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Everything posted by SkyStrike


    Hi there... You're not gonna believe this but the chopper didn't explode but rather kept on going this way...... I should know.. because I happen to the chopper in the screenshot I posted was my wingman, shortly after I took off...
  2. Hi, there's another problem as well... the Mk.46 guided torpedo does not appear when loaded on the hardoints of any aircraft, but it's fully functional... the weapon launches & destroys targets perfectly but it's "INVISIBLE"!!!!!!.. imean, that it doesn't appear to be loaded on the aircraft's hardpont as i mentioned erarlier please could someone tell me how to can fix this? Thanks.. Cheers!
  3. Hi again, I've followed your suggestions and downloaded the Hellfire & Brimstone weapons pack that you created.. and i had adjusted the loadout.ini as stated in this thread... the AGM-114A & AGM-114F are loaded in their proper places on the aircraft's hardpoints but the AGM-114L appears to be loaded a bit disproportionately... In the following screenshots the A & F Hellfires are positioned A-OK but the 'L' Hellfire is positioned a bit disproportionate even after using the M-299L rack. All helicopters in the screenshots were loaded with 16 missiles (4 missiles per hardpoint) But anyway, thanks a lot for solving my problems regarding the AGM-114A & F Hellfires.. Sorry to trouble you but could you please help me with the 'L' Hellfire ? Thanks a lot once again.. Cheers!
  4. Hi, Sorry for the delayed reply... here are the screenshots of the AH-1W carrying Hellfire missiles which are placed at odd angles... I armed the chopper with 16 hellfires (4 missles/ hardpoint) at the loadout screen and this is the result... (None of the missiles have been fired yet and only 8 out of 16 missiles appear loaded at odd angles.)
  5. Hi, I was wondering whether new aircaft, weapons, terrains, etc will be available for Jet Thunder as add-ons, Thanks... Cheers!
  6. You did say you managed to solve the problem about the shape of the Mk.46 torpedo didn't you?, If so how did you do it? Does it skim om the water surface towards its target?
  7. Would you kindly tell us how you solved the problem, if you don't mind? Thanks
  8. I managed to get the shape on the Mk.46 torpedo using the weapon editor, but solving it started two new problems: 1) It's no longer available on the SH-60 SeaHawk anti-submarine helicopter..but can be carried by an F-14 or an F-15E 2) Even after enabling the water skim effects on the Mk.46 using the weapon editor it just free-falls like a guided bomb and destroys its target, without skimming the water surface...
  9. Hi, I seem to be having a lot of problems regarding air-to-air missiles in Wings Over Europe: Even after downloading the latest weapons pack even the latest 'Fire & Forget' missiles seem to miss their targets quite often altough the target is locked and a shoot cue appears on the HUD... Besides some AAM's seem to detonate immediately after launch and blow up my plane to smithereens The most shocking part is that even the 'all aspect' heat seeking missiles like the AIM-9M Sidewinder, & later models and even the Rafael Python 3 & 4 seem to be very easily decieved by flares launched by their targets, which don't seem to make any evasive maneuvers... they just fly level and launch a couple of flares & Presto! they evade the missile... Is there any way i can solve these problems? Thanks...
  10. That would be rather un-sporting...However, i upgraded their guidance systems using the weapons editor & now they're reasonably accurate...,
  11. Thanks for your reply, My weapon effectiveness is set to full ('Easy' in the game) and the AI is set to 'Hard'.. but as i said earlier all they do is fly straight & level. I agree with you that early models of the Sidewinder were notoriously inaccurate, but the latest heat seekers like the new Sidewinders & Pythons have a high degree of resistance to countermeasures as you may already know.....
  12. Yeah.. but in many cases the missiles miss targets which do nothing more than fly straight & level and only launch countermeasures and besides,the latest Pythons & Sidewinders ane supposed to be the best 'all aspect' heat seeking missiles ever built... Is there any way to fix this? Thanks
  13. Umm.. I hope you didn't misunderstand me but I think that you are well aware of the fact the Mk.46 is also capable of being launched from helicopters... Is there any way to make the MK.46's model appear on an aircraft's hardpoint because it look's really odd... can't the model / shape be designed to first freefall into the water and then skim towards its target? Thanks...
  14. I managed to add AGM-114A Hellfire missiles to the SuperCobra helicopter each hardpoint carries 4 missiles, but they're placed in all odd angles...& furthermore the AGM-114L & Brimstone still do not appear in the loadout.. even after adding the laser designator... Please help.. Thanks...
  15. Hi Everyone; I've always been wondering: How come the most recently released combat flight sims for the P.C. are still stuck in the World War II era? As for the few jet sims they don't seem to proceed further than Vietnam.... Someone ought to design a combat jet sim with all the best fiighter jets of the last two decades... Cheers!
  16. Thanks a lot for your reply... But I've got a bit of a doubt: Aren't the same Mk.46 torpedoes launched from anti-submarine helicopters like the SH-3 SeaKing & SH-60 SeaHawk? here's a link for more info: www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/weaps/mk-46.htm - 6k Is there any way to make the torpedo shape visible?? Thanks..
  17. Hi, Is it possible to take off from a carrier in the custom single missions of Wings over Europe? I've sdownloaded tan aircraft carrier,(the U.S.S Harry Truman) from this site, and even when i select a carrier based aircraft like an F-14, F/A-18, the mission starts on a runway...
  18. No.. it's just WoE patched to the latest version (v.08.30.006)
  19. Hi, Thanks for your reply... I followed your suggestions and all these weapons are available, but there's one more problem: the quantity of weapons is restricted to 1 missile per hardpoint even when the quantity of weapons in the 'loadout.ini' file is set to 4... Please could you tell me how i can fix that? Thanks & sorry for any trouble, Cheers!
  20. Hi Everyone, First & foremost I must apologise for some of the statements I had posted in the some of the earlier threads instead of just posting them as private messages... As we all know that in WoE ,in the single mission screen every aircraft has a different mission start year period.. In aircraft like the F-15C, the period does not seem to proceed further than 1985 even though the F-15C_Data.ini files state that its service end year is 2010.. Also the loadout.ini. file has all the new weapons included in its arsenal but it doesn't seem to show up in the loadout screen...... I'm having similar problems with other add-on aircraft... as a result these aircraft, (the F-14A, F-15C, F-19,) can't carry 'fire & forget' weapons like the AIM-120 AMRAAM even though it's a part of their loadout.... Could someone please tell me how to fix this? Thanks...
  21. Yes.. I've got the weapons pack & the latest WoE Patch.. but I can't make the F-15C, & F-16C after the year 1985... but in the ini. files for these aircraft the service end year is 2010... is there any way to fix this?? Thanks

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