind you I,ve just bought WOI!
  17. EF-2000

    Hi Craig, Thank you for releasing your Typhoon, very nice model, especially when you consider that this is your first release! I am currently running it in WOE but I am having a slight problem with some of the cockpit instruments as can be seen in this screen shot. As you can see, most instruments read "000" I have ammo usage and fuel usage set on Normal. I'm not sure where I should look to see what's wrong. Also, and this may not just be a problem with the Typhoon or it may be me being stupid, but once you have selected a weapon how can you go back to the aircraft status screen on the left hand MFD. If I can get the fuel gauges to work I won't worry about the MFDs. Many thanks Mikeymead
  18. Hi, Noticed an odd problem in some WOE single missions I have flown, in that a few times now I have come up against enemy aircraft that are operating way past their service end year. An example of which was an escort mission I flew set in 1999 where I came up against a flight of Mig-15bis. I have set the service end year for this plane at 1964. I have also come up against Mig-9s in 1967 when I have set their service end year at 1954. I have noticed that many planes have an export start year but no export end year in config file, would that make a difference? I have set the single mission years in the Options ini to start=1947 and end=2010. It doesn't make sense to me. Many thanks. Mikeymead.
  19. Hi, I hope someone may be able to help. I have installed the Korean war mod and the up dated map and campaign by Edward to a fully patched SFG and try as I might I can't get the carriers to show up in the campaigns, the missions start with the planes floating on the sea! I noticed that the the carrier model listed in the later compaign data ini is the CVA-34 not Balwark etc. So I have downloaded the CVA-34 and added it. I have also tried editing the new Campaign data ini as per the old one to list the Balwark, Phlipine47 etc. I have had the individual carrier folders in the Objects folders or the Groundobjects folder. I have read the Knowledge base about adding carriers and read many posts about adding carriers on several forums, I have noticed a couple of people have also had this problem. One person fixed it them self but did not say how, the other never had any replies. I have checked the Groundobjects data ini and the Korean targets data ini and all seems ok. Every thing I check seems to tally with what I read on the forum posts but after three nights of trying I have totally run out of ideas so I now need to ask for help. Many thanks.
  20. I don't know if this has relevance? I have compared WOV and my Korea air war (KAW) mod on SFG on the Missionneur mission editor and while the CVA-63 will show up on the air bases and carriers window in WOV, none of the installed carriers will show op on the same window in the KAW mod. The CVA-34 and Philippine 47 are listed in the ships selection but Balwark isn't even listed in this. This suggests to me that the game is not recognising the carriers as runways in my KAW mod, or have I got that wrong? Mikeymead
  21. Well I didn't have much hair to start with and even less now! The arrester hook thingy is fine, I have tried installing the whole mod on to an WOV install and guess what, still the same, no carriers. I have even tried both old and new terrain with the respective campaigns but no difference! I noticed that you have some destroyers showing up, I dont even have those. It must be something that I am doing fundamentally wrong but I can't see what. But as I said thanks for trying and all the effort you have put in. Mikeymead.
  22. Checked the F9F-5 data file, it was already set at CarrierBase=True and base size at small. I'll check about arrestor hook when I get home from work. The thing is, this problem effects all carrier aircraft! so I'm not sure if it is in the aircraft data unless there is something wrong in all of them. Many thanks for your time so far. Mikeymead.
  23. Thanks for replies, None of the carriers are listed in the Types ini, but reading the replies I'm not sure if they should be and if so do I copy the text from the targets ini and edit as necessary. As for the listings in the campaign_DATA ini here are examples:- [AirUnit012] AircraftType=F9F-5 Squadron=VF-112 StartDate=8/10/1950 ForceID=1 Nation=USN DefaultTexture=VF112 StartNumber=1 BaseArea=TaskForce 77.1 CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=47 [CarrierUnit002] CarrierType=CVA-34 CarrierNumber=47 UnitName=CVA-47 USS Phillipine Sea ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=TaskForce 77.1 NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=SMALL Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 And in the Korea_Targets ini:- [TargetArea064] Name=TaskForce 77.1 Position=598791.000000,474438.000000 Radius=5657 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=FRIENDLY CarrierStation=TRUE Target[001].Type=DD Target[001].Offset=320.07,860.34 Target[001].Heading=267 Target[002].Type=DD Target[002].Offset=320.07,-860.34 Target[002].Heading=267 Target[003].Type=DD Target[003].Offset=-308.07,-660.34 Target[003].Heading=267 Target[004].Type=DD Target[004].Offset=-308.07,660.34 Target[004].Heading=267 Target[005].Type=Brooklyn Target[005].Offset=855,414 Target[005].Heading=267 Target[006].Type=Brooklyn Target[006].Offset=741,-306 Target[006].Heading=267 Now, to me this all looks correct but I could be wrong as it's all a bit over my head!

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