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Everything posted by mikeymead

  1. Ok will do. Just thought it was a bit insignificant for that.
  2. Nice one Veltro. Any one figured out how to get the co-pilot to show up in the cockpit, I've played about with the open cockpit method but with mixed results. I've got the canopy frames to show up (which I don't want) but no co-pilot showing. I've been using the new F-111's as guidance. I've noticed that the canopy frames don't show in them. I'll keep playing about with it. Hang on a minute, Sorted it!
  3. This my help http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/gim...32-bit-tga.html or http://carol.gimp.org/gimp2/basics/transparency/
  4. To get a clear background you need to create a clear alpha channel mask. What software are you using?
  5. Hey Looks Whose 16 today!

    Happy Birthday, 16! My god that seems like a lifetime ago.
  6. GT Legends

    Yeah I've played it a lot too, I live very much, it's nice to race some of the older stuff, I always like going to the historic race meetings in life, I prefer it to modern stuff. Try these links for mods, extra tracks and cars. http://www.nogripracing.com/ Various mods, tracks and cars http://www.kcendra.com/nfsbolide/nfscars.php?game=gtl Some very nice cars http://gtr4u.de/ German language site http://tantra.rscsites.org/tr.html a few nice tracks http://www.archeoskins.com/ skins etc. http://www.motorfxuk.com/tracks.html tracks That should keep you going!
  7. Hi all, I was just wondering if it was possible to remove the co-pilot model from the internal pit view in the Vulcan so as to allow the open cockpit feature to show a different pilot model. I have managed to get the position of the cockpit right and for my chosen co-pilot to show but the two different pilot models mesh with each other. The only thing is that I think that co-pilot model is part of the Vulcan's pits lod. and there form may not be removable via ini. editing alone. Any ideas for someone with no modelling skills?
  8. Thank you very much for your help and link. Very good information there.
  9. Really very, very nice. Thank you.
  10. Thanks very much for supplying missing data entries. No need for an apology. As I said this is a great pack, looks like a lot of work and research was put into it.
  11. Hi Lindr2, This is a really nice pack. The only thing is that I can't find any entries in the weapondata notepad for either the U22 or U95 ECM pods. I've looked in all my other weapons pack files and I can't find it in any of them either.
  12. brits**ts courts rule again..W**kers

    So sorry to hear what happened to your niece, it must have been such an ordeal for her to have gone through, one which may well leave her scarred for years or even the rest of her life. Then to have been treated so badly in court. To feel that no justice has been done must be a right kick in the teeth. As for the four young gits who did this vicious act. castration with house bricks would seem to be in order. I just don't know any more, society just seems to be broke now and the authorities just don't seem to help matters. All these four tw$ts were interested in was self gratification and to hell with the damage it would have done to the other person. I just hope that she gets all the help and support that she needs but I'm sure she will.
  13. Version


    This is a "What if" skin for Florian's Hawk 209 (Which can be found on Capun's site in the 3rd party mods section) if they had been adopted by the RAF as a back up fighter to support Tornados,Typhoons and Harriers as the Hawks lower operating costs would make them suitable for lower level conflicts. Copy the 63 Sqn folder into the main Hawk 209 folder. Then add this to the Hawk209 Configuration Settings:- [TextureSet00X] Directory=63 Sqn Name=63 Sqn Nation=RAF Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.150000 Reflection=0.000000 Copy HawkGreyDroptank.BMP into your Weapons Folder and add following to weapons data:- [WeaponDataXXX] TypeName=HawkGreyDroptank FullName=Hawk Grey Drop Tank ModelName=Hawk200Droptank Mass=495.000000 Diameter=0.477000 Length=4.218000 AttachmentType= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=608 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=385.000000 Asymmetrical=FALSE You will have to change the relevant station data for the correct tank to show up. And that should be it! It's my first skin so don't expect too much. Mikeymead
  14. I have to say that this is probably one of the friendliest forums that I have ever been on. Cheers all!
  15. Skin is my own, plane came with nice template. It's my first skin and a bit of a WIP. I may release it if there's any interest and when I'm happy with it.
  16. Happy Birthday Veltro2k

    Happy Birthday, Thanks for all your hard work and contributions.
  17. External Hard Drives

    Western Digital "My Book" 250GB for me, never had a problem with it and had it well over a year now.
  18. Do you have the Cat extraction tool? If not you can find it here:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=343 I have had a look in the WOV objects cat and they are both there. Hope this helps. Mikeymead.
  19. TX3RN0BILL, I just need to tweak my settings and then I'll post the new position changes. Might not be till tomorrow though.
  20. Hotrodss, You can use the sound recorder found in start/All programs/Accessories/Entertainment. Click the file tab, then Open find the sounds folder in your game, then find the wav you want too change and play it. Click on Effects and and you'll see Decrease Volume. 2-4 clicks on that and then save. Hey presto! It's a bit laborious and you have to adjust every sound that you to change. Hope this helps.

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