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Everything posted by SkyStrike

  1. The apology is mine... perhaps i wasn't clear...Sorry.. Even after dowloading the weapons pack, I can't make aircraft like the F-14A & F-15C available after the year 1985 in the single missions of WoE, as a result i can't use 'Fire & forget' weapons like the AIM-120 AMRAAM on the above aircraft...... Is there any way to make any aircraft available at any point of time & accept any type of weapons?... Thanks..
  2. I don't want to start any arguments here, But, i don't think i posted anything illegitimate........
  3. EXCUSE ME???????!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEG YOUR PARDON???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? IN WHAT WAY WAS I RUDE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd like to know.... If you don't mind..
  4. EXCUSE ME???!!!!!!!!!! I BEG YOUR PARDON??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN WHAT WAY WAS I RUDE????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. And besides i don't think that closing the thread I started was very fair.... If any thread needs to be closed, it's this one...
  6. Hi again, Another one of my controversial questions: In case fictional aircraft like the F/A-37 Talon from the movie "Stealth", the VF-1 Valkyre and SV-51 from "Macross Zero" were actually built in reality, would they really fly and perform that well as they did in the movies & series, even with the latest fly-by-wire & fly-by-light control interfaces... the reason I'm asking this question is because all, if not most of these designs seem to defy aerodynamic designs of currrent military aircraft (even the latest).. Thanks.. Cheers!
  7. Mr. Nortness, In case you thought the thread i started about whether fictional aircraft would fly and perform as wll as they did in the movies if they were bult in reality was ridiculous, Frankly speaking: This thread you started whether a Mack truck could really change into a giant robot is EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. IF THAT'S THE CASE WHY WAS THIS THREAD RATED AS A HOT TOPIC ???????? By the way what about the thread that you started about whether a Mack truck could transform into a giant robot???? Frankly Speaking: That sounds much more ridiculous!!!!!!
  9. I had a look..Thanks.. Looking forward to seeing this released... By the way... will these variants be in service with the USAF? or will the F-16's place be taken over by the JSF.. I certainly hope the F-16 still stays in frontline service in the U.S. Air Force.....
  10. Excellent work there... Is a single seater also available?
  11. AWesome! Looking forward to seeing it released
  12. As you may be very well aware: All modern military aircraft are designed with many years of careful and intensive research, and there's no way that these designs can be compared to these fictional craft, which may take not more than a month to design... In fact i think that these fictional aircraft are nothing more than a mockery of military aircraft...
  13. If that was even REMOTELY possible it would have definitely been designed by now. (well...at least attempted).. And besides, the streamlined design of a modern jetfighter or a modern sportscar looks FAR MORE ADVANCED than that of the Millenium Falcon, and they look far better suited for high speeds...
  14. Not so... theboth the Yak-38 'Forger' and the Yak-141 'Freestyle' were designed to meet the Russian Navy's requirement for a V/STOL supersonic fighter for service on helicopter carriers like the 'Kiev' class ... the Yak-38 protoype was completed in April 1970, and its first flight was on January 15th 1971.. Whereas, the Yak-141 project was initiated in 1975 and its first flight was on March 9 1987.. I think the Freestyle was also designed to replace the 'Forger' due to the mediocre performance of the latter...
  15. Yes but if it was even REMOTELY possible it would have definitely been designed by now.. And besides, the streamlined design of a modern jetfighter or a sportscar looks FAR MORE ADVANCED than that of the Millenium Falcon, and they look far better suited for high speeds (but not warp speeds of course)
  16. If the Millenium Falcon you're talking about is the same as the one in Star Wars it's highly unlikely as you said... I'll be surprised if that thing even gets off the ground..... by the way if you don't mind my asking: what's your friend doing???
  17. And beside,s many of these fictional aircraft look like some of these sketches of artists of the '60s and 70's depicting futuristic military aircraft with complicated designs... But as we all know that the NONE of the present and latest aircraft bear even the sightest resemblence to those depicted... and in the movie "Stealth" VTOL aircraft are depicted flying at hypersonic speeds and in reality the latest VTOL jet (the F-35 joint strike fighter) is one of three VTOL jets that can fly supersonic (Mach 1.6) and the other two being the Yak-38 'Forger' and Yak-141 'Freestyle' of Russia.. But to crown it all is a fictional ''supersonic'' helicopter called the ''Airwolf'' from the 1984 seies with the same name,which is capable of speeds up to Mach 2....( and that too the 'Airwolf' is depicted by a modified Bell 222) Frankly, I don't think that any helicopter has ever reached supersonic speeds.. .the main rotors provide lift pretty well, but is insufficent to propel the craft at really high speeds (leave alone supersonic) and cause high aerodynamic resistance...
  18. Yes indeed... Most definitely... A VERY VALID point you have there... the SV-51 apparently has a pair of afterburning turbofans, and with all that transformation between fighter mode and robot mode would drain the fuel tanks bone-dry in a matter of minutes, as you said..... here's a link for specs on the SV-51 (Ridiculous!!!) http://unsd.macrossroleplay.org/sukhoisv51.html
  19. There's something else i have to add to my question: In Macross Zero all Variable Fighters are capable of speeds in excess of Mach 4... including the VF-19 Excalibur which has a forward swept wing (FSW) design... I thought aircraft with FSW's can't go as fast as their cousins with regular swept-back wings, and of the few aircraft with FSW designs , the most noteworthy of them was the Northrop-Grumman X-29, and that too it could barely exceed Mach 1... I read in A Jane's guide that the FSW concept was to mainly design high speed strike aircraft with excellent speed and handling at low altitudes, and which could hold their own against enemy air opposition.... even the F/A-37 Talon, though it's a Switchblade wing design, its default wing sweep angle is an FSW Can FSW aircraft actually reach hypersonic speeds?? HIGHLY UNLIKELY!!!!!
  20. Hi again.. Here's another question I have: How come arcade style flight "sims" have better special effects and terrain detail than true flight sims? I understand since arcade style games must have exaggerated special effects in order to increase thrills & appeal, However, This is the point I'm trying to make: For games like Secret Weapons Over Normandy, Blazing Angels and a few others there's a motion blur effect. In real life shouldn't it be the same because most, if not all aerial confilcts since WWII (and afterwards) , took place at speeds in excess of 200 mph.... How come none of the true sims have that?? And both the above mentioned games have well detailed terrain, towns & cities... most of the true sims don't have well detailed towns & cities.... For example games like CFS3, Although the aircraft detail is pretty decent, the same can't be said for the terrain.. Even when you fly over areas like Dover, you dont see famous landmarks like the famous White Cliffs... Whereas in Secret Weapons over Normandy, during the "Battle Of Britain" mission which takes place over the White Cliffs of Dover, they're well detailed... As for detailed sky effects, towns & cities; Blazing Angels is pretty good: London with the Tower Bridge, Paris with the Eiffel Tower, and both cities appear to be quite extensive....(even though the game's joystick control interface is absolutely hopeless, but that's a different story..) Even the sky effects with clouds refracting sunlight appear differently at Dawn, noon & dusk... Not even the IL-2 series have these effects even though they're also designed by Ubisoft. (However, I personally feel the IL-2 series are also more worth playing than Blazing Angels other than the special effects) Is there a mod to bring out a motion blur effect in th IL-2 series, CFS3 and the Thirdwire jet combat sim series (SF:P1, WoV, & WoE) ? Thanks. Cheers!
  21. Hi Everyone, I've got a small doubt: As you already know that there are two Wings Over Europe editions; one entitled Wings over Europe: Cold War Gone Hot & the other being Wings over Europe: Cold War Soviet Invasion. Are both these titles the same , or do they have different features?... Thanks...
  22. Thanks for the info... If that's the case all the add-ons (aircraft , weapons & terrain, patches, etc ) should work properly for both editions right? Thanks..

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