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Everything posted by YEYEYE

  1. unfortunately not ,that's not a terrain.tell the truth,I take that screenshot in 3DSMAX.......for get about it,just another Paint work.
  2. you could check this tutorial http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5042
  3. File Name: KH-35E/U File Submitter: YEYEYE File Submitted: 11 May 2009 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Weapons Mods/Skins KH-35E/U Switchblade :yes: two version,one for aircraft another for ship check through readme for more info Click here to download this file
  4. KH-35E/U



    KH-35E/U Switchblade :yes: two version,one for aircraft another for ship check through readme for more info
  5. hi guys i got a modeling problem again,i was working on KH-35 missile.After had export the Basic *.LOD file and link it in ini file...And I test it in game everything work Perfect.But when I link the other two LOD file problem comes out......all of them cant show up in game Did i miss something? [LOD001] Filename=KH-35E.LOD Distance=1500 [LOD002] Filename=KH-35E-001.LOD Distance=600 [LOD003] Filename=KH-35E-002.lod Distance=1200 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=1500 MaxVisibleDistance=800 i upload those file in here KH_35.rar
  6. many thanks FastCargo&Spillone......:yes: and i had found component which different name....
  7. Uh......maybe Whole VertTail call 'VertTail'......I found it in *.out file.I am not sure because the max flie were lost .
  8. at least 5000 poly lesser,some material change into Self-illumination,dragchute remode,manual open canopy. :yes:
  9. Latest beta..... http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/3/16/2366279/JH-7A.rar
  10. nice! waiting this addon for a long while.
  11. su35 with smokedispenser?

    From the album YEYEYE's Album

    still WIP........
  12. 计划中

    I try my best... :yes:
  13. How about create the flame when modeling.....and connect it with nozzle..... ...I trying to one ,but it looks very ugly
  14. another WIP

    From the album YEYEYE's Album

  15. F-104G

    From the album YEYEYE's Album

  16. WIP

    From the album YEYEYE's Album

  17. I saw some thing

    From the album YEYEYE's Album

  18. MIG31

    From the album YEYEYE's Album

  19. you can not escape with this

    From the album YEYEYE's Album

  20. SAM...

    From the album YEYEYE's Album

  21. Hi guys,i tried to export a shadow for a object,and it works perfectly in the mass of sight;but problem was coming when the camera head to the Sun or heading the sun area,FPS drop seriously,it used drop down to 4FPS.I tried to decrease the polys lesser than 800,but problem still exist....>_<.Did i miss something or make it wrong or some problem in my PC???? //----------------------------------------------
  22. Sukhoi Su-35

    Yea...new Flanker...WIP........but it's a beta for insky workgroup,it still have some problem to solve,that may take some time...... so...... look forward......

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