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Everything posted by Silverbolt

  1. Thanks! Please, don't ever put the number "2" and the word "week" in same sentence
  2. Mid 90's i'm not sure but i think i've saw it in some game O.o
  3. Damn, this one would be great for an Korean night invasion!
  4. Islas Malvinas/Falklands Mode II

    Bravo! digo una mission en SFP1 cazando al Lynx y encontrando con la Type 42 como esto ,pero con un Macchino
  5. Joystick

    Bueno! es un Trhustmaster cougar? yo me recuerdo de un sitio en la internet que hace joysticks con los joysticks de aviones reales!(pero no me recuerdo)
  6. Joystick

    bien no creo que esto ira ayudar pero es una tentativa: el archivo .ini puede estar corrompido(?) (en "\ThirdWire\Juego\Controls")
  7. Joystick

    asi?? una pregunta.... Genius F-23 es Gameport ou USB? yo tengo un Microsoft Force Feedback II pero no tengo problemas. alguien tiene el Force feedback de de logitech? talbez mi FF2 precise ser substituido y deseo conprar un con mismo recurso :)
  8. Islas Malvinas/Falklands Mode II

    disculpe perguntar pero oque se sucedio con guillermo owen crippa? alguien hecho una mission para su caza al Sea Linx?
  9. skin

    Buenas Skins! Torno y 3-A-305
  10. wow! how many paratroopers one can hang? btw....does the Game engine support Carpet Bombing? i've never saw it :(
  11. Wow! man those are awesome! any ETA?
  12. Nice Havoc! Here it is an Forgoten Bird xD If you want more resources: http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.09.gif http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.08.gif http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.07.gif http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.06.gif http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.05.gif http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.04.gif http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.03.gif http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.01.gif http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.02.gif http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.03.gif http://www.spmodelismo.com.br/howto/am/profiles/A20.01.gif
  13. If you see me comin', start runnin !
  14. i'd like to see they Pimping some Russian Plane anyway they don't have 1/20 of chinese competention to copy a plane
  15. Concur! Guys, going offthread...but somebody got another view of Azarakash: that's weird....i don't bet it isn't photshoped....High Wing Tiger....WTF they do?
  16. i think is kinda hard use a stinger when you're in movment.... Suggestion: Kassan?
  17. have u saw that "Blue angels " copycat paintjob?
  18. Nothind bad for a Jarhead lol seriously...anybody will/have an inrest to mod those? Lindr2? Krisis?
  19. I mean Operaional-includes doctrine and production of these weapons.... anyway isn't a bad idea but i think we need an Japan Theater for use it.....
  20. the B-29 had an specific Nuclear strike doctrine? or it had been passed for another plane? i'm courious....i've never heard about it...
  21. those were really operational Weapons? or bothe were ocasionally? *IMHO, Tsar didn't was a disaster.... anyway... better stop Do the B-29 had an Specific operational nuke?
  22. well, i think it's not necessary

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