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      Upcoming changes to our Downloads   12/27/2024

      In preparation for the upcoming changes to our download section, access to free downloads will be removed tonight 27 December 2024 at midnight server time. All paid subscription accounts will not be affected and full access to your downloads will be available.


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Everything posted by AngryHatter

  1. InstantAction: Ace of Aces

    Hey thanks! This is a lot of fun. Flying against friends is a hoot. There seem to be a load of other games as well. Thanks again.
  2. Longbow 2 Hints And Tips

    http://www.speichts.com/games/lb2/faq.html This guy has it figured out. ;) XP or Vista
  3. Thank You MK2

  4. Every time I go up in WOI I jam the guns. Doesn't matter if I fire one long continous burst or short three round bursts. What can I edit/change to aleviate this?
  5. WOI Gun Jams

    I own all of TKs games and this is the ONLY one in which the guns jam SO often. At least in FE you can access the guns to clear jams.
  6. Longbow 2 in the UK?

    I found a copy on eBay. Now if I can only get it to run under Vista.

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