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Everything posted by mikeymead

  1. Hi. I'm currently doing a repaint of the F111 pit to make it suitable for the SU24. I've done most of the translations ( most probably wrong!) but I cant work out what the TF light stands for? Many thanks.
  2. It must be said that there is definitely a lack of more modern British ground objects, we could really do with Chieftains, Challengers, Warriors and FV432's. I think there is a Scorpion in the Falklands war mod and maybe a Landrover. Unfortunately I don't have 3DSmax and no 3D modelling skills so I cant help. Mikeymead
  3. Hi, I've noticed on a few terrains that some of the ground object shadows seem detached and floating from there objects and also at the same time your aircraft has no shadow on the runway. I've not got much knowledge about terrain editing but I was wondering if there is any fixes to this problem. What should I be looking at when comparing these terrains to ones were the shadows are correct. Many Thanks. Mikeymead.
  4. Well I tried changing the shadow detail to high from unlimited but unfortunately no joy as you can see below. Red Range. I then tried the same plane on a terrain where I knew the shadows were ok with proper results. GermanyCE (Updated) I also tried the Red Range on medium shadow detail which fixed the detached building shadows by removing them but still no plane shadow. Mikeymead
  5. Thanks Wrench, I'll try changing the the shadows to high. As for the plane shadow I'm pretty sure the shadows are turned on, I've had the same problem with other both stock and addon aircraft but maybe the shadow will reappear when I retry it on high settings!
  6. Well Spinners, when I first read this I thought "Oh no, here we go again!" But when I saw it it actually looks bloody good!
  7. Well, well ... look at all the birthdays today!

    Happy birthday chaps, have a good one!
  8. OT Job starts on Monday

    Good luck with the new job, I've worked in my family business ever since I left school so in effect I've been self employed most of my working life! I can't be that good at it as I'm sure that my only full time employee earns more than me but at least it's kept me in work for the last 27 years unlike my wife who's been lucky if she's had the same job for 27 months so at least I've had some job security. Anyway I hope it all goes well.
  9. Hi all, I'm currently trying to repaint the F-111 pit to represent the SU-24 pit but I've hit a bit of a wall as I can't quite figure out what's needed to change the instruments from imperial to metric units of measurement. I've changed the relevant entries in the Cockpit.ini from imperial to metric but I'm getting mixed results, some work correctly, some not at all and some work incorrectly. Also the little text box at the bottom left hand corner of the screen is still imperial and no I haven't got it set to this in the settings menu. I've looked at other aircraft files that are metric but I'm obviously missing something. Any help would be much appreciated. Mikeymead. ps, Here's screen shot of the WIP pit.
  10. Thanks Wrench, helpful as ever. I had it in the back of my mind that I had seen that "UseMetricUnit=TRUE" entry somewhere before but when I looked yesterday I couldn't see it. Got the instruments working properly now. Cheers.
  11. That's great news, I'm just in the process of making a skin template for the SU-24 with a view of trying to slightly tidy up the skins a little bit with my limited knowledge. Out of interest will the 3 non rotating wheels be fixed? I'm also trying to repaint the F111 pit to suit, anyone know russian?
  12. I got hired today

    Well done and good luck.
  13. Haven't posted anything on this thread recently as I'm not currently working on anything. But having only just got round to updating to Win 7 on my new rig I was some what shocked :yikes:at the boost It has given the game. I can now use a much higher screen res and everything is maxed out and still playable frame rates with new patch.
  14. I find the whole situation with the RAF & RN cuts totally depressing, I see it as a knee jerk reaction which will probably cost more in the long term and may have dire consequences. PS, Nice work Pagan
  15. Well, I turned up at my work today to find this in the wall of the upstairs showroom. Believe it or not we had been break in through a hole knocked through a double thickness concrete block wall. The cheeky blighters broke into the warehouse next door (whose security isn't quite as good as ours) though a small window at the back then climbed up a ladder and knocked a hole in the wall. They then proceeded to make off through nextdoor's fire escape with 13 new petrol rotary mowers and 9 hand held pieces of petrol powered garden machinery. This picture is after we had cleaned up and before I screwed a metal plate over the hole. It looked like a shell had gone through the wall, rubble everywhere, they had trashed the office and made a right mess. Of course the police turned up, took a statement and gave me a crime ref. number for my insurance claim but the chance of catching the little darlings is somewhat less than zero! This is the third break in we've had in 3 years, 4 warehouses out of the 12 in our block have been done over in the last 2 weeks and I wouldn't class it as a rough area. It's hard enough for a small family run business like ours to make ends meet in the current economic climate but this sort of thing makes you think "What's the bloody point"
  16. Had a nice suprise when I opened up work today ....Not!

    Possibly, but two of the other warehouses had cctv and it didn't do them much good. We are considering it but a decent set up' s a bit pricey and there's only so much cash to go round.
  17. Thanks for the reply Dave, I have got a water bmp in the Darwin terrain and I've checked it's properties which seem correct. It seems like it has all the ingredients but it just doesn't want to "cook" with them Mikeymead.
  18. I've also noticed that if you select an anti ship mission and then go to the mission editor the target ships don't show up in the editor. ( they do show up on other terrains that I checked.) Would not having the carrier stations effect this? For some reason the mission editor doesn't seem to recognise the sea areas as water. Mikeymead.
  19. Hi, I seem to have a problem with the up dated Darwin terrain, even though it has a water map and as far as I can see the correct ini entries I still can't get the mission editor to recognise the water and it won't let me place ships. The other terrains seem all ok and I've compared it with them and I can't really see any differences. Here's the Config ini text. [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Darwin (Modern) DataFile=Darwin_DATA.INI TargetFile=Darwin_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=Darwin_types.INI MovementFile=Darwin_movement.INI NationsFile=Darwin_nations.INI BriefingText=Darwin_briefing.INI DogfightFile=Darwin_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE LimitedNations=TRUE GroundObjectTexture=green //CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat Longitude=130.51 Latitude=-12.26 WaterMap=Darwin_Water.bmp [Map] FilenameFormat=PlanningMap%d.bmp Width=1000000.0 Height=1000000.0 NumZoomLevels=3 [WeatherChance] ScatteredChance=45 BrokenChance=20 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 I'm obviously missing something But I just can't see it. Mikeymead.
  20. Joystick help.

    Hi, Well that's the stick that I use, I've been happy with it, had it for over 3 years now and never really had a problem. I think for the money its not a bad stick, reasonably weighty and looks good. The only thing I get occasionally is that it will loose input midway through a game. Unplug it and reconnect and your going again. I keep wanting to get a HOTAS set up but until it breaks I just cant justify it. Hope this helps.
  21. Hi, I don't have that plane in my install at the moment so I can't check the exact details. Have you checked the planes data ini in the weapons station section. If a station is fuel tank enabled there should be a line at the bottom of the stations listing saying FuelTankName="what ever the name is" This will be the tank you need to list in the loadout ini. Also check that you have this tank in your weapons folder if it is not a stock item. Mikeymead.
  22. File Name: Re-scaled Metal Matting tiles for Piecemeal's Desert3 Terrain File Submitter: mikeymead File Submitted: 13 December 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains New tiles which reduce the size of the holes in the metal matting To install simply copy and paste the tiles into the terrain and job done. Thanks to Piecmeal for creating the terrain and allowing me to upload this mod. Freeware use only. Mikeymead. Click here to download this file
  23. Version


    New tiles which reduce the size of the holes in the metal matting To install simply copy and paste the tiles into the terrain and job done. Thanks to Piecmeal for creating the terrain and allowing me to upload this mod. Freeware use only. Mikeymead.
  24. I'm not really sure but I think that I might be missing a texture in the Lightning pit. It seems to be affecting the Lightning F1. F1A, F2 & F2A. The F3, F6 & F53 are ok. It seems to be missing textures on the instrument shroud. Maybe someone could confirm to me if this is the case. If so I post on TK's forum but I didn't want to trouble him if the pits are ok as I guess he's a bit busy at the moment.

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