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Everything posted by YEYEYE

  1. OK....I`m not good at modding..... ....but I can tell you the base process............ first......you need find some information about the Cockpit what you preparing to build......maybe some pictures or some video.According to thouse nformation you can build the base contours for the it. After that ,instruments ,HUD,buttons,switchs,ect.. Next,add the UVWmap. Last,to combine *.LOD with the COCKPIT.INI. I thing this quite important,all the instruments ,switchs were definition in it.Further the head up display,RWR,Radar were definition by AVIONICS.INI. That was the base process,hopes it be helpful for you...... (to forgive my ugly english)
  2. you mean the exporter can not work ,or you can`t find the export botton???
  3. you need some software...3Dmax to build the Cockpit, unwrap to export the UVWmap,and photoshop.
  4. Hi everyone!..........Did anyone fly a MiG-27 Flogger-D before?The elevators were oscillate when speed near mach.(see screenshot below) so I want to fix it.But I konw nothing about FM ,I tried to copy the FM data form other aircraft.Still nothing happening.And th same time my project has a those problem too. So here is the first question,and the Second what I want to ask is.Is there any page about the FM or FM tutorial,I had download the AIDE ,but I don't know howw to use....... OK .....my english is so bad,hope can understand what I talking about.........
  5. YEAH AH!!Nice work!!! I like that cockpit,and is that Magic??I saw the cockpit can be Switch in different attack mode.......:yes:
  6. HI! every one ,and i have some DragChute problem.I had make a Chute for a aircraft in MAX,and i also make a Animation for it.The Chute can working very well in MAX,but it not working in game .........it jest pull out ,can not open.. .Did i use a wrong animation controler ??I had tred Default controler and TCB controler......but still nothing happen..................i hope someone can help me to solve this question. thanks a lot.............
  7. OH YEAH!!! I thing i got it.It seen working now. :yes: :yes: :yes: and the.......Bongodriver,Veltro2k.....real thanks.....i cann`t finish this without yours helps.......THX...
  8. Woo!!.....what a beautiful bugs.....maby i should jump in the Cockpit at once:wink:
  9. 大家好啊!

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