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Everything posted by Bleddyn

  1. Triplane schemes.

    While we are discussing Triplane skins... any chance one of you talented people would be interested in good, comprehensive, No. 10 RNAS "The Black Flight" skinset? There is a good start on a set that came with the plane, and it is much appreciated, but if it is possible I would like to have the proper named aircraft for each pilot. Black Maria - Raymond Collishaw Black Roger - Ellis Reid Black Death - J.E. Sharman Black Sheep - Gerald Nash Black Prince - Melville Alexander Pic of Black Maria replica HERE. Pretty easy for the most part, what is green on the default Tripe should be black... black fuselage, black cowling, wheels etc... and the plane names on the side (left side only, as shown in pic"). Getting exact serial #s would be next to impossible and not necessary. It cannot be seen in that picture but I have seen one pic of Collishaw in his plane and the Sopwith logo/info was still on the rudder. Thanks for reading, just thought I would ask. I am not sure if anyone will have time or inclination, but can't hurt to find out . They are the only British squadron, to my knowledge, that was permitted to fully paint their planes in a personal scheme.. nice little group to add.
  2. FMs for Nov 2008 version

    I have not actually had the issue with muzzle flashes, just the hammers not working properly. I didn't see anything at the A-Team forum about it so I posted a question but it has not been replied to. Some other posts in that forum make it seem as though capun has lost interest in WWI projects and will not be returning to them in the near future. I have just been living without the Pfalz because of it, far too distracting and I try to keep to models that look finished, buggy animations are unfinished.
  3. Over Flanders Fileds Phase 3

    I appreciate the review very much. I am quite happy playing FE but I do play alot offline so the fuller campaign mode in OFF has me very intrigued. The more we could hear about that the better. I have played most flight sims and many many other kinds of games. I have never recaptured that feeling of involvement I got from my old original Red Baron that came on 5 1/4" floppys
  4. FMs for Nov 2008 version

    I actually had the problem on the Pfalz Dr.I before I ever tried using anything from the Fokker FM in it. The problem is with the animations of the model itself. I just have no idea how to fix it.
  5. Changing "Pilot's Eyes" Location?

    Alternatively to editing the files as described in that thread, if your only issue is forward and backward, not up and down (up and down requires file editing) then it can be set in game. For example, press F1. Then when in that view use the numberpad +/- to zoom in and out to where you want it. Press F2, do the same, again for F3. Now when you go back to them they will be at the zoom you left them at. I found that much easier then editing files. Now on planes like the Sopwith Snipe I did have to edit so I was a bit lower in the seat, I could not see through it's "pipe" sight.
  6. Hello all, recently discovered FE and enjoying it alot. My first 3 PC games were Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain, Red Baron and Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (with a whole lot of IL-2 etc since)... so I have been sim-flying for quite awhile. I haven't really WW1 simmed since RB and RB3D and the butt-pucker factor when getting into an early 1918 furball with 30+ planes for the first time in First Eagles was amazing! This is THE sim I have been looking for since Red Baron got too old (WW1 has always been my main interest in aviation) I do have a question regarding add ons. I have for the most part been able to get everything working fine, editing files to get bombs working, even edited the cockpit ini for the Snipe to see down the scope better, so I am not a complete idiot lol. My problem is, with some planes I can't get enough speed to take off. With the Gotha, even with no load I can just get it off the ground and barely keep it up in the air. With no load AI looks like they are driving the Kaiser Wilhelm Rally! They never get up. With the Farman MF7 with full throttle I don't move an inch. Can anyone by chance point me to what I am doing wrong? Other then these couple of big planes the rest I am having no problem with, and man is it fun.
  7. That sounds awesome Sinbad. Looking forward to it. Since alot of raids on London were carried out by Zeppelin, any chance you will be getting Hinchinbrooke's model going on this too?
  8. FMs for Nov 2008 version

    Thanks for the help Bucky. I was going to borrow some of the Fokker FM for the Pfalz Dr.I as well. One question though, do the animations on the Pfalz machine guns work properly for you? They don't move in the right direction on my end... was wondering if others may have fixed that.
  9. I just bought the Saitek AV8R as a replacement for a Saitek Evo which I loved, would have bought another if I could have found it. I like the base of the AV8R better, but the stick of the Evo was much nicer. Some people will tell you an x52 but there is no need and the feel is all wrong for WW1 sims IMO.
  10. FMs for Nov 2008 version

    Question for Southside Bucky... Earlier in the thread you gave a list of planes that you said seem to be working well with the last FM pack. There are 2 of these I have a question regarding. Hanriot HD1 - I have not seen this model anywhere.. I may be blind lol. The only places I know of for FE add-ons are here, Skunkworks and Bortdafarm's site, am I missing some? Sopwith Triplane - Again I may be blind but I didn't see an FM for it in any of the FM packs I have found. I do have the model. Thanks in advance! :)
  11. Testing the waters again...

    Well I am new to the community and have been searching everywhere and it seems there is no "superpatch", I have been looking for the exact same thing. I haven't played long enough to say anything about changes in the last year.
  12. Thanks for the replies :) Hopefully someone with the skill will take it up and get these birds flying right. I have been doing the start near target or air start, but I do prefer being able to do the whole circuit on my missions, takeoff to landing. Anyways, thanks again for the imput and happy flying!

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