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Everything posted by RON828

  1. I am an Air Force vet. ETO 1953 fpollowed by Bien Hoa Airbase, French Indo China (Viet Nam) when we replaced the Foreign Legion in 1955. I flew B26 (A26) Invaders and F8 Bearcats until I got recruited by the gov't civilian sector May 9, 1956. Flew intel analysis in Laos 1970 til we got our asses tossed out 3 years later. Retired from government 9/16/81. As a reserve officer I led a Phantom II SQ. working from the long closed Floyd Bennett NAS, home of both USAFR and NYANG in late 50s and 60s. I'm heavily into WW1 combat. I D/L original OFF when it first came available but by ancient HP crashed and my external HD caught a bug that wiped everything backed up clean. I am 77. In very good mental and physical and mental health and keep myself and my reflexes sharp with various flight sims. I'd like a copy of the original OFF but can't find one. I'm looking for a copy of the original OFF and also that WW1 expansion pack that was made for FSX. I've played First Eagles til I can kill the Krauts blindfolded and First Eagle 2? I can't get Caporetto to even show up nd though I've ritten the author, Thirdwire and posted my plight on WW1 forums, no-one has replied. I'm hoping someone here can help me out with either the D/L or the DVD for OFF BHH before my brain goes to mush. Thanks. Ron Phantomdriver828@yahoo.com h
  2. I am 16 years into computers, using FE original for past 4 years, D/L & installing everything I can find without problems. BUT - Just bought FE2 so I can use Caporetto. Intalled every which way. Copied all to separate Third Wite, Austria Italy folder copying all your folders, adding FE2 folders & files and all your D/L folders including part 2 and needed aircraft to saved games as instructed but Caporetto will not show up anywhere in game. Even copied you option file, changing your user name to mine. I've done at least a dozen clean installs of FE2 and added Caporetto but install instructions are sort of vague as to whether folders should be added to game itself or just saved games. I've tried evrtyhing I can think of and I've always been pretty good at getting games to work. I have a wife whose a PC game junkie and I've been installing and starting her games since C & C original in late 1995 that I got from a client back then who helped develop the C & C for the original makers, Westwood Games in Las Vegas when I was a lawyer there. Anyway you can walk me through Caroretto, telling me which file and folders go exactly where in my computer? I'm useing a 2009 Gateway, Vista SP2, 3 GHz, 3 GB Ram and over 3.5 TB HD space. Ron, USAF 2 wars. If it had wings I flew it.
  3. Auto pilot stopped working last week. It's still listed in "Controls" as keyboard A but it doesn't work. I tried changing it to a different key but that failed as well.
  4. Auto Pilot stopped working

    I typed Auto Pilot in Knowledge Base - No result there. And my joystick works just fine. There mey be something in my computer itself because it also wouldn't let me Customize my keyboard when the auto pilot died. I was only able to change the key strokes after re-booting into Safe Mode.
  5. I can never seem to complete destroying an airfield, despite the other aircraft leaving craters all around. The red box has no visible target for me to aim at and the FE PDF tells you how to load and drop bombs but not how to aim. I'm getting sick of getting mission "failures."
  6. aiming bombs in campaigns

    Thanks to all who answered. All I have are the 2 default bombs. Is there a way to load more? Same question to tailspin. Question to Longestpants - How high should I move the camera - to top of screen? Midway between top or center?

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