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Everything posted by Dman

  1. I had SFP1 for a while..I love flying the old fighters! I bought a new computer with Vista, so the old SFP1 doesn't run. I just downloaded WOV 2. I'm trying to install the A-6 Intruder, but there isn't a "Aircraf" folder inside the "Object" folder. just a bunch of .dll files. So my question is- Where do I install new aircraft for WOV2????!!! Thanks
  2. OK, got the link. I assume I download parts 1 thru 4, and install in this order. there is a Feb 2010 patch which goes on top of parts 1 thru 4.. Now, this sounds stupid (even for me) but where is the download button on the download page.. I'm sure it's in my face, but I can't see it.. Thanks guys PS- thanks for the heads up on the patch for SFP1

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